Mysterious Fabas Travelling Carnival

Mysterious Fabas Travelling Carnival is known far and wide for its spectacular and mysterious shows. He travels in a small wagon that doesn't look like much from the outside, other than some small decorations, and it certainly doesn't look like something that could house a whole carnival. The wagon itself is imbued with magic and is made from red-tinted wood with some pretty golden details around the edges.   He sets up in the darkness of night, to surprise the towns-folk in the morning light. Filled to the brim with magic, the wagon expands and becomes the carnival itself; tents and stalls, creatures and people, fun and merriness, all gathered around the now big colourful tent. The largest tent is placed at the centre of the whole ordeal and is the tent that is practically an extension of the wagon, which can be seen connected on the side of the tent.  
Mysterious Fabas Travelling Carnival doesn't have a schedule, and therefore no one knows when he will arrive in their town and where he is off to next, and some might argue that is part of the fun. Some theorize that Faba does this because of his lack of sense of time and place, but the real reason is not known.
"Did you hear he's in town?" .. "Who is?" ..   "Well Faba of course! Look at the smiles on peoples faces, and you'll know it can be no other than him. Now let's hurry over there!"


  Keeping mostly to himself, not much is known about Faba and his personal life. He is, as his name suggests, rather mysterious and peculiar. He started his carnival at a young age, around 21 years old. He himself is a talented sorcerer and has perfected his many different magical skills to a point not really seen.   He doesn't have his own performance in the show and is mostly seen lurking around the carnival grounds making sure everyone is happy and joyful - though he has a tendency to make an exception if the children ask for a magical trick.   Not much is know about him, but almost everyone agrees that he is a wonderful guy, and he brings a lot of people joy - especially the children around the towns of Aewyn.

Magical creatures

  A carnival is nothing without the entertainment creatures and people bring, and Mysterious Fabas Travelling Carnival has that and much more. It is like nothing you've ever seen with the most spectacular beast and magical creatures gathered at one place.   Magic acts are performed throughout the evenings in the tent, and creatures are brought out to show, but no creatures are forced to perform. Faba wants the people to see the true nature of these sometimes misunderstood and feared creatures.   Magical creatures are often hunted because of the fear people might have for them, and this has made bonds between people and these creatures quite tense. In Fabas Carnival, he strives to show all the wonderful sides of these magnificent creatures.


  When travelling, the carnival looks like a single wagon with one horse attached and pulling it forwards. Faba has yet to reveal how he has managed to fit a rather big carnival into such a small wagon.   When everything is out and in the open, the carnival consists of countless stalls, four big tents and one large tent in the middle. The creatures is kept in a tent for themselves with an opening going out to a fenced-in area for them to enjoy.   The many stalls have different purposes: some with foods and drinks, some with games and fun, and others with entertainment.    


  Handed out the morning of opening day for the carnival.  
by CatRobi
Most popular stand at the carnival: Omas Iceberg

Omas Iceberg

    Anyone that has been to the carnival knows of this stand and it's not only amongst young ones that Omas stand is popular - it is, in fact, the most visited stand amongst all ages.   Oma is an older lady originating from the far south, where she learned to perfect her ice and water magic. She became extremely good and even figured out some of her own spells along the way.
  She joined the carnival at a young age as she had always wanted to travel around with a much of strange people. In the first couple of years of her joining, she helped around with planning and setting up tents, but she was later asked if she wanted to join the performances.   She kindly said no, but that if they ever needed an ice-cream stand she'd gladly help. They took her up on that offer! She enjoys the little stand and seeing all the amazed and happy faces on the people who visit.


  Omas stall is painted in bright blue colours with dashes of pink and orange.   Her speciality is the anything-ice and is almost the only thing people order from her nowadays.   This ice came about from a spell she played around with once many years ago - a spell that makes ice taste like whatever you're thinking of, and it doesn't have to be something you've tasted before. It's quite an experience.
by CatRobi


And yes, before you ask, people have tasted some disgusting things using their imagination while eating anything-ice because they thought the idea was funny. If you ever do this, it is on you, and you won't get your money back.   If you don't want your ice-cream to taste like cat-piss then don't think about cat-piss! You weirdo.

Cover image: by CatRobi