Purple Haze

Dense jungle, humid conditions and shrubbery everywhere is the perfect mix for the seemingly harmless wildflower plant Oscerius Penova (Peno for short), which is a rather rare plant only found in Seiwania.   The small flower seems at first glance like a small shrubbery mostly found on the jungle floor, and most wouldn't mind it any further, but the plant is much more than a few small flowers; from its roots, a large net of tentacle-like branches covers most of the neighbouring plant in the surroundings, where they curl their way around other plants and trees. It's not obvious that the two are connected at first glance and the branches get covered by the other plants.   On these long tentacle branches, small thorns poke out, covering the entirety of the branch almost looking like small hairs. The thorns are almost dripping at the ends with a viscous dark purple poisonous liquid and anything that gets too close to the plant will get stabbed by the thorns and get poison into the system.  
Elegant and small, soft blue and innocent, the flower looks for its next prey... You might think this plant is like any other, but this one feast on raw flesh and fear from the creatures that cross its path.
  The Peno plant doesn't "hunt" for humans, but rather for all the smaller creatures that roam the jungle close to the ground and through the shrubbery. It can go many months without a meal, but when a creature then finally gets cut on its poisonous thorns, it will have food for many months to come. The poison affects the smaller critters a lot faster, and they don't need that large of a dose, so the "hunting" method is extremely effective.  


  The chance of a full recovery is highly dependant on what stage the sickness was first discovered at. The patient might never recover if it is noticed too late.   In most of the recorded cases, the patients weren't aware they had been "stung" by the deadly plant.   This is the most dangerous thing about this strange plant, as it is nearly impossible to even feel that you have been hit by the hair-sized thorns and their poison - the poison itself isn't too hard to treat if you are aware that you have it, but it begins to get dangerous if it goes untreated for many days.   Below is a list of how the symptoms progress during the illness.


Location of the poisonous plant Peno

  It is only found in the most dense and humid part of the Seiwanian jungles, in The Luscious Valleys.  


  Extremely rare.  

Affected species

  Anyone with the poison in their system.    

The Peno Flower

by CatRobi
by CatRobi


  There are 7 stages associated with the sickness, and the symptoms get progressively worse:  
  • Stage 1: Headaches, dizziness, and a tendency to more watery eyes than normal.
  • Stage 2: Fevers gets more frequent, and it feels like an upcoming cold.
  • Stage 3: With all the above symptoms of a common cold, hands and feet now begin to look redder, and blood builds up in the smaller vessels. The sight of the patient might be getting worse, as most describe a kind of fog or haze is beginning to cover up their vision.
  • Stage 4: The haze gets worse, and looks more and more like a purple haze is surrounding the patient at all times, seen from their eyes.
  • Stage 5: Vision is almost all gone, now only with a purple haze and small outlines in the fog, but other than that, most other symptoms have gone apart from swelling in arms and legs.
  • Stage 6: No vision left, only purple, and movement in arms and legs are getting progressively worsened.
  • Stage 7: The limbs are dying as the blood doesn't circulate in them anymore, and soon enough the blood flow will completely stop, killing the patient.

    Chance of survival

  • Stage 1: Recover within a month
  • Stage 2: Recover within a few months
  • Stage 3: Might recover within a few months to half a year
  • Stage 4: Slight chance of recovery within a year
  • Stage 5: Small chance of recovery
  • Stage 6: Recovery is almost impossible
  • Stage 7: Eminent death.

    Point of no return

    The critical point is when the haze or fogginess around the patient's eyes turns purple, that is usually when the prognosis isn't as positive as one might've hoped and the future looks dark.   This sickness only kills unknowing humans, and animals, walking through the jungle - but almost everyone from Seiwania knows about this plant and how to keep a sharp eye on it when passing through the dense jungle.   It is mostly feared amongst parents of children that like to wander, and by tourists visiting the beautiful jungle.

    Cover image: by CatRobi