
Dragonborn are an ancient race that has existed long before the other races of Afarand. Thousands of years ago the people of Afarand defeated the dominant Dragonborn society and the Dragonborn have never truly recovered. Much of Dragonborn culture has been lost to time. The only thing that has stood the test of time is the aversion Anura have for them. At the height of their civilization, Anura were second class citizens at best and slaves at worst under Dragonborn rule. While many Dragonborn belong to small families doing what they can to get by and adapt in the new world, it is rumored that there are certain sects of the ancient Dragonborn societies plotting their return to power around the world. Dragonborn are sought after for their competency as mercenaries, and their ties to ancient magic.
  There is no discernible Dragonborn governmental structures in Afarand. However quiet echos of the Dragonborn's ancient past civilization can be heard throughout the realm in ruins and secret sects.
  A Dragonborn players place of origin is usually Krol'Zurahd, or Grand Soren