
The Nobilium have an extended history involving the forging of their own race. Half Elves were second class citizens, excommunicated from both their human and elvish ancestry. This remained true for thousands of years until the Half Elf people united their race under a new name, calling themselves the "Nobilium" and crowning their first Queen "Gwên Yllvaris". Gwên was an especially gifted favored soul, bringing hope and peace to her new people. The Nobilium people forged their new home to the North East Island of Afarand now known as the Isle of Gwên, and established the Yllvaris Sovereignty. Gwên was eventually worshiped as the Nobilium's patron saint due to her miracles, and became known as "Saint Gwên". Gwên is sacred to the Nobilium people, and the Nobilium have followed her example of honor, chivalry, and compassion for thousands of years past. Saint Gwên has long since passed on, and the Yllvaris lineage has led the Nobilium ever since.
  The Nobilium are ruled by the Yllvaris Sovereignty, descendants of Gwên Yllvaris, and are the only individuals considered worthy of holding the crown. Yllvarian Knights are considered to be the some of the most professional warriors, paladins, and statesmen in Afarand. In more recent era's multiple descendants Yllvaris will retain the throne in cooperation.
  A Nobilium players place of origin is usually The Isle of Gwen, or Grand Soren