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Arcanum Dona Viperia

"Serpent's Fangs, Scholar's Mind"

Arcanum Dona Viperia Crest
The Arcanum Dona Viperia is the oldest, most distinguished academy of witchcraft in the entire Witchrealm of Morvathia. Established in the city of Serpenthall, the academy has long been regarded as the foremost institution for mastering the dark arts. Its reputation is built upon a demanding academic program and a broad curriculum—including magic forbidden in across much of the world.   Attending the Arcanum is a mark of distinction, with wealthy families often donating to secure a place for their children at the academy, rather than one of the numerous regional schools.   The Arcanum Dona Viperia's history is deeply tied to the legacy of the Morvathian Coven. After Morvathia's liberation from the Galdoric Empire using the "heretical magic" of witchcraft, this power became central to the realm’s identity. However, fears arose that the new Witchqueen and the seven founding houses might monopolize witchcraft as the Galdoric elites had done with wizardry. In response, a political movement known as the "Gathering under the Oak" led to the creation of the Morvathian Coven, advocating that magic be shared and accessible to all, not just a select few.   Though initially resisted, the Coven gained popular support, becoming an official institution shaping magical education. Founded in 1475 A.S. by House Nagastra, the Arcanum Dona Viperia was one of the Coven's first efforts to institutionalize witchcraft and prevent its hoarding by the ruling class.

The Curriculum

Like any reputable institution of magical learning, the Arcanum Dona Viperia grounds its students in the essential principles of General Arcane Theory (G.A.T.). This foundational subject breaks down the nature of magic into structured theories and models, ensuring that every witch has a firm grasp of the mechanics that underpin all magical practice.   However, what truly sets the Arcanum apart from other magical academies is its offering of specialized studies in fields that are deemed highly controversial or even banned outside of Morvathia.   The school also boasts an impressive and diverse curriculum with a total of twelve fields of study:  


This discipline fuses alchemy with sympathetic magic, allowing students to transform matter and link physical objects to metaphysical forces.


Artificery teaches the creation of magical devices and constructs, blending arcane knowledge with technical craftsmanship.


Astroarcanism explores celestial forces to enhance magic, focusing on divination and fate.

Ceremonial Sorcery

This discipline focuses on performing intricate rituals to invoke powerful, long-term magical effects or large-scale enchantments.

Demonology & Sanguimancy

Students study the magical properties of blood and demons, learning to summon and bind infernal entities while wielding blood as a potent ritual tool.

Healing & Herbology

Students learn to heal through magical and herbal methods, blending natural remedies with arcane healing arts.


Hexcraft teaches the art of crafting and dispelling curses, hexes, and jinxes to weaken or plague their targets.


Necrospiritism explores the manipulation of life and death, allowing students to communicate with spirits and control the forces of mortality.


Obscurism revolves around the manipulation of shadows and light for concealment, protection, and offense.


Oniromancy teaches students how to enter and manipulate dreams, using them as a means of influence and control.


Unique to the Arcanum, Venomancy focuses on the magical properties of serpents and poisons, including bonding with serpentine familiars.

Zoomancy & Chimerology

Zoomancy deals with animal magic, while Chimerology focuses on hybrid creatures and familiars.

Coils of a Snake

The Arcanum’s primary purpose, like all witchcraft schools in Morvathia, is to prepare students for roles in magical institutions. Graduates often go on to serve in the Morvathian Coven, work as Widowbird Investigators for the Court of the Chalice, or pursue careers as teachers, scholars, and researchers within the wider network of magical academies.   To cultivate these future witches, the Arcanum divides its students into a tiered structure known as the Five Coils, representing their level of mastery and progression through the school.

First Coil

The First Coil is composed of beginners and young witches, those new to the arcane arts. Students in this Coil focus on learning basic magic, safety protocols, and the essential principles of G.A.T.   Under strict supervision, they are rarely permitted to practice magic without oversight, and their curriculum emphasizes discipline, control, and a foundational understanding of the laws and ethics governing witchcraft.

Second Coil

Once students advance to the Second Coil, they begin to specialize in one or two areas of witchcraft, exploring their chosen fields with more depth.   Here, students are granted greater autonomy to experiment with their magic, participating in different group projects and collaborative workshops. They gain practical experience in their specialised fields while honing their theoretical understanding.

Third Coil

Students in the Third Coil are considered advanced in their studies, nearing the end of their formal education. They are expected to take on apprenticeships with professors and begin conducting independent research.   The focus shifts toward mastery, with students developing the skills and knowledge required for their future careers. At this stage, they also begin to explore potential paths within Morvathian society, preparing to serve the Coven, the Court of the Chalice, or other magical institutions.

Fourth Coil

Graduate-level students reside within the Fourth Coil, where they refine their magical talents while serving as instructors and mentors to younger students.   These witches supervise lower Coils and assist professors in lectures and group projects. Their own studies grow more specialized, and they prepare for their final trials, a series of examinations that determine their readiness to graduate.

Fifth Coil

The Fifth Coil is reserved for only the most promising and talented witches, those who have demonstrated exceptional skill and potential. These students work closely with the highest-ranking members of the school, often professors or influential figures from the Morvathian Coven, and are groomed for leadership roles either within the academy or the broader magical society.   They take on complex magical projects, manage coven cells of younger students, and contribute to the school’s ongoing research and development of arcane knowledge.

The Coven Cells

Within each Coil, students are further organized into coven cells, small groups consisting of 4-6 individuals who live, study, and practice magic together. Each cell operates like a mini-coven, with students forming close bonds throughout their education. Every coven cell is guided by an elder witch, a senior student or professor who acts as their mentor, overseeing their progress and offering personalized guidance.   These coven cells are central to life at the Arcanum. The small group dynamic fosters collaboration, shared responsibility, and mutual support. As students progress from one Coil to the next, they are assigned to new coven cells, ensuring they learn to work with a variety of peers. This structure encourages a sense of community within the academy, where each coven cell becomes a kind of surrogate family.

Each student receives a Coilring, forged from Nhagroth's demon blood, upon initiation. The serpent-shaped ring coils around their finger, growing with each ascent through the Coils.

The Campus Ground

The Central Campus
At the heart of the school lies the Central Campus, a wide, open courtyard where students from all Coils gather. Dominating the space is the Crown Serpent, a magnificent fountain shaped like a coiled snake, affectionately called "Crowny" by students. Lush trees and stone benches line the courtyard, offering a space for socializing, study, and contemplation. Surrounding the courtyard are key administrative offices, general lecture halls, and the school’s main library, accessible to all students and faculty.
The Nest
To the north, the Nest serves as the starting point for First Coil students—often referred to as "eggs" by their more advanced peers. It’s a secluded garden space filled with greenhouses, herb plots, and small courtyards. The classrooms are modest stone buildings with wide windows overlooking the lush gardens, which serve as living laboratories for learning about plants, potions, and the natural components of magic.
The Halls
To the west are the Halls, where Second Coil students begin to specialize in their chosen disciplines. This area features interwoven corridors of lecture halls and laboratories, centered around the Spiral Atrium, a spacious gathering space marked by intricate and enchanted floor mosaics. The spiral staircases that wind through the Halls connect to dormitories, lecture halls, and specialized labs where students conduct magical experiments in their respected fields.

The Ascent
South of the Central Campus, the Ascent is a collective of towers with dominant terraced platforms overlooking the still waters of the Quiet Eye lake. Third Coil students study here, balancing personal research and advanced course work. The terraces and towers house individual study chambers and larger outdoor laboratories. Each tower is dedicated to a different magical discipline. The view of the Quiet Eye adds a sense of calm, ideal for students as they prepare for more independent work.

Elderstone Cloister
To the east stands the Elderstone Cloister, the oldest and most storied part of the Arcanum, dating back to the Galdoric Empire. Originally a temple dedicated to the Divine Parents, the Elderstone is now the domain of the Fourth Coil students. The Cloister is a maze of ivy-covered stone structures, with tall, narrow windows casting light into its peaceful, overgrown courtyards. Beneath the Elderstone lies a network of catacombs, which students are strictly forbidden from entering without the explicit permission of the administration.

The Viper’s Gift
Hovering above the main campus is the Viper’s Gift, a floating, ring-shaped structure held aloft by powerful arcane forces. Reserved for Fifth Coil students, this structure constantly shifts and rotates, with interconnected segments forming lecture halls, dormitories, and training areas. The Living Bridge connects it to the main campus, solidifying only under the feet of faculty members and Fifth Coil students. At the heart of the Viper’s Gift is the Oculus, a grand chamber where final trials are conducted. It is also home to the guardian demonic serpent, a creature from the Netherhells, bound to the school through ancient rites.

Noteworthy Members

Lady Isadora Nagastra, Headmistress of the Arcanum

The current headmistress of the Arcanum is Lady Isadora Nagastra, one of the most influential figures in Morvathia. As head of House Nagastra of the Thirteen and High Witch of the Morvathian Coven, Lady Isadora holds immense political power, second only to the Witchqueen herself.   Renowned for her expertise in demonology, Lady Isadora is a sought-after authority on demonic matters. She is also a skilled serpent witch, often accompanied by her black mamba, Kyda. Her calm, authoritative presence defines her leadership of the Arcanum.  
Nhagroth, Guardian of the Arcanum

Nhagroth, a demonic serpent of immense power, serves as the eternal guardian of the Arcanum. She is a daughter of Nehushtan, the legendary Writhing Serpent of the Netherhells. How Nhagroth came to be bound to the school is shrouded in myth.   The most accepted tale suggests that Castyr Nagastra, founder of the Arcanum, won a wager with Nhagroth, binding her to the school beyond his death. More romantic (and sinister) tales suggest that Nhagroth fell in love with Castyr, consuming him at the end of his natural life and merging with him.   Regardless of the truth, Nhagroth’s presence is both a warning and protection, her demonic essence keeping threats at bay while reminding students and faculty alike of the dangerous magic they practice.

Salama by Skalldor
Salama, the Dragonwitch of Red Thunder Ridge

Salama, also known as the Dragonwitch, is an unusual addition to the Arcanum’s faculty. Not officially a professor, the dragoness has transformed herself into a witch through the infusion of demon blood, an act considered sacrilegious to most of dragonkind.   Residing in the nearby Red Thunder Ridge, Salama is as notorious for her fiery temperament as she is for her vast hoarded knowledge. Despite her clashes with Morvathian authorities in the last centuries, Lady Isadora struck a deal with the proud dragoness, bringing her to the Arcanum as a guest instructor.   Though her brash personality and unpredictable nature raised concerns, Salama’s deep understanding of witchcraft has proven invaluable. Her strict, no-nonsense approach has earned her both admiration and fear from her students, making her one of the academy’s most memorable figures.


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Sep 25, 2024 07:21 by Tillerz

Great article. :)

Sep 25, 2024 07:27

Thank you ^w^

At the end of everything, hold onto anything.
Sep 29, 2024 14:23

Greatly written with lots of details. I like how the snake was somehow integrated into everything, e.g. the rings (great idea), the school subject Venomancy or even the very small notes that can only be found in the text, which makes it very authentic. I love the article and your art.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Sep 29, 2024 14:54

Thank you very much! I'm glad you like the theme! I was worried it was a little "too much", but sticking to a theme also helps develop ideas, I feel. I'm also happy to hear that you like the art. That... still takes quiet a bit of time, so happy to hear it was worth it <3

At the end of everything, hold onto anything.
Oct 2, 2024 01:08 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oooo, a spinny thing!   Really great article. I love how the serpent theme coils (heh) through the whole article and infuses the school with so much personality. The rings are such a nice idea, and I really liked the overview of the different magic types. Venomancy sounds so cool! The Coils are a great touch.   And, as always, fabulous art to complement the whole thing. :D

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Oct 2, 2024 08:20

Thank you! Always happy to hear that the art is appreciated <3

At the end of everything, hold onto anything.