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The Cursed Kingdom of Demenore

"As I gaze upon these pages, the accumulated lore of my homeland, a cruel irony does not escape me. Here I stand, tasked with transcribing the saga of Demenore: its illustrious past and its cursed present. What were we, and what have we become? Yet, the echoes of my own humanity are but faint whispers in my mind. How can one, whose very essence has been altered by the dark weave of the curse, truly recount the full breadth of our history? Was my former self benevolent, just? Such questions linger, immaterial now. Insubstantial. I am compelled to etch these truths into permanence, to grasp tightly to our collective memory, lest we lose ourselves—not merely to the curse, but to oblivion."
— From: "The Varulian Codex of Demenore" by Grand Koldun Arkadiy Volsherik
In the zenith of its power, Demenore was a bastion of human achievement and the only force that could truly rival the Galdorian Empire. The Demenorian Knights of the Velesian Order were famed throughout the realms of Northern Vespero as paragons of chivalry, seen as the embodiment of loyalty, nobility, honour and bravery.   However, Demenore's own state religion, the Church of the Eternal Flesh, obsessed with restoring the faded immortality once bestowed upon humanity, began to delve into experiments on their own followers. This pursuit birthed a terrible curse, transforming their own faithful into the monstrous, beastial creatures, known as the varul. As the curse proliferated, the knights and the church aligned to eradicate this growing threat. Yet, despite their valor and might, they were overwhelmed. The curse's relentless spread turned the tide irreversibly against them, leading to a calamitous war that reduced the kingdom to rubble and desolation. For years that followed, Demenore was a forsaken land, ruled by chaos as warlords vied for dominance amidst the ruins.   In recent years, however, a varul named Vruoch has managed to unite the fractured warlords under a single banner and declare himself the new Kral of Demenore, fuelling a burgeoning sense of unity and purpose. His vision for a resurrected Demenore is one of revival and redemption, seeking to reclaim the lost culture, history, and dignity of his cursed people.   Despite these efforts, skepticism runs deep among the neighboring realms. The idea that the varul, once the harbingers of Demenore's fall, could restore the kingdom to its erstwhile splendor is met with disbelief and disdain. Yet, under Vruoch's rule, there stirs a cautious hope among the varul—a hope that they might once again find a place in the world, not as monsters, but as the rightful heirs to Demenore's legacy.

The Dual Edges of Immortality

  Understanding the curse is key to empathizing with the varul's plight. Initially, the experiments conducted by the Church of the Eternal Flesh were heralded as a breakthrough, a miraculous return to the divine grace before the Age of Silence. The treated became ageless, no longer bound by the relentless march of time. Yet, the triumph was short-lived, as the side effects of the treatment soon manifested in horrific ways. The first to be transformed by what would come to be known as the 'Curse of the Beast' were consumed by a primal fury, turning them into savage, unrecognizable beasts driven by primal instincts.   As the decades passed, a semblance of normalcy began to return to those cursed. The varul, as they came to be known, regained pieces of their lost human consciousness, threading back together the fragments of their selves.
Beginning of the Curse...
  The physical manifestations of the curse are as diverse as they are dramatic. The bodies of the afflicted may sprout fur, scales, or feathers, transforming their appearance to something far removed from their human origins. Claws, fangs, horns, and even beaks may adorn their new forms, creating a bizarre mosaic of traits that defy the natural order. These changes are not uniform but are instead a chaotic blend that varies from one individual to another, making each varul uniquely monstrous.   The life of a varul is marked not only by the initial transformation but by a continual, unsettling metamorphosis. The Curse of the Beast imposes a relentless growth upon those it afflicts, gradually introducing new and sometimes terrifying changes to their forms. Horns may thicken and elongate; claws can become sharper and more pronounced; and their overall stature often increases, marking the passage of time with each physical alteration. The older a varul becomes, the more extensively the curse redefines their very essence, sculpting them into figures far removed from their original selves.
... and it's bitter End
  This unceasing transformation harbors a darker aspect as a varul ages—particularly as they surpass one or two centuries in lifespan. It is then that the curse begins to erode the mind, a phenomenon dreadfully referred to as "turning." This gradual loss of mental control is feared by all varul, as it signifies the descent into a feral state, stripping away the vestiges of their regained humanity and leaving only a beast behind. The process is both tragic and terrifying, as the afflicted varul slowly loses the ability to recognize friends or recall their past, their actions becoming increasingly driven by instinct alone.   As the curse progresses, those who have turned continue to grow in size and might even sprout additional limbs, becoming monstrous versions of their former selves. These immense, mindless creatures often wander the lands of Demenore, with some of the most ancient ones found amidst the ruins of Tenebris—the former capital and the very heart of the Church of the Eternal Flesh’s ill-fated experiments. These behemoths serve as a grim reminder of the curse’s origins and the catastrophic effects of tampering with divine forces.

  The term "varul" itself is derived from an ancient Galdoric word meaning "wolf". This name reflects not only the physical attributes of the varul but also the deep-seated fears and prejudices that other societies harbor against them. Despite their fearsome appearances and the savage origins of their transformation, the varul have fought to reclaim their agency and identity. This journey towards reconciliation with their dual nature is central to the varul's struggle for acceptance, both within themselves and by the neighboring realms that still view them through a lens of fear and suspicion.   In the new era under Kral Vruoch, the unified Kingdom of Demenore grapples with the challenges of fostering a stable, secure society and managing the terrifying implications of the varul's affliction. Recognizing the inevitable tragedy of turning, many varul choose to seek a peaceful end when they first detect the telltale signs of their impending loss of control. These moments are approached with solemnity and profound respect within the community, allowing the afflicted to maintain their dignity in death, rather than succumb to a fate as a dangerous, immortal monstrosity.

Governance and Structure of the New Kingdom of Demenore

  In the wake of unification and the cessation of civil strife, Demenore has reestablished its historic administrative divisions into six regions, known as "duchies." This restructuring marks a significant step away from the chaotic era dominated by warlords, signaling a return to traditional governance under the new titles of Voivode and Voivodesa. Each duchy, now overseen by former warlords who have been integrated into the new political framework, operates with a degree of autonomy but remains firmly under the watchful eye of the Kral, the kingdom's sovereign.  
The Kral
  The title of Kral in Demenore, synonymous with absolute monarchy, has endured through the kingdom's tumultuous history and into its rebirth. Unlike the monarchs of old who claimed their right to rule by lineage, the current Kral, Vruoch, ascended to power through his decisive actions and leadership during the realm's darkest times. His authority is undisputed, with his word serving as law across the land.   The Kral wields extensive powers over state affairs, military operations, and foreign diplomacy and commands the formidable Velesian Order, the largest military force in Demenore.
The Voivode and Voivodesa
  Each Voivode or Voivodesa acts as the ruler of one of the six duchies. Their responsibilities include maintaining law and order, managing the duchy's resources, and mobilizing troops when necessary. While they pledge loyalty to the Kral, they enjoy substantial control over their territories, provided they fulfill their obligations to pay tribute and supply warriors to the national army.   The annual 'Convocation' is a critical event where these regional leaders meet with the Kral to discuss the realm's affairs, air grievances, and strategize for the future. Additionally, they possess the right to request an immediate meeting with the Kral—a Convocation that is convened should two or more Voivodes or Voivodesas deem it necessary.
The Demenorian Chancery
  At the heart of Demenore's bureaucracy is the Demenorian Chancery. This body is responsible for the kingdom's administrative tasks, such as record-keeping, taxation, and enforcing the decrees of the Kral. The Chancery's staff, many of whom are educated at the prestigious Royal Academy of St. Arcturius, are crucial in ensuring the smooth operation of government functions.   The Chancellor, a pivotal figure within the administration, is elected by the Grand Assembly of Duchies every four years. This election brings potential shifts in the Chancery's leadership and policies, as each new Chancellor has the prerogative to appoint ministers to various positions within the bureaucracy.
The Grand Assembly of Duchies
  In the revitalized kingdom of Demenore, the Grand Assembly of Duchies serves as a pivotal legislative body that incorporates a broader democratic element into the governance structure. This assembly includes representatives from each duchy, appointed by the Voivodes or Voivodesas, expanding the decision-making process beyond the singular voices of the duchy rulers.   Here, representatives engage in vigorous debates and propose legislation that addresses the diverse needs and concerns of Demenore’s populace. While the Grand Assembly can initiate laws and reforms, the final approval rests with the Kral, maintaining a balance between democratic input and centralized authority. This body not only ensures that the myriad voices of Demenore's regions are heard but also plays a critical role in shaping the political landscape outside of the annual Convocation.
The Velesian Order
  Under the new regime, the legendary Velesian Order has been resurrected, reinforcing the tradition of knighthood with a renewed focus on loyalty, chivalry, and honor. These knights, who swear fealty directly to the Kral, are tasked with serving as the personal protectors of the crown and embodying the highest ideals of knightly virtue. Despite their transformation into varuls, the order’s codes of ethics remain unchanged, aiming to transcend their monstrous appearances with acts of valor and integrity. The armor and weapons of a Velesian Knight are crafted to mirror the aesthetics of the old knights, adapted to accommodate their larger, altered physiques.   While each duchy maintains its own knightly order, the Velesian Order serves as the central organization that oversees all knightly activities, including training and education. This ensures that while Voivodes and Voivodesas command their knights, every knight’s primary loyalty is to the Kral, with allegiance to their local leaders coming second.
The Black Banners
  Amidst the backdrop of Demenore’s ongoing transformation and struggle against the inherent monstrosity of its people, the Black Banners are a grim but necessary force. This elite unit specializes in addressing the direst implications of the Curse of the Beast—hunting down turned varul and investigating early signs of turning within communities. The presence of the Black Banners is a double-edged sword; while they are revered for their role in maintaining safety, their arrival often signals imminent tragedy for a varul nearing the end of their lucidity.   Most varul, aware of their fate, voluntarily turn themselves over to the Black Banners, preferring a dignified end over the risk of harming those they love. Serving in the Black Banners is a perilous and often thankless task, fraught with danger and sorrow. Membership can be a choice for some knights driven by a sense of duty or redemption, while for others, it may be a consequence of disciplinary action or internal power struggles.

Renaissance of Demenorian Culture

  The aftermath of Demenore's fall was a dark epoch where the once-rich culture was neglected, if not outright forgotten. As warlords vied for power amidst the ruins, the preservation of historical and cultural legacies was far from their concerns. This period of strife saw the disintegration of the kingdom's shared myths, traditions, and historical narratives, leaving a cultural void in its wake.   With the reclamation of Demenore under the leadership of a new Kral, a concerted effort was initiated to resurrect the kingdom’s cultural heritage, recognizing this as essential for the nation's true restoration. A key component of this revival has been the task of salvaging and restoring lost cultural artifacts and writings in the realms ruins. Moreover, the diaspora of Demenorians, those who fled the kingdom during its darkest days, have proven invaluable in this cultural renaissance. These expatriates carried with them not only the tangible artifacts of their homeland but also the intangible—stories, traditions, and practices that have been preserved across generations in exile. Their return, or even their distant support, has injected authentic threads into the reweaving of Demenore’s cultural fabric.   Central to these efforts is the Royal Academy of St. Arcturius. Led by the Grand Koldun Arkadiy Volsherik, the academy is not just a place of academic pursuit but a crucible where the future of Demenorian scholarship is forged. Under his guidance, the academy has attracted scholars, historians, and mages dedicated to both rediscovery and innovation, shaping a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be Demenorian in this reborn kingdom.
Shifting Paradigms of Faith
  The spiritual landscape of Demenore, once dominated by the overarching doctrines of the Church of the Eternal Flesh, has undergone a profound transformation following the kingdom's fall and subsequent rebirth. Historically, Demenorians were devout followers of the Divine Parents, a faith inherited from the Galdoric Empire that previously ruled the land. This faith celebrated the Age of Paradise, a time when humanity purportedly lived without death, in perpetual communion with the divine. The Church of the Eternal Flesh, obsessed with recapturing this lost immortality, inadvertently ushered in the kingdom's darkest era through their experiments, leading to the catastrophic Curse of the Beast.   In the era of Kral Vruoch, while many ancient traditions have been revived and embraced anew, the religious fervor that once characterized Demenore has not been restored—at least not in its original form. The disastrous legacy of the Church of the Eternal Flesh has left a deep skepticism towards any centralized religious authority. Instead of a state religion, the influence of neighboring realms, particularly the Witchrealm of Morvathia, has introduced new deities and religious ideas to Demenore. This influx has led to the establishment of numerous small churches throughout the kingdom, each advocating distinct facets of faith, adapted to the needs and realities of the varul populace.
The Second Skin and the Higher Brood
  Among the most significant of the new spiritual movements is the Cult of the Second Skin. Promoting the view that the Curse of the Beast is not a malevolent affliction but a transformative gift, this ideology has profoundly influenced many varul, aiding them in reconciling their altered selves with their lost human heritage. This philosophy encourages the varul to view their transformations as opportunities for renewal and empowerment, shifting the paradigm from one of loss to one of gain.   However, within the Cult of the Second Skin, a more radical faction has emerged, called the "Higher Brood of Chort", pushing the ideology to controversial extremes. This splinter group has evolved the cult's teachings into a form of worship, regarding the Curse of the Beast as a divine blessing that elevates the varul above all other creatures. This radical doctrine posits that the process known as "turning"—wherein a varul loses their mental faculties and undergoes further monstrous transformations—is not a descent into bestiality but an ascension to a higher state of existence, a step closer to divine enlightenment.   The radical cult's views not only complicate the Black Banners' operations but also pose a significant ideological threat to the kingdom's stability. The glorification of turning undermines the tragic reality faced by those varul who lose themselves to the curse, and it presents a dangerous allure that could lead more varul to resist intervention, embracing their transformation in ways that threaten communal safety.

Preserving Identity Through Tradition
  Festivals are more than mere commemorations in Demenore; they are vital acts of cultural preservation and identity formation for the varul, a sense of normality in the face of tragedy. By reembracing old traditions, the people of Demenore are not only honoring their history but are also redefining what it means to be varul. Each rediscovered festival, with its rituals and legends, fosters a sense of unity and continuity that is crucial for the kingdom's resurgence. The Midsummer's Reckoning and the Endwin Fest are considered the most important of the revitalised traditions.   The Midsummer's Reckoning, or Naiada Nocturne, is celebrated on the 14th of Luamana, coinciding with the summer solstice. This festival originally served as a day of atonement and reflection. It we for the people of Demenore to seek forgiveness from the Divine Parents for the sins of their ancestors, marked by meditative silence and purification rituals. Participants would bathe in herb-infused waters under the cover of night, believed to cleanse them of their transgressions.   In the era of the varul, this festival has taken on a poignant new significance. It has become a symbolic act of cleansing, not just of sins but of the curse itself. The varul engage in the traditional bathing ritual, now imbued with the hope of washing away the traces of their affliction. Legend has it that at the stroke of midnight, those who gaze into the reflective surfaces of these sacred waters might see their human forms, offering them a fleeting connection to what once was.   The Endwin Fest, celebrated from the 19th to the 27th of Æfrwhit, marks another pivotal tradition in Demenore, shared with neighboring realms like Morvathia and Valleterna, each region adding its own unique flair to the festivities. This week-long festival heralds the end of winter and the rebirth of spring, historically characterized by jousting matches and grand feasts that celebrated the resurgence of life.   Central to the Endwin Fest is the Chant of the Thaw, a communal gathering where the varul come together around a roaring bonfire. A chosen bard recites tales of the past winter's challenges and legendary heroes, with the community joining in the chorus. In Demenore, where many myths and sagas were lost to time and turmoil, the remaining stories hold a sacred place in the hearts of the people. These tales not only recall the heroic deeds of knights and nobles of old but also serve as a source of inspiration and identity for the varul, connecting them to a past filled with bravery and honor.
Traditional Attire
  The fashion of old Demenore was characterized by simplicity and practicality, with a modest palette and designs that eschewed flamboyance for humility. Today’s varul fashion retains this spirit, albeit without the religious connotations previously attached to modesty. Varul clothing typically involves long, layered robes and tunics crafted from durable, flexible materials that accommodate their unique physical forms. These garments often feature intricate embroideries, depicting geometric patterns, floral motifs, and elements from Demenorian folklore—wolves, bears, and mythical creatures.   Heavy cloaks or shawls, essential for the varul given their habitat's harsh conditions, are adorned with traditional patterns and fringes, providing both warmth and a sense of identity. Female varul often opt for long, flowing skirts, while males usually prefer wide, gusseted trousers. Regardless of gender, tunics remain a staple for all. The color palette remains rustic and earthy, with shades of dark red, soft blues, yellows, and natural greens dominating.   During the colder months, clothing becomes more robust—thickly padded coats lined with fur and woollen coats tailored from tough, dyed fabric, often cinched at the waist with belts, are common.   Jewelry in Demenore also holds substantial cultural and social significance, embodying personal beliefs, communal values, and social status. The use of jewelry is particularly prominent among the higher echelons of society—clerics, scholars, knights, and nobles—who wear these pieces both as a mark of their position and as a symbol of their responsibilities and achievements.
The Palette of a Beast
  Demenorian food is characterized by its hearty, robust flavors, often described as an "acquired taste" by outsiders. This rustic approach to cooking is largely driven by the practicalities of survival and the varul's increased craving for meat—a direct influence of the Curse. The transformation of the land has also impacted the availability and variety of crops and vegetation, further shaping the culinary landscape to depend more heavily on animal-based dishes.   One of the most common culinary practices in Demenore involves the preservation of meat. Meat aspics are particularly popular; these gelatinous dishes made from cooking down bones to form a broth that sets into a jelly when cooled, are a traditional way to preserve meat for extended periods. This method not only extends the shelf life of the protein but also allows for the full use of an animal's parts. Krov is a beloved soup, that combines the earthy tones of beetroot and white cabbage with animal blood, typically from pigs or cows. It is thickened with bone marrow and seasoned with a variety of forest herbs. In other regions it is prepared with various types of meat, pickles, and a dense, smoky broth.   Essential to Demenorian cuisine are also cured meats. These are often served with a thick, hearty porridge and mushrooms, particularly for breakfast. A special preparation involves pork brined in fermented juniper berries and salt, a popular choice among hunters, warriors, and mercenaries for its durability and ease of transport. Reserved for larger gatherings is the gallant goulash. This celebratory dish uses game meats marinated in wine and slow-cooked with a variety of root vegetables, resulting in a rich, flavorful stew.   The most well common alcoholic beverage in Demenore is Kvass, made from fermented stale bread, rye flour, and sourdough.

Historism and the Principle of the Dual Mind
  The cultural renaissance has given rise to two dominant philosophical and artistic movements: The School of Historism and the Principle of the Dual Mind. The School of Historism is deeply rooted in reverence for Demenore's storied past. This movement is primarily concerned with the preservation and revival of historical art forms, ranging from the restoration of ancient frescoes and murals to the creation of new works that draw heavily on historical themes and aesthetics. Artists and musicians within this school often depict legendary Demenorian knights and heroes, sometimes reimagined as varul, thereby connecting past and present.   This school's focus extends to the meticulous study of traditional patterns, motifs, and techniques, often reviving forgotten arts to reinforce cultural continuity. Wood carving, a particularly revered craft, sees artisans creating intricate representations of historical figures, animals, and protective spirits that adorn homes and public spaces, serving both an aesthetic and a talismanic purpose.   Musically, the School of Historism favors classical instruments like the gusli or the lute, with compositions that recount tales of ancient battles, lost loves, and the perennial struggle against the curse. These songs and ballads serve not only as entertainment but as oral histories that preserve and perpetuate the varul's heritage.   Contrasting with Historism’s outward-looking focus, the Principle of the Dual Mind explores the concept of dual consciousness within varul—human and bestial. It posits that true expression and balance require acknowledgment and engagement of both aspects of their nature. Art under this principle often challenges traditional formats, blending different mediums and styles to represent the internal dichotomy of the varul. Literary works might feature complex, layered narratives that intersect, diverge or even contradict one another. Similarly, music in this school shifts from calm melodies to turbulent, almost hypnotic arrangements.   Sculpture, particularly, embodies this duality explicitly, with pieces frequently designed to showcase two distinct halves—one representing the varul’s human form and the other its beast-like nature. These works not only serve as visual metaphors for the varul condition but also encourage reflection and dialogue about the nature of identity and transformation.   While the School of Historism enjoys broader popularity among the general populace of Demenore, the Principle of the Dual Mind tends to resonate more within academic and artistic circles, particularly among those who are engaged in deeper metaphysical and existential explorations. This school has also garnered interest and debate beyond Demenore’s borders, particularly in scholarly and artistic communities in Morvathia and Anataria, where its innovative approaches to narrative and form challenge traditional artistic and philosophical boundaries.

The Duchies of Demenore

  The Kingdom of Demenore is currently composed of six distinct duchies, each with its own unique geographical and cultural characteristics. Historically, the kingdom encompassed ten duchies, but its landscape was dramatically altered following a tumultuous period of civil strife. This conflict erupted after the death of Kral Casimir Demener II, leading to a profound reshaping of the kingdom's political boundaries.   The crisis began when accusations surfaced against Casimir’s eldest son, who was implicated in employing forbidden magics and allegedly using them to orchestrate his father’s demise. His younger brother, challenging the legitimacy of his rule, ignited a fierce civil war that would eventually redefine the contours of Demenore.   After a series of intense battles and political maneuvering, only six duchies—Sorvindore, Karsk, Dravensk, Belomoor, Striburg, and Yarovek—remained under the Demenorian banner. The other four duchies seceded to form what is now known as the Golden Marquisate of Dorcroix, establishing a separate governance under new leadership. The borders of the six remaining durchies were left unchanged before and after the fall of the old kingdom.    
Duchy of Sorvindore
  At the core of the Kingdom of Demenore is the Duchy of Sorvindore, a region that once boasted rolling hills and fertile farmlands, flourishing as a vibrant trade hub. Sorvindore, crowned by its capital city, Velsgard, was a the center of commerce and education, housing a bustling market district and a renowned university.   The downfall of the kingdom, however, cast Sorvindore into chaos. Monstrous beasts ravaged the land, leaving its people to struggle for survival amidst the ruins. Despite these hardships, Sorvindore has emerged as a beacon of progress within the kingdom. Velsgard now once more thrives as a functional city. Its ruins have been repurposed and rebuilt, with the Royal Academy of St. Arcturius restored to its former glory, fostering a new era of scholarly pursuit and enlightenment. The Velesian Order, under the leadership of High Commandress Lyassandra Korvalla—who serves both as Sorvindore's Voivodesa and one of Kral Vruoch's closest allies—has reinstated a measure of safety and order, revitalizing villages and farms across the duchy.   Despite these strides toward recovery, the lands of Sorvindore remain dangerous, and travelers are wisely cautioned to remain vigilant beyond the city’s walls.
Duchy of Karsk
  To the north of Demenore lies the rugged and wild Duchy of Karsk, a land of towering mountains, deep valleys, and shadowed forests. Bordering the Witchrealm of Morvathia, Karsk is a land steeped in danger and natural beauty. It is home to fierce creatures including wolves, giant bears, and even dragons—beasts that have grown only more formidable since the curse.   Karsk’s wealth once lay in its rich deposits of precious metals and gemstones, hidden within its mountain ranges. The capital, Karskhold, known as the Mountain Wall, once symbolized the duchy’s impregnable strength. However, it fell into disrepair and lawlessness, ruled by a warlord and his band of bandits for decades. Recognizing the necessity of stability, Kral Vruoch granted the title of Voivode to Dracomeer Diminov, the warlord whose loyalty and service have since been directed toward the kingdom’s restoration.   Now, Karskhold is revitalized as the duchy's center of power, with its former outlaws reborn as fierce warriors dedicated to their mountainous homeland.
Duchy of Dravensk
  To the west of Demenore, the Duchy of Dravensk presents a landscape marked by moorlands and towering sea cliffs. Dravensk was historically a mystical region, home to Demenore's former capital city Tenebris, the center of operations for the Church of the Eternal Flesh. Following the outbreak of the Curse of the Beast, Tenebris became overrun with turned varuls, now colossal, multi-limbed creatures, and was deemed beyond salvation.   The cathedral at the heart of Tenebris, where many of the church's dark experiments were conducted, still stands—a potential treasure trove of information about the curse, if anyone dared to explore it.   Despite the region's bleak history, recent efforts led by Voivodesa Phyria Valtair aim to breathe new life into Dravensk. The harbor city of Muniport, located at the mouth of the Brani River, has been revitalized and designated as the new capital. This emerging city has become a sanctuary for fishermen and traders, a symbol for slow but hopeful return to its maritime heritage. The Duchy of Dravensk also shares a border with the Golden Marquisate of Dorcroix.

The Cursed Kingdom of Demenore
Demenore, once a proud human kingdom, celebrated for the valorous deeds of the Demenorian Knights of the Velesian Order, fell into ruin after the Church of the Eternal Flesh unleashed a curse that turned its people into monstrous varul. Now led by Kral Vruoch, a varul himself, the kingdom seeks redemption and a return to its former glory.
Duchy of Belomoor
  The Duchy of Belomoor, once the agricultural heart of Demenore, was renowned for its sprawling meadows and the tranquil Belo Lake, lush vineyards, orchards, and fertile lands that earned it the title "Breadbasket of Demenore." These fertile plains once supported the kingdom with essential grain, vegetables, and a flourishing livestock industry.   However, the restoration efforts in Belomoor have been challenging. The Voivode, Gostislav Vedenin, although a scholar with deep agricultural knowledge from the Royal Academy of St. Arcturius, faces unforeseen difficulties. The once serene Belo Lake and the surrounding rivers have become perilous, with unknown dangers lurking beneath their surfaces that have led to entire villages disappearing overnight without a trace. Consequently, restructuring efforts have been strategically redirected away from the water bodies to safer areas.   The city of Rudnitsa has seen significant progress, successfully recreating fertile farmlands and orchards reminiscent of the old kingdom. Despite these advances, protecting these revived agricultural zones from the cursed wildlife continues to be a formidable challenge.
Duchy of Striburg
  Striburg is characterized by its diverse geography, from the expansive steppes of the Dawnfields to the green mountainous terrains of Karpivna's Run. This duchy serves as a crucial link between Demenore and its neighboring realm, the Free Realm of Bittermarsh. Striburg's history is rich with horse breeding, which once supplied the proud Velesian knights.   While the curse has affected the steppes, Karpivna's Run and its smaller communities have largely been spared, preserving their biodiversity and distinct cultural heritage. Voivode Jaropolk Droteka faces the critical task of halting the curse's spread and protecting these last bastions of human settlement.   Karpivhall, the capital city and one of Demenore's oldest, continues to maintain the largest human population in the kingdom, serving as a symbol of resilience and human endurance in the face of the ongoing curse. Thanks to its many well-preserved historical sites, it has also become the centre of preservation of the kingdom's former culture.
Duchy of Yarovek
  Yarovek offers a dramatic combination of towering mesas, deep gorges, and lush river valleys, creating a region of immense natural beauty. The temperate climate and ample rainfall nurture thick forests and fertile soils along the riverbanks, making it an ideal location for fishing and hunting—although these activities have become increasingly challenging due to the curse.   The capital city, Krasnik, built around the Yarok River in the valley of the gorge, is famed for its historic stone bridges adorned with reliefs depicting the legendary battles of Demenorian heroes during the Age of Silence. These bridges not only serve as vital connections across the city but also as monuments to the region's rich heritage.   Voivodesa Radost Hvralr, known for her past as an immensely cruel warlord during Demenore's darkest days, remains a critical and outspoken figure in the politics of the new kingdom. She was the last of the warlords to pledge allegiance to Kral Vruoch, a decision made shortly after a pivotal and indecisive battle on the outskirts of Krasnik. The reasons behind her change of heart remain known only to herself and the Kral.


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May 14, 2024 19:32 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the details about the different duchies, and how they have changed due to the curse.   And I really love the section about traditional attire. They sound so cosy. <3

May 15, 2024 06:06

Thank you! I was actually convinced the section about the clothing would be the least interesting without visuals, so I am glad that is not the case. Visuals are still coming though, when I finally get around to it.

At the end of everything, hold onto anything.
Jun 23, 2024 13:55 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aaa love the new images! :)

Jun 23, 2024 14:16

Thank you very much ^w^ Currently working on more art, my world could need it x3

At the end of everything, hold onto anything.