Pierre Strugis, the Storyteller

— Pierre Strugis, to What roams in the Mist

A talented artist with an unending well of imagination, the one known in Detroit as the Storyteller was predestined to join one of the Zoo subguilds. At first, its belonging to the Foghounds may seem out of character, especially his role as the second-in-command. Only at first, though. He fits in like a charm.


Bedside stories


Born from french parents, the young Pierre was told countless stories from his younger years until he was sent outside. Whereas most parents believe that novels and tales have little interest considering the world outside is far weirder than any piece of fiction, it was not the case of Alexis and Hélène Strugis. Thus, he developed a keen sense of storytelling and a budding imagination, and found the world after the Fog disappointing compared to the stories he was told.

Horror stories


His gift is extraordinarily fitting with his activity. While in a clear weather, the Storyteller likes to write stories on whatever paper he manages to get his hands on, during a Mist he reveals his full potential. His gift allows him to make his words reality. While the limitation aren't clear, he was once seen looking at What roams in the Mist and killing a monster simply by telling him to die. Apparently, he has to believe that what he is trying to say can happen, which is far from a limitation to someone equally gifted with the wits of a novelist.

Cover image: Detroit


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