
Characters come from various homes. Nobility to squaller, from the country side to the big city. Players can choose up to three backgrounds for their character. They gain specific skills and traits based on the background you choose for them and can even add special quirks and personality traits from the backgrounds.

Starting Equipment

All characters have a certain starting equipment from a list below they may have.

Wealth Rank

When creating a character, each background of your choice has a wealth Rank, 1 being the lowest and 6 being the highest. When you create a character this way, you add together the wealth ranks of each different background and divided it by 3, rounding down. The total wealth rank this way determines your starting money.

Gear and Items

Each character can choose one of the sets from the following Starter Sets.
Adventurer's Gear
  • Light Armor - or - Medium Armor of your choice.
  • Two Weapons - or - A Weapon and Shield of your choice. (If you choose a bow you also gain 20 arrows)
  • Common Clothes
  • 50ft of rope, 10 days worth of rations, five torches, a shovel, first aid kit, and a bedroll.
Craftsman's Supplies
  • Light Armor of your choice.
  • A single weapon of your choice.
  • A Set of Tools of your choice.
  • Fine clothes, and work clothes.
  • 10 days worth of rations.
Thieve's Tools
  • Light Armor of your choice.
  • A single weapon of your choice, plus a dagger of your choice. (If you choose a bow you also gain 20 arrows)
  • A set of Lock Picks.
  • Common Clothes.
  • 50ft of rope, 10 days worth of rations, a crowbar, a shovel and ball bearings.
Sorcerer's Satchel
  • Light Armor of your choice.
  • A single Spell Focus of your choice.
  • A single Charged Reagent - or - 20 Consumable Reagents - or - 5 Sulfur Cells.
  • A spellbook and ink and quill
  • Fine Clothes, and Scholar's Uniform
  • 10 days worth of rations.
Huntsmen's Bag
  • Light Armor of your choice.
  • A single weapon of your choice.
  • A bow of your choice and 20 arrows.
  • Common Clothes.
  • 10 days of rations, bear trap, first aid kit, and a bedroll.
Warrior's Armaments
  • Light Armor - or - Medium Armor of your choice.
  • Two Weapons - or - A Weapon and Shield of your choice. (If you choose a bow you also gain 20 arrows)
  • An additional weapon of your choice.
  • Common clothes, plus a military or warrior's uniform
  • 10 days worth of rations.


You are a follower of a specific faith or cult. You spend your time at service at temple, whether as a simple assistant or the high priest. You're knowledgeable in the ways of the faith and the duties of your church.
Wealth Rank (2)
Religious Sermoun: You have the skills to perform any kind of religious service related to your faith.
Acolyte Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Culture, Deception, History, Leadership, Magic, Performance, Persuasion, and Religion.
Acolyte Traits


You're a member of a social movement, freedom fighters, a rebel group, or something similiar. Your tied greatly to your community and protecting their threatened rights, both real and imagined.
Wealth Rank (2)
Rally The Crowd: You have Natural Talent Towards Leadership (Charisma) checks related to rallying a crowd of people and gathering the publics attention.
Activist Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of your choice, Culture, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Leadership, Performance, and Persuasion.
Activist Traits

Animal Master

You're in charge of animals, either dogs, horses, falcons, pigeons or another type. You're expertise is useful and you make your worth through breeding animals and using them for various tasks such as hunting or beasts of burden.
Wealth Rank: (2)
Advanced Animal Handling: You gain two level of PRF in animal handling.
Animal Master Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of your choice, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Medicine, and Tracking.
Animal Master Traits


You are a craftsman of a specific trade. Anything from smithing, wood working, tailor, etc. You have much knowledge when it comes to craftsmanship. Whether this skill is passed down from your family, self taught, or by a master at the skill is up to you.
Wealth Rank (3)
Artisan's Trade: You are proficient in a single trade of your choice, smithing, woood working, tailor, etc.
Artisan Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Culture, Magic, Medicine, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Technology.
Artisan Traits


You are an athlete. Someone who partakes in physical sports, either for pastime enjoyment or for professional work. You may play in many sports and games such as wrestling, ball games, axe throwing, archery, etc.
Wealth Rank (3)
Warrior: You gain a level of PRF in one weapon of your choice. If you take this ability again, you must choose a different weapon type.
Advanced Athletics: You gain 2 levels of PRF in Athletics.
Athlete skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Athletics, Acrobatics, Hearing, Performance, Sight, Sleight of Hand, and Strength.
Athlete Traits


You claim yourself the salesmen of a powerful cure all potion, or just a humble gambler who knows a thing or two about dice. You're able to scam any and everyone who might come in your way.
Wealth Rank (4)
Advanced Deception: You gain 2 levels of PRF in Deception.
Charlatan Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Culture, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth.
Charlatan Traits

City Guard

You are a hired city guard. Your job is to protect the common people and keep drunkards and rowdy folks from distrubing sleeping people. On occasion you might find yourself in conflict with more professional criminals, brigands, thieves and even murderers.
Wealth Rank (2)
Warrior: You gain a level of PRF in a weapon of your choice. If you take this ability again, you must choose a different weapon type.
Criminal Underworld: You have Natural Talent towards Culture (Intelligence) checks related towards criminal networks and organizations.
City Guard Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Athletics, Hearing, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Sight, and Tracking.
City Guard Traits


You are an advisor or assistant to a noble in one way or another. You may be a book keeper, page, master of hunt, royal fool, falconer, or other assistant to your Lord or Lady. You have a general knowledge of the political workings of court and may hold influence in them, although you may still be of low birth and have little power throughout assisting your lord or lady.
Wealth Rank (4)
Advanced Knowledge: You learn either writing or an additional language of your choice.
Courtier Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Culture, Deception, Hearing, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Leadership, Persuasion, Performance, and Sight.
Courtier Traits


You are one of the unlucky ones at the bottom of society. Where money and food are far inbetween, you've turn to crime as a way to survive. Or simply because you enjoy your darker life.
Wealth Rank (2)
Thieve's Tools: You are proficient in Lockpicks.
Criminal Underworld: You have Natural Talent towards Culture (Intelligence) checks related towards criminal networks and organizations.
Criminal Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Acrobatics, Athletics, Culture, Deception, Hearing, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Sight, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.
Criminal Traits


You are a person of the arts. You make your living through writing poems, performing songs, acting in plays, etc. You live your life on the stage and for the crowds, or in a small tavern playing songs in the corner for those who listen.
Wealth Rank (3)
Artist: You are proficient in a musical intrustment of your choice.
Writing: You have the literate feature.
Entettainer Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Acrobatics, Athletics, Culture, Deception, Performance, Persuasion, and Sleight of Hand.
Entertainer Traits


The world is a vast place and you seek to find every different corner of the world. To meet knew people, find new places, and delve deep into ancient ruins. Some might seek treasure or wealth, while for others, it's the journey they crave.
Wealth Rank (3)
Natural Explorer: You have the feature Natural Explorer. Explorer Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Animal Handling, Athletics, Culture, Endurance, Immunity, Magic, Medicine, Nature, Stealth, and Tracking.
Explorer Traits

Far Traveler

You've been all over the world to cities of all different sizes and statures, made of up all sorts of different people belonging to different cultures and even species.
Wealth Rank (3)
Language: You learn an additional language of your choice.
City Explorer: when in a city or town, you know how to quickly find directions for any common buildings, including, Inns, General Stores, Temples, and other similiar places.
Far Traveler Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Culture, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation, Performance, Persuasion, Magic, and Medicine.
Far Traveler Traits


You are a champion of the arena. You life is that of blood shed and entertainment. Some Gladiators perform with blunt swords and only break their opponents shields in mock battles where others fight to the death for the entertainment of the crowds.
Wealth Rank (3)
Warrior: You gain a level of PRF with one weapon type of your choice. If you take this ability again, you must choose a different weapon type.
Combat Flourish: You have Natural Talent towards Performance checks that relate to combat.
Gladiator Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion and Reflex.
Gladiator Traits

Guild Member

You are a member of a powerful organization known as a guild. An organization that takes bussiness in buying and selling of certain goods or training people in certain skills they can provide. You could operate from anything as simple as a messenger or a being the head of the guild itself.
Wealth Rank (6)
Guild Titles: As a member of the guild, you have certain titles to your name which can be used to get into places most people might not be able to access.
Guild Member Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Culture, Deception, Hearing, Insight, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, and Sleight of Hand.


You live in isolate away from the rest of the world. Either for religious or personal reasons, the civilized world has become too loud and fast for you and you need to return to a simpler time.
Wealth Rank (2)
Healer: You gain the Healer Feature.
Hermit Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Animal Handling, Athletics, Magic, Medicine, Nature, Religion, and Strength.
Hermit Traits


Your are a far traveller from a home long gone to you. Either from fleeing a waring country or seeking a better life in a new, better country, you are a stranger in a new land. Many of the people are unfamiliar to you in their own ways compaired to your own lifestyle.
Wealth Rank (1)
Language: You learn an additional language of your choice.
Immigrant Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two of any skills of your choice.
Immigrant Traits


You have lived of life of education and learning. You've travel far and wide to seek knowledge, or just two block over to the local library. You have extensive knowledge surrounding many different subjects. This can be anything from magic, history, technology, etc.
Wealth Rank (4) Researcher: You have Natural Talent to any checks that require you to spend time searching for information, such as searching through scrolls at a library.
Writing: You have the literate feature.
Language: You learn an additional language of your choice.
Intellectual Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Culture, History, Magic, Medicine, Nature, and Technology.
Intellectual Traits


You're a private eye, decetive, or private ingestigator. Your work as someone who delves into hard to solve mysteries or hired by powerful people to catch their political opponents getting in trouble. Wealth Rank (3)
Advanced Investigation: You gain two levels of PRF in Investigation.
Investigator Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following Hearing, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Persuasion, Sight, and Tracking.
Investigator Traits


You come from a humble life as a miner, feller, builder, farmer, or other similar profession. You've spent many years working with heavy materials with often low pay. Or perhaps a higher wage if you were a luckier person.
Wealth Rank (1)
Tool Kit: You are proficient with a tool of your choice, Pickaxe, Lumber Axe, Mallet, etc.
Laborer Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skils of the following, Athletics, Culture, Endurance, Immunity, Nature, Strength, and Technology.
Laborer Traits


Your life is that of the salesmen. You make your way through buying and selling goods from other people to turn around a profit. Either from the big city or a travelling merchant going across the land to sell your wares and items to many and all.
Wealth Rank (6)
Salesman's Pitch: You have the Merchant Feature.
Language: You learn an additional language of your choice.
Merchant's Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Culture, Deception, Hearing, Insight, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, and Sleight of Hand.
Merchant Traits


You come from a long line of lords and ladies with a rich history who owns many lands. You are often present at court and visit many different lands and places. You have more wealth than you know what to do with and access to any and everything you might want.
Wealth Rank (6)
Land and Titles: As a noble, you have access to a vast sum of land and power. Work with your DM to determine your status of nobility and how much land you own or don't own.
Writing: You have the literate feature.
Language: You learn an additional language of your choice.
Noble Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Culture, Deception, Hearing, History, Insight, Intimidation, Leadership, Performance, Persuasion, and Sight.
Noble Traits


You live off the land, far any from any cities or town, reliant only on the migration of animals and the seasons. Your's is the life of the wildlands and freedom. You live a tribal life that supports self reliance.
Wealth Rank (1)
Hunter: You have the Hunter Feature.
Outlander Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Athletics, Endurance, Hearing, Magic, Medicine, Nature, Sight, Smell, Strength, and Tracking.
Outlander Traits


Senators, Kings, Dictators, and Bussinessmen are all roles for politicians. You are someone tied to the political world such as a Lord or Lady who spends much of their time making and enforcing important societial changes. Wealth Rank (4)
Political Influence: Your political stature allows you to get into places you might not normally be able to get into.
Politician Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of your choice, Culture, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Leadership, Performance, and Persuasion.
Politician Traits


Arrested and imprisoned for crimes real or imaged. Held behind bars or forced to work in a camp for several years of your life, changing you forever. Wealth Rank (1)
Improvised Tools: You have Natural Talent towards any checks related to improving and crafting tools, such as a shiv.
Prisoner Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skils of the following, Athletics, Culture, Endurance, Intimidation, Religion, and Strength.
Prisoner Traits


You are a studier of the arcane arts and mage. Someone who spends much of their time to learn the secrets of the magical world and spellcraft. Although not all sages are spellcasters, they do learn about it. Wealth Rank (4)
Advanced Magic: You gain two levels of PRF with Magic.
Writing: You learn to write in one language of your choice.
Intellectual Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Culture, History, Magic, Medicine, Nature, and Technology.
Sage Traits

Sex Worker

You are a prostitute. Someone who sells their own body for sexual favours to make a profit. Yours is a hard life filled with many unfortunate senarios. Rape and abusive are not far away for someone of your stature, but you've grown accustome to dealing with this.
Wealth Rank (3)
Seducer: You have the Seducer feature.
Bedroom Talent: You have Natural Talent towards Endurance (Stamina) checks towards having sex and lasting in bed.
Sex Worker Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Endurance, Investigation, Insight, Perfomance, Persuasion, and Sleight of Hand.
Sex Worker Traits


You live your life on the sea with the salt in the air and wind at your back. You know and understand how to sail a ship and have pratical knowledge of the sea and the weather.
Wealth Rank (2) Sea Scholar: You have Natural Talent towards Intelligence (Nature) checks around information on nautical weather patterns.
Seaworth: You are proficient in sailing ships and boats.
Sailor Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Leadership, Medicine, Nature, Sight, Smell, and Strength.


You are one who lives by the blade. Someone who has specifically trained and experienced warfaire either as a warrior or simply a messenger for military generals. You've seen people march into battle and never return. Some friends, maybe some foes, maybe you were the one who killed them.
Wealth Rank (2)
Warrior: You gain a level of PRF in one weapon of your choice. If you take this ability again, you must choose a different weapon type.
Violent Lifestyle: You have Natural Talent towards Stress checks due to violence.
Soldier Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Athletics, Endurance, Hearing, Intimidation, Leadership, Medicine, Sight, and Strength.
Soldier Traits


You're one who is talented in the ways of espionage. You know how to hide yourself in plain sight and lie through your teeth.
Wealth Rank (3)
Thieve's Tools: You are proficient in Lockpicks.
Language: You learn an additional language of your choice.
Spy Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Culture, Deception, Hearing, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Persuasion, Sight, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, and Tracking.


At a young age, you somehow lost your parents and people to raise you. You grew up on the streets of a big city surviving by stealing from those who aren't as careful as you are.
Wealth Rank (1)
City Rat: You know secret and unheard of passages throughout the city you were born in. You can use these routes to easily travel through a city unprovoked by anyone who might follow you. Traveling through any city also takes only half the normal amount of time.
Urchin Skills: You gain a level of PRF in two skills of the following, Athletics, Culture, Deception, Hearing, Insight, Persuasion, Sight, Slight of Hand, and Stealth.
Urchin Traits


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