Combat Features

Features used in martial fighting, wielding swords and axes, wearing armor, and advanced fighting styles.

Class Features


6 points.
Whenever you would make a melee or ranged attack roll and you have flanking on that attack roll, that attack is considered a Sneak Attack. Whenever you would make a Sneak Attack, you deal an additional 1d6 damage of the weapon time. In addition, you gain two levels of PRF in stealth.
3 points, Assassin.
You gain two levels of PRF with Dagger Weapons.
4 points, Assassin.
Whenever a target would make an attack roll against you, if you're Flanking that Target, you have +4 to all parries, or evasion checks against that target.
Improved Flanking
4 points, assassin.
Whenever a target would be Guard Broken, you have Flanking on all attacks against them.
Increased Awarness
3 points.
You increase your Awarness attribute by +1 and gain a level of PRF in any Awarness skill of your choice. You may take this ability again at 10th level.

Assassin II

4 points, Assassin, 5th level.
Your Sneak Attack Damage is increased by 1d8 instead of 1d6, In addition, as long as your aren't Guard Broken, targets cannot have Flanking on attack rolls against you.
Gutter Striker
4 points, Assassin II.
Whenever you'd cause a wound to a target that has a Ability Check they must succeed on, they have -4 on that check.
Silent Runner
3 points, Assassin II.
While hidden, if you take a movement action and choose to move full speed, you when your stealth would normally end, it instead ends at the end of your turn.
Steady Strike
4 points, Assassin II.
You get the ability Steady Strike.
  • Steady Strike (1 Prowess Die). The next time you'd make an attack roll, you can make a Steady Strike, when you do, you treat that attack roll as if it were a Sneak Attack.

Assassin III

6 points, Assassin II, 10th level.
Your Sneak Attack Damage is increased by 1d10 instead of 1d8, in addition, Whenever you would make an attack roll with Flanking, you roll an additional prowess die.
4 points, Assassin III.
Whenever you'd deal a Critical Hit, You deal an additional wound at Random.

Assassin IV

8 points, Assassin III, 18th level.
Your Sneak Attack Damage is increased by 1d12 instead of 1d8. In addition, whenever you would make a Sneak Attack, if you also Roll a Critical Hit, You automatically regain all prowess dice.


8 points, Brawn 3 or higher.
You gain Rage Points, you can use rage points to use certain abilities from the following below. Whenever you would hit a target with an attack roll, be hit by an attack roll, you gain a single rage point. Once Combat Ends, you loose all Rage Points.
  • Primal Might (1 Rage Point): When you make an attack roll or parry roll and you would add prowess dice you can instead add the Prowess dice to the Damage Rolls on an Attack roll or to the Damage Reduction on a Parry.
  • Primal Roar (1 Rage Point): This action costs 2 action points. As an action, you can let out a terrifying roar. All creatures that can hear you within 25ft must make a Resolve check DC (10 + Intimidation). On a failed save, targets are frightened for the next minute. They may repeat the check at the end of their turn.
Blood Lust
3 points, Berserker.
Whenever you would successfully kill a target or cause a wound to a target, you gain a Rage Point.
Counter Attack
4 points, Berserker.
Whenever you would take the Primal Might ability while parrying and reduce all damage that would be dealt to you by 0, you can make an attack action against the target who attacked you as a free action.
Improved Primal Might
6 points, Berserker.
Whenever you would take the Primal Might ability, you automatically add a single prowess die to either your Attack Roll or Parry.
2 points, Berserker
You increase either your Brawn or Stamina by +1. You can take this feature again at 10th level.

Berserker II

4 points, Berserker, 5th level.
You gain the ability to go into a Frenzy Rage. You also learn the ability Reckless Strike which can be used while in a Frenzy Rage.
Frenzy (2 Rage Points) As a free action, you can enter into a frenzy rage. This ability lasts for one minute, but ends early if combat ends. You gain the following effects
  • While in a Frenzy Rage, you can take the Reckless Strike ability. Reckless Strike. Whenever you make an attack roll, you can add +4 to hit, if you do, you gain -4 on all Evasion and Parry checks until the start of your next turn.
  • You have +4 to Resolve checks.
  • You deal an additional +2 damage on all attack rolls.
  • At the start of your turn, you gain 1 rage point.
Armored Rage
4 points, Berserker II.
While your Frenzy ability is active, you also have +2 Damage Reduction.
Hack & Slash
6 points, Berserker II
For Every Rage point you have, you deal an additional +1 damage on all attack rolls.
Improved Rage
6 points, Berserker II
Whenever you would gain a Rage Point, roll 1d6. On a 5-6, you gain two rage points.

Berserker III

6 points, Berserker II, 10th level.
You gain two additional abilities you can use and expend Rage Points on. In addition, when you first roll for Initiative, you gain one Rage Point.
  • Primal Wisdom (1 Rage Point): You can make an Alternate attack or Alternate parry this way without adding the -4 penality that comes with it.
  • Tempered Rage (2 Rage Points): You can take the Recovery Action as a Free Action.

Berserker IV

8 points, Berserker III, 18th level.
Whenever you would use an ability that costs Rage Points other than the ability Obliterate and Frenzy, roll 1d6. On a 6, you regain all spent Rage Points. In addition, you gain the following ability.
  • Obliterate (4 Rage Points): You can only use this ability while Frenzy is Active. When you make an attack roll and hit, you deal two Critical Hits. If you Kill a target this way, you regain all Rage Points spent on this ability.

Blade Dancer

8 points, Dexterity 3 or higher.
You gain Blade Flourish Points. Whenever you would successfully parry an attack roll with a weapon, you gain a point of Blade Flourish. Blade Flourish Points last until the end of your next turn.
  • Sudden Strike (1 Blade Flourish Point): You make a single Opportunity Attack against any target that attacked you this round, however you cannot add prowess dice to this attack roll. You cannot use this ability with any weapon that has a Weapon Speed that's lower than 0.
  • Balance (1 Blade Flourish Point): You take the Recovery Action as a free action.
Improved Flourish
4 points, Blade Dancer.
Whenever you would land a Critical Hit on a successful Parry, you gain a single Flourish Point. You can only benefit from this once per parry.
Improved Sudden Strike
4 points, Blade Dancer.
When you take the Sudden Strike ability, you can instead spend two Blade Flourish Points, if you do, you can add Prowess Dice to the attack roll. In addition, You add +1 to every Prowess Die rolled this way.
Increased Dexterity
3 points, Blade Dancer.
You increase your Dexterity Attribute by +1 and gain a level of PRF in a single Dexterity Skill of your choice.
Spell Dance
4 points, Blade Dancer, Spellcasting.
You gain the ability Spell Dance.
  • Spell Dance (1 Blade Flourish Point): Choose a single spell you know that takes no more than 6 action points to cast. You can cast that spell for half the action points.
Urgent Parry
3 points, Blade Dancer.
You gain the ability Urgent Parry. Whenever you would parry an attack roll and be hit, you can use this ability on your Parry Action. Urgent Parry (1 Blade Flourish Point): You may take the parry action as a Free Action.

Blade Dancer II

4 points, Blade Dancer, 5th level.
When you first roll for Initiative and start combat, you gain a single Blade Flourish Point. In addition, as long as you have at least one Blade Flourish Point, whenever you would Reroll Prowess Dice, add +1 to each die you roll this way.
Swift Blade
4 points, Blade Dancer II.
You gain the ability, Swift Blade.
  • Swift Blade (1 Blade Flourish Point). The next attack you would take has +1 to weapon speed.
Swift Blade II
6 points, Swift Blade II.
Whenever you would successfully hit on an attack roll you made with the Swift Blade ability, you gain a single Blade Flourish Point.

Blade Dancer III

6 points, Blade Dancer II, 10th level.
You gain two new Blade Flourish abilities.
  • Mortal Slash. (1 Blade Flourish Point): Whenever you would make an attack roll, you can turn that into a Mortal Slash. If you do, you deal an additional 1d8 damage equal to the weapon damage type. In addition, if you deal an Critical Hits, you roll d8s instead of d6s for the damage dice.
  • Fancy Footwork. (1 Blade Flourish Point): You can take the Movement Action as a Free Action. You can take this action even if it's not your turn.

Blade Dancer IV

8 points, Blade Dancer III, 18th level.
As long as you have at least one Blade Flourish Point, All Parries and Blocks cost 1 less action point (To a minimum of one) and attack rolls you make have +1 towards Weapon Speed, and at the start of your turn, you Reroll Prowess Dice twice.


8 points.
You gain Combat Stances. During your turn, you can take a Combat Stance, these stances last until the end of Combat or whenever you would change to a different Stance. You may only have one stance active at a time. You cannot be in a Combat Stance while Prone, Stunned, Staggered, Guard Broken, or a similar effect. Your combat Stance does not Effect Daggers or Ranged Weapons.
In Addition, while in a Combat Stance, your Damage Reduction is increased by +2.
  • Lunge Guard (2 Action Points): You increase the range of your melee weapon by +3ft.
  • Halfswording (2 Action Points): Your weapon reach is halved and any attack rolls you make provoke an attack of Opportunity (The attack of Opportunity happens before your attack), but you gain +6 to all hit rolls.
  • Steady Guard (2 Action Points): You have -4 to hit on all attack rolls, however, you can take the Recovery Action for only One action point.
Knight's Defense
3 Feature Points.
While in a Combat Stance, the Damage Reduction increase you get is +4 instead of +2.
Readied Blade
4 Feature points.
On the first round of combat, at the start of your turn, you can take a single Combat Stance Action as a Free action.
Wrath Guard
3 Feature Points, Knight.
You learn the Combat Stance, Wrath Guard.
  • Wrath Guard (2 Action Points): You reduce the weapon speed of your current weapon by -1. However, you have -4 to all parries while this way.

Knight II

6 points.
Whenever you would make a successful attack, or parry, you can switch to a different combat stance as a free action.
4 Points, Knight II.
You learn the Combat Stance, Overhead.
  • Overhead Guard (4 Action Points): All attacks made While in Overhead Guard deal an additional 1d10 Damage of the Weapon type. Once you make your first attack role while in this Combat Stance, your Overhead Guard will end at the end of your turn.
Unbreaking Guard
4 Points, Knight II.
While in Steady Guard Stance. Prowess Dice you add to the Parry action are treated as d8s instead of d6s.


8 Feature points, Awarness 3 or higher.
You ignore difficult terrain caused by the natural environment, such as thick bushes and fallen trees, in addition, your Base Initiative score is doubled. Finally, you gain the ability, Predator's Mark
  • Predator's Mark (2 Action Points). Select a target you can see within 120ft of you. You mark that target with the Predator's Mark. For the next minute, All Actions made against that target that may add prowess dice add an additional Prowess Die to hit. However, All actions made against other targets that may add prowess dice must expend an additional die before you can add any more. You may only have one Predator's Mark up at a time. You can end this effect any time as a Free Action.
Animal Companion
8 points, Ranger.
After taking this feature you gain an animal companion. This companion will obey you to the best of it's abilities and serve to protect you. This animal's level cannot be hire than level 1. You may only have one animal companion at any time. If your companion would die, you can spend 24 hours to find a new animal companion.
Slash and Dash
4 points, Ranger.
Whenever you would make an attack roll, whether you hit or miss, you can move up to 5ft as a free action.
Fleet of Foot
3 points, Ranger.
Your free movement speed is increased by +10ft.
Frey Fighter
4 points, Ranger.
You gain the Frey Fighter Action.
  • Frey Fighter (3 Action Points, 1 Prowess Die). Until the start of your next turn, You may take Attacks of Opportunity without needing to expend a Prowess Die to take that action.
First Strike
4 points, Ranger.
If it's the first round of combat, you can take the Predator's Mark action as a free action.
Reactive Draw String
4 points, Ranger.
You have a Aura of Reach with all ranged weapons of 10ft.

Ranger II

6 points, Ranger, 5th level.
You learn the ability, skirmish. You can only use this ability once per round.
  • Skirmish (3 action points) You take the attack action, movement action, and recovery action as free actions. You choose the order you can take these actions. When you make an attack roll this way, you cannot add prowess dice to it and you have -4 to hit.


6 points, Charisma 3 or higher.
You can take actions below called Cunning Words, you can use this ability once per turn. In addition you gain a level of PRF in performance. You must be able to speak and the target must be able to hear you.
  • Sly Remark (1 Action Point): You make a Performance check against a target, and they make a Resolve Resistance check against you. If they fail, you either add Flanking to the next attack you would make or -4 to hit to the next attack your opponent would make. This lasts for one minute.
  • Evasive Words (1 Action Point): You make a Performance check against your target, and they make a Resolve Resistance check against you. If they fail, until the end of your turn, you can move through their Aura of Reach and take actions without provoking any Attacks of Opportunity.
"Geten Gut"
6 points, Trickster.
Whenever you would targetted by an attack roll and the attack would miss, you may use Cunning Words as a free Action.
4 points, Trickster.
You gain the Ability, Parry Strike. You can only use this against targets who have successfully failed against Sly Remark while it's still active.
  • Parry Strike. The next time you would take the Parry Action with a weapon against a target you've used Sly Remark against, you can choose to treat it as a Parry Strike. When you roll to Parry, if you successfully Parry, you treat that Parry as if it was an Opportunity Attack Roll using the roll you made against the target who attacked you, and their attack roll against you as if they rolled to Parry. You can only use this ability once per use of Sly Remark.

Trickster II

4 points, 5th level.
Whenever a target would fail against your Cunning Words, you can Reroll Prowess as a free action.

Trickster III

4 points, Trickster II, 10th level.
You gain the ability Redirect. You can only use this against targets who have successfully failed against Sly Remark while it's still active.
  • Redirect (1 Prowess Dice). The next time an opponent would make an attack roll against you, you can take the Redirect ability as a free action. When you do, you force their attack roll against a target that you and the attacker can both reach. However, when you use this ability, you provoke attacks of opportunity.

Expertise Features

Armor Piercer

4 points.
Whenever you would take the Armor Pierce Attack Action, You instead ignore all Damage Reduction from your targets armor.

Armor Piercer II

3 points, 5th level.
Whenever you would make the Armor Pierce Attack Action against a target wearing either Medium or Heavy armor and you miss by less than 5 points. You deal Minimum damage as if you successfully hit with this attack roll.


6 points.
Whenever you would make a melee attack roll with an axe weapon, for every prowess die you add to the roll that rolls as 5 or higher, you regain a prowess die. In addition, you gain a level of PRF in Axe Weapons.

Axemen II

4 points, Axemen, 5th level.
As long as you're wielding an axe in one or two hands, Your Prowess Bonus is +1.


6 points.
Whenever you would make an attack roll with a bow weapon and add prowess dice to the attack roll, for every die that you roll that is a 1, you can reroll that die, you cannot reroll any dice more than once this way. In addition, you gain a level of PRF with bow weapons.
Quick Draw
4 points, Bowmen.
Whenever you would make an attack with a bow weapon, you can choose to expend a single prowess die. If you do, your weapon speed for the attack roll is increased by +1.

Bowmen II

4 points, Bowmen, 5th level.
As long as you're wielding a bow in one or two hands, Your Prowess Bonus is +1.


4 points, Brawn 3 or higher.
Whenever you deal damage to an opponent, after they parry or make a reflex check, if they have 0 prowess dice left, then you deal an additional 1d6 damage of the damage type of your weapon.

Bruiser II

3 points, Bruiser, 5th level.
Whenever you would reroll prowess dice, if you have no prowess dice left, you regain +1 prowess dice.


6 points.
Whenever you would take the Loading action while loading a crossbow, the action only requires half as many action points. In addition, you gain a level of PRF with Crossbows.

Crossbowman II

4 points, Crossbowman, 5th level.
As long as you're weilding a crossbow in one or two hands, Your Prowess Bonus is +1.

Duel Wielding

8 points.
You gain the ability to Duel Wield Weapons, you can only Duel Wield weapons that have the One Handed Property. You are considered Duel Wielding while you have one weapon in each hand. While You're Duel Wielding, you have a single Point of Dueling which you can use on actions below. You regain all points at the start of your turn.
  • Second Strike (1 Dueling Point): Whenever you would take the attack action with one of your weapons, until the end of your turn, you can make a second attack roll as a free action with your other weapon.
  • Second Parry (1 Dueling Point): Whenever you would take the parry action with one of your weapons, until the start of your turn, you can make a second parry roll as a free action with your other weapon.

Duel Wielding II

6 points, Duel Wielding, 5th level.
You gain a second Dueling Point. In addition, Whenever you would Take either the Second Strike or Second Parry, for every prowess Die you add to the initial Attack or Parry roll this way, you can add those Prowess Dice to the Second Strike or Second Parry roll for free. However, if you do, you do not reroll prowess dice at the start of your next turn.


6 points.
Whenever you would be targetted with an attack roll and roll for an Evasion Resistance Check, you can also add Prowess Dice to the roll. However, when you roll prowess this way you cannot benefit from critical hits.

Guard Breaker

4 points.
Whenever you would take the Guard Break Attack Action, if you successfully reduce the targets Prowess Dice to 0, you can Reroll Prowess as a Free Action.

Guard Breaker II

3 points, 5th level.
Whenever you would take the Guard Break Attack Action, you reduce their Prowess by 6 points instead of 4 points.

Mace Expert

6 points.
Whenever you would make an attack roll with a mace weapon, and you score a wound on your target, you can make a Bonus Damage Roll. Roll 1d6, on a 5-6, you can roll an additional wound for that attack roll. In addition, you gain a level of PRF with Mace Weapons.

Mace Expert II

4 points, Mace Expert, 5th level.
As long as you're wielding a mace in one or two hands, Your Prowess Bonus is +1.


4 points.
You learn a single Maneuver from the list below. You may only use one Manveuver per attack roll and once per turn. You may take this feature multiple times.
  • Cleave (1 Prowess Die). On a melee attack roll with a Slash or Bludgeon weapon, you gain -1 speed and you instead make an Area Attack Roll against two adjacent targets within your reach. You do not deal damage from the weapon Attribute, only the base damage.
  • Crush (1 Prowess Die). On a melee attack roll with a Bludgeon weapon, on a miss against a parrying target, you deal minimum damage.
  • Jab. On a melee attack roll, you gain +1 speed, but this attack deals only half damage. On a successful hit, the target also looses 1 prowess die.
  • Murder Blow (1 Prowess Die). On a melee attack roll, you may deal an additional 1d8 damage of that weapon. However, on a miss, you provoke an attack of opportunity.
  • Thrust (1 Prowess Die). On a melee attack roll with a pierce weapon that's not a dagger, you gain shock 2 and increase your weapon range by +5ft.


6 Points.
Whenever you would be attacked and you take the Parry Action with a shield, you can choose to spend no action points to take the Parry Action. You can only use this ability once per turn and cannot use it again until the start of your next turn. In addition, you gain a level of PRF in shields.
Shield Bash
6 points.
You can make an attack action with your shield dealing 1d8 + Brawn, Bludgeoning damage. In addition, whenever you would successfully parry, you can make a Shield Bash attack as an opportunity attack.

Shieldsman II

4 Points, Shieldsman, 5th level.
Whenever you would make a parry roll with a shield, you add +2 to your Damage Reduction against that single attack.


6 points.
Whenever you would make an attack roll against a target, you may choose to expend a single prowess die, if you do. The opponent must make an Evasion (Dexterity) check DC (Polearm Hit + 8). On a failed check, the target is forced to move 5ft away.

Spearman II

4 points, Spearman, 5th level.
As long as you're wielding a polearm in one or two hands, Your Prowess Bonus is +1.


6 points.
Whenever you would make an attack with a sword weapon, if you miss by less than 5, before the start of your next turn, your weapon has +2 speed. In addition, you have a level of PRF in swords weapons.

Swordsman II

4 points, Swordsman, 5th level.
As long as you're wielding a sword in one or two hands, Your Prowess Bonus is +1.


6 points.
You learn how to combine unarmed attacks into martial combat. You gain the following benefits. In addition, you gain a level of PRF with Unarmed Strikes.
  • Your Unarmed Strike deals 1d6 instead of 1d4 damage.
  • You no longer provoke Attacks of Oppotunity when you make an Unarmed Strike.
  • The first time you would take the Attack Action on your turn, you can make a single Unarmed Strike as a Free Action.
Ringer, Backhanded
4 points, Ringer, Trickster.
Whenever you would use Cunning words against a target, you can make a single Unarmed Strike as a free action.
Ringer, Open Palm
2 points, Ringer.
Instead of using Brawn, you can choose to use Awarness as your Attribute for all Unarmed Strikes.
Ringer, Rip and Tear
4 points, Ringer, Berserker.
You gain the following Berserker ability. Blood Punch (2 Rage Points). As a free action, you make a single Unarmed Strike.

Ringer II

4 points, Ringer, 5th level.
Whenever you would make an Unarmed Strike, you can choose instead to take the Grapple or Shove action. You can take these actions this way even if your opponents Guard isn't Broken.


4 points.
You gain the following perks. In addition, you gain the ability, Snipe.
  • You Ignore the penality from Minor cover and treat Major cover as if it was Minor Cover.
  • The Range from all spells and ranged weapons you use is doubled.
  • Your Awarness or Intelligence is increased by +1.
  • Snipe. Whenever you would make a Ranged attack roll, you can choose to gain -1 speed on that attack roll, if you do. You add an additional prowess die to hit.

Sniper II

3 points, Sniper, 5th level.
Whenever you would use the Snipe ability, you also add +1 to hit for every prowess dice you roll on an attack roll this way.

Wounding Striker

4 Points.
Whenever you would take the Wounding Strike attack action, you deal regular damage instead of only dealing half damage.

Wounding Striker II

3 Points, Wounding Striker, 5th level
Whene you would take the Wounding Strike attack action, if you would successfully wound the target, you can choose to expend a single prowess die, if you do, You deal an additional Wound at Random.

Generic Features


4 points.
Whenever you would roll initiative, you can spend half your action points for your turn before your turn begins. (You do not regain these points until your turn after your next turn). If you do, you add +5 to your initiative roll and +10ft to your free movement on your first turn.


6 points.
You gain the following benefits:
  • You add +2 to your initiative bonus.
  • Whenever you would make a Flanking Attack, you add an additional +2 to hit.
  • You gain a level of PRF in Stealth.
  • Whenever you make an attack roll while Flanking, if you successfully hit, you can make a second attack as a free action. (You cannot add prowess dice to this attack)


3 points.
As long as you're wearing Medium or Heavy Armor, your damage reduction is increased by +2.

Savage Attacker

4 points, 3 Brawn or higher.
Whenever you would make an attack roll with a two handed melee weapon, if you roll a 1 or 2 on any damage die rolls, you reroll that roll. You can only reroll rolls this way once per die roll.

Shield Training

2 Points.
You gain a level of PRF in shields. You can take this feature again at 5th, 10th, and 15th levels.

Weapon Training

2 Points.
You gain a level of PRF in a weapon type of your choice. You can take this feature again at 5th, 10th, and 15th levels.


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