Diseases and Poisons

Diseases and Poisons

The world is a harsh place with many ways to die, but out of all the ways, disease might be the most popular killer.
Grelk Poison
Grelks have poison glands that is secreted from their skin. In order to infect a user it must be injested through their blood or mouth. If so, the target must make an Immunity (Stamina) check DC 12. On a failed check for the next 1 minute, the target must roll 1d6 at the start of their turn. On a 5-6, they're staggered until the start of their next turn.
Grelks can only produce enough poison for three uses a day. Grelks can also apply their poison to weapons and arrows. Poisoned applied this way will only last on the weapon for 10 minutes before evaporating.
Ashen Plague
A deadly disease that causes the target to slowly burn from the inside out. This disease has three different Tiers. the Ashen Plague is spread by contacting the plague fire. If a target takes damage or inhails the smoke from the plague, they must make an Immunity (Stamina) check DC 20, on a failed check they gain the disease.  When the disease is first caught, they get the first stage. Every 24 hours that pass, they must make three Immunity (Stamina) check DC 15. If the target fails each check, they move up a stage. If the target succeeds on each check, they move down a Stage. If the target is kept consistantly cold, they add +5 to these checks.
1st Stage: The target is struck with awful fits of coffing, whenever the target would make any kind of dice check, roll 1d6 for a Coffing Fit. On a 6, they automatically fail as they burst into a fit of coughs.
2nd Stage: Includes the penalities of the previously stage but also, when you would roll for a coffing fit, you gain Ignited. You also permanently have the burned condition as your flesh is scarred.
3rd Stage: Whenever you would roll for a Coffing Fit, you gain the penalities on a 4-6 and gain Ignited II instead.
4th Stage: Everytime you have a Coffing Fit, you gain a level of Exhaustion.
5th Stage: You die from suffocation.
Eye Blight
A disease commonly found in unclean water which causes blindness. Whenever a creature would drink from diseased waters or spend at least 1 minute in the water, they must make a Immunity (Stamina) check DC 16. On a failed check, they gain the Eye Blight disease When the disease is first caught, they get the first stage. Every 24 hours that pass, they must make three Immunity (Stamina) check DC 12. If the target fails each check, they move up a stage. If the target succeeds on each check, they move down a Stage.
1st Stage: -1 to all checks that rely on sight.
2nd Stage: -2 to all checks that rely on sight.
3rd Stage: -3 to all checks that rely on sight.
4th Stage: -4 to all checks that rely on sight.
5th Stage: Permanent Blindess.


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