Intrigue Features

Class Features


6 points.
You gain an amount of Inspiration Points equal to half your Leadership (Charisma) score, rounded down. Whenever an ally of your choice within 25ft would make an ability check, you can choose as a free action, to grant them a single Inspiration Die to the roll. They add 1d4 to the die roll they're making. You can only use this ability once per turn. You regain all uses after a long rest.
Bonus Inspiration
2 points.
You gain an additional Point of Inspiration. You can take this ability again at 10th level.

Leader II

6 points, Leader, 5th level.
The inspiration Die you have are 1d6s instead of 1d4s and you regain Insperation Dice on short rests as well as long rests. In addition, you gain a level of PRF in Leadership (Charisma) checks.
3 points, Leader II.
Whenever you would grant a target an inspiration die. If you're adding that die to an attack roll or parry, you treat that die as if it was a Prowess Die instead.


Work In Progress


Work In Progress


Work In Progress

Expertise Features

Work in Progress

Generic Features

6 points.
(This Feature will be replaced in Later updates) You gain the following benefits:
  • You gain +1 towards Charisma
  • You are proficient in the disguise kit.
  • If you spend at least an hour with someone, you're able to succesfully mimic their accent and tone.
  • You have Natural Talent towards Deception and Persuasion (Charisma) checks towards convincing others you're someone else.
Intrigue Training
2 points.
You gain a level of PRF in an Intelligence, Awareness, or Charisma skill of your choice. You can take this feature again at 5th, 10th, and 15th levels.
4 points.
You gain a level of PRF in Persuasion checks. In addition, you have Natural Talent towards Persuasion (Charisma) checks related to buying and selling things.
Pick Pocket
4 points.
You gain a level of PRF in Sleight of Hand. In additiion, you have Natural Talent towards Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) checks related to picking pockets.
Pick Pocket II
3 points, Pick Pocket.
Whenever you would make a Sleight of Hand check to pick pocket a target, you can add half your Deception (Charisma) bonus to the roll. However, if the target becomes suspicious of being pick pocketed, they'll suspect you.
4 points.
You gain a level of PRF in persuasion checks. In addition, you have Natural talent towards Persuasion (Charisma) check related to sex and love. In addition, you can add your charisma bonus to Insight checks against target who you've successfully seduced.
4 points.
Taking the Hide action only costs half as many action points as it normally does. In addition, you gain a level of PRF in Stealth checks.
4 points.
As an action (2 points). You can attempt to taunt a target or group of targets who can see and hear you within 60ft. Targets must make a Resolve Check DC (8 + Intimidation). On a failed check, the target has -4 on all attack rolls and sight checks against targets other than yourself. This effect lasts until the targets end of turn. Targets who passed their saving throw against this effect cannot be effected again until 24 hours.


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