Items and Currency


A list of all avaible items for use by players. Items can be purchased at stores in game for the price next to their name. Items are sold either in Gold, Silver or Copper.

Currency Table

A table with the conversion rates for Gold, Silver, and Copper coins.

General Items

A list of all general items for purchase.
50ft Rope
A 50ft length of rope. This item can be used to make knots and tie objects together. Any check using the rope for climbing is an Athletics check DC 10.
Arrows are used for bows as ammuntion. Whenever you use a bow, you expend amuntion this way.
Ball Bearings
A bag of ball bearings. As an action (3 action points) The user can dumb out the ball bearings in either in a 15ft cone or 15ft cube centered on their position. Whenever a creature would move while within the ball bearings, they must make a Acrobatics (Dexterity) check DC 10. On a failed save, the target falls prone. After the bag is emptied, the target can take 10 minutes to recover all of the ball bearings.
Bear Trap
A steel tooth bear trap. As an action (12 action points) The user can set up the bear trap in trap mode. While in this position. If someone steps on the bear trap, they must make a Reflex check DC 20. On a failed save, the target takes 1d4 piercing damage, gains a level of bleed, and cannot take the move action. The trapped target can attempt to free themselves by making a Strength check DC 12. On a successful check, they free themselves from the trap.
A bed to keep the user warm while they sleep under the night sky.
Bolts are used for crossbows as ammuntion. Whenever you use a crossbow, you expend amuntion this way.
An inch tall shard of spiky metal used commonly against horses. The user can take a minute to place a whole bag of caltrops in a 15ft radius. Any creature that enters the area and uses more than half their movement speed must make a Reflex check DC 15. On a failed save, the target takes 1 point of damage and looses half their movement speed that round.
A metal rod that can be used to apply leverage on objects. When using a crowbar, the target adds +4 to any Strength check where appropriate.
First Aid Kit
A small box filled with basic medical supplies. As an action (6 action points), this item can be used to treat a bleeding wound on a target. Make a Medicine check with +4 bonus to prevent bleed. This item has a total of 20 uses.
Food Ration
Supplies the user with enough food to last a single day.
A common iron lock that can be attatched to any door, chest, or other similiar item. Requires a DC 15 Sleight of Hand with Lock picks to open without a key.
Lock Picks
Can be used to break into locked items, uses Sleight-of-Hand (Dexterity) checks on the dice roll. Requires Proficiency to use.
Lumber Axe
An axe used for splitting wood.
A tool that can be used for digging.
A wooden stick with a oiled ragged tied around it that can be set on fire to as an action (6 action points) to create light. The light extends to a 25ft circle around the torch. The light lasts for an hour.


Magical items created by alchemists that can be used for a varity of purposes.
Drinking this potion grants the user +4 on all Immunity (Stamina) checks against Venom and Poison for the next hour.
Dream Sleep
When the user drinks this potion, after ten minutes pass, they must make an Immunity (Stamina) check, DC 20. On a failed save, they fall unconcious.
Healing Vial
Drinking this causes the user to regain health. For the next three rounds, at the start of their turn they regain 1d4 hit points and Reduce their Level of bleed by 1.
Mana Vial
Drinking this causes the user to regain mana. For the next three rounds, at the start of their turn they regain 1d4 mana points.
Moon Milk
Drinking this causes the user to terminate any pregnancy that's ealier than 90 days. After drinking this poison, if the target was pregnant, they gain a level of exhaustion.
Summer Fire
This object can be thrown up to 30ft away. When thrown, all creatures within 10ft of the point must make a Reflex (Dexterity) check DC 12. On a failed save, targets take 2d6 fire damage or half as much on a succesful one.


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