Magic Features

Features used in the art of spellcasting and the manipulation of the arcane world. You cannot learn any Magic Features unless you know the feature, Spellcasting. You can find the general rules for spellcasting on the Magic


6 points.
You learn the ability to cast spells. Starting when you first learn this feature, you gain 4 spells of your choice, and you have a level of PRF with two spell types chosen this way. You cannot take any other Magic Features unless you have the spellcasting feature. Make sure you ask your GM if you can take this feature as spellcasting is rare among characters. Whenever you level up after taking the Spellcasting Feature, you gain additional bonuses listed on the table below.
Spellcasting Level
Your Spellcasting Level starts out as One when you first get this feature. Every time you level up, your Spellcasting Level also levels up. If you get this feature at 1st level, then your spellcasting level will always be the same as your Character Level.
New Spell
You learn a Single Spell of your choice.
Spell PRF
You gain a level of PRF in a single Spell Type of your choice.

Class Features

Atom Mage

6 points.
You learn two Atomic spells of your choice, in addition, you learn the following abilities known as Reverberations. You can use up to one Reverberation per round.
  • Delayed Quick Cast: Select an atomic spell you know that takes no more than 6 action points to cast. You can cast that spell for only (1) action point, but after you cast the spell, the spell doesn't resolve until the start of your next turn.
  • Arcane Recapture: The next time you would attempt to cast an Atomic spell no longer than a minute, you may cast that spell for (1) less mana. If you do, that spell takes an additional (1) action point to cast.
Duel Quick Cast
6 points, Atom mage.
Whenever you use Delayed Quick Cast, you can choose to use that ability twice on the same spell, allowing you to cast it twice. However, you take 1d6 Radiant Damage when you do. You must still pay the total mana of both spells this way and roll to cast both spells.
4 points, Atom Mage.
You learn the following Reverberation.
  • Echo: After you cast a spell, you can choose to cast a spell that requires less action points than the previous spell you cast. You then cast that spell for only (1) less action point, to a minimum of one.
Multi Reverberation
4 points, Atom mage.
You can use a second Reverberation during the round. It must be a different one that the previously used one. If you do however, you take 1d6 radiant damage.

Atom Mage II

4 points, Atom Mage, 5th level.
You learn the following Reverberation.
  • Distortion: At the start of your turn, you can choose to use this Reverberation, if you do, until the start of your next turn, you have an additonal 2 action points, however, you also take 1d6 Radiant Damage


6 points.
You learn one new spell of your choice. In addition, you gain abilities known as Invocations. Invocations are free actions you can take whenever you cast a spell. You can only use one invocation per spell. You learn two Invocation of your choice, located under the Arcanist Invocation's Feature.
Arcanist Invocation's
4 points, Arcanist.
You learn one of the following Invocation's of your choice from the list below. You can take this feature multiple times, learning a different invocation each time.
  • Automated Spell (2 Mana): Whenever you would cast a spell that requires to be Channelled, you no longer have to channel that spell.
  • Careful Spell (2 Mana): As you cast a spell, you can reduced the Spell Complexity by -4.
  • Cheap Spell (0 Mana): When you cast a spell, you can reduce the mana cost of the spell by 1, to a minimum of 1. This Invocation has no effect unless you beat the Spell Complexity Score by 10 or higher.
  • Empowered Spell (2 Mana): Whenever you would cast a spell that deals damage, you can increase the damage by +1 for each damage die rolled this way.
  • Force Cast (1 Mana): Whenever you would attempt to cast a spell and fail, you can instead choose to succeed on casting that spell, if you do, you take Necrotic damage equal to the total mana cost of the spell, including the cost of Force Cast.
  • Heightened Spell (2 Mana): Whenenever you would cast a spell that has a Difficulty Check, you increase the DC by +4.
  • Lengthed Spell (2 Mana): Whenever you would cast a spell that lasts longer than an Instant, you can double the duration of that spell.
  • Looming Spell (2 Mana): Whenever you would cast a spell that selects a single target. You cast it again for a Free Action and no mana cost, however it can only deal half damage and if the target must make a Resistance Check, they have +4 on that check.
  • Meta Alteration (1 Mana): Whenever you would cast a spell that deals damage, you can change the damage type to any other Damage Type of the same School.
  • Piercing Spell (2 Mana): Whenever you would cast an attack spell, that spell gains Shock 4.
  • Radial Spell (2 Mana): Whenever you would cast a spell with a Radius, Cone, Line, or similiar effect that targets an area. You can increase or decrease that Area by 10ft
  • Ranged Spell (2 Mana): Whenever you would cast a spell with a range of at least 5ft or longer, you can double the range of the spell.
  • Quicken Spell (2 Mana): Whenever you would cast a spell, you can reduce the number of action points to cast it by 1.
  • Twinned Spell (2 Mana): Whenever you would cast a spell that targets a single target, you can cast it again as a free action.
Favoured Spell
3 points, Arcanist.
Choose a spell you know, that spell becomes a Favoured Spell. Whenever you cast a favoured spell using an Invocation, the Mana Cost of the Invocation is reduced by one (to a minimum of one). You can take this feature multiple times for different spells (But you cannot take it again for the same spell).

Arcanist II

4 points, Arcanist, 5th level.
Whenever you would cast a spell using an Invocation, you may spend (1) Action Point. If you do, you may use an additional Invocation on that spell. You may only use this ability once per spell.
Arcane Index
6 points, Arcanist II, 5th level
During a Short or Long rest, you can choose to exchange a single Invocation you do know with an Invocation you do not know.
Arcane Index II
4 points, Arcane Index, 5th level
As a Free Action, you can spend (1) mana, to exchange a single Invocation you do know with an Invocation you do not know. You can use this ability once per Day.


6 points.
You learn two Biological Spells of your choice, You learn the Ability Bio-Link.
  • Bio-Link (2 Mana). Whenever you would cast any Biological Spells that selects at least a single target or more, you can instead change the spell so it targets anyone within a 5ft Radius around you. You choose what targets are selected within the Radius.
Nature's Renewal
3 points, Biomancer.
You Learn the ability, Renewal.Whenever you would cast a spell that would cause a target to regain hit points, you can use this ability.
  • Renewal. Using this ability, when a target would regain hit points from the spell you cast,

Biomancer II

4 points, Biomancer, 5th level.


6 points.
You learn two Physical Spells of your choice, in addition You get points of Maelstrom. Whenever you would deal, Radiant, Fire, Cold, Acid, Lightning, and (Bludgeon, Pierce, and Slash) damage from a spell source, you gain a point of Maelstrom to a maximum of 5. At the end of your turn, you loose a single point of Maelstrom. For every point of Maelstrom you have, you gain the following benefits.
  • Physical spells you cast that deal damage, deal an additional +1 damage.
  • Whenever you would cast a Physical spell, roll 1d10. If your Maelstrom score is Equal to or higher than the Die roll, you pay only half the total mana for that spell, round down.

Elementalist II

4 points, Elementalist, 5th level.
You learn the ability Storm Surge.
  • Storm Surge: The next time you would cast a Physical Spell, you can expend any number of Maelstrom points, if you do, you reduce the number of action points required to cast the spell equal to the maelstrom points expended this way. You can only use this ability once per turn.

Spell Slinger

6 points.
You learn one new spell of your choice. In addition, you learn how to take advantage of projectile spells and use them for deadly marksmanship. You gain abilities known as Invocations. Invocations are free actions you can take whenever you cast a spell. You can only use one invocation per spell.
  • Redirect (1 Mana): Whenever you would make a Ranged spell Attack roll and miss, you can choose to reroll the attack roll. (For clarification, this effect can be used on a spell after you cast it, unlike other Invocations)
  • True Shot (2 Mana): You gain Flanking on a Ranged Spell Attack.
3 points, Spellslinger.
You learn two spells of your choice that are Ranged Attack Rolls. You can take this feature again at 10th level.
Explosive Accuracy
6 points, Spellslinger.
Whenever you would make a Ranged Spell attack and score a Critical Hit, you add an additional Prowess Die to the roll. You can benefit from this effect up to five times on a single spell.
Improved Redirect
4 points, Spellslinger.
Whenever you would make a Ranged Spell Attack roll and miss, roll 1d6. On a 6, you can take the Redirect Invocation action for no mana cost.
Magic Shield
4 points.
You learn the ability, Magic Shield
  • Magic Shield (2 Mana): You can cast the Innate Spell, Mage Ward as a free action. You must still pay the mana cost of the spell when you use this ability.

Spellslinger II

4 points, Spellslinger, 5th level.
You learn the ability Arcane Focus.
  • Arcane Focus (2 Mana): You can take the Recovery Action as a Free action.

Spell Slinger III

6 points, Spell Slinger, 10th level.
You learn the invocation, Spell Reload. In addition,

Expertise Features


3 points.
You learn the ability, Natural Growth.
  • Natural Growth. Whenever you would attempt to cast a Chemical Spell that takes no longer than a minute to cast, you may choose to instead double the casting time of the spell, if you do, the mana cost is also reduced by half.

Chemomancy II

4 points, Chemomancy, 5th level. Chemical spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.


3 points.
You learn the ability, Cryo Snap.
  • Cryo Snap (1 Mana, 2 Action Points) select a target you can see within 60ft that is frozen due to a cryomancy spell you cast. You cause that frozen object to suddenly become bitter and crack. If it's an object such as a rope or chain, it snaps in half. An object like a weapon or armor can be damaged with a -2 penalty.

Cryomancy II

4 points, Cryomancy, 5th level. Cryo spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.


3 points.
You learn the ability, Potential Energy.
  • Potential Energy. Whenever you cast a Kinetic Spell, you can choose to instead Store that Spell as Potential Energy. The spell is instead stored in a stasis. You can have one spell stored at a time this way. You can cast this spell whenever on your turn as a Free Action. If you would fall unconsious, die, or store a spell this way for more than 24 hours, the spell is automatically cast selecting a random target and location.

Dynamomancy II

4 points, Dynamomany, 5th level.
Kinetic spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.


3 points.
You learn the ability, Lightning Link.
  • Lightning Link. (2 Mana) Whenever you would cast an Electric Attack spell, or an Electric Spell that deals damage and targets a single target, you can cause that spell to leap from one target to the next. This ability fails if you miss or attack roll or the target succeeded on their check to avoid the spell. Starting at the initial target, you cause the spell to bounce from that target to a second target within the reach of that spell. You make a second attack roll or force that target to make a DC check depending on the spell you cast. The spell then deals damage equal to the damage of the spell to the second target. You may only use this ability once per spell.

Electromancy II

4 points, Electromancy, 5th level.
Electric spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.


3 points.
Whenever you would cast a Geomancy Spell, you can use the ability below. You can only use this ability once per turn. In addition, you have a level of PRF in Geode Spells.
  • Tremor. While the spell is active or until the end of your turn if the spell is instant, you cause all ground within a 15ft radious of that point to become either difficult terrain or remove any difficult terrain caused by loose earth and soil. 

Geomancy II

4 points, Geomancy, 5th level.
Geode spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.


3 points.
Whenever you would cast a Gravitas spell, you can use the ability below. You can only use this ability once per turn. In addition, you have a level of PRF in Gravitas Spells.
  • Weightless (1 Mana). You suddenly levitate up to 10ft in the air. You do not provoke attacks of Opportunity this way. At the end of your turn, you gently float back down to the ground. If you take the movement action while floating this way you only move at half speed as you float through the air.

Gravitation II

4 pointsm Gravitation, 5th level.
Gravitas spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.


3 points.
While inside the radius of a magical light source of your creation, such as the spells, Light or Hardlight, you can use the ability Flash. You can only use this ability once per round. In addition, you have a level of PRF in Light spells.
  • Flash (Free Action, Reaction) The next time an enemy would make an attack roll against you or an ally within the source of light you can conjure bright blinding light. If you do, they have -4 on the attack roll this way.

Lumomancy II

4 points, Lumomancy, 5th level.
Light spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.


3 points.
Whenever you would kill a target with a spell you cast that deals necrotic damage, you regain hit points equal to the mana cost of the spell you cast. In addition, you have a level of PRF in Necrotic Spells.
Corpse Blast
4 points, Necromancy.
You can select an Undead under your control to suddenly and violently explode with toxic acid.
  • Corpse Blast (2 Action Points, 1 Mana): Select an Undead under your control within 60ft. You cause them to explode. All creatures within 5ft of that target must make an Endurance (Stamina) check, DC 10 + Necrotic Spell Skill. On a failed save, targets taked 2d6 acid damage or half as much on a successful one.
3 points, Necromancy.
Whenever you cast the spell, Blood Mana, you regain an additional 1d4 points of mana.

Necromancy II

4 points, Necromancy, 5th level.
Necrotic spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.


3 points.
You learn an alternate cast for the spell Listen. In addition, you have a level of PRF in Neuromantic Spells.
  • Alternate Cast: When you cast this spell, you can expend any number of Charges from a Synthetic Brain in your inventory, if you do, you can select as many additional targets for Charges expended this way.

Neuromancy II

4 points, Neuromancy, 5th level.
Neuromantic spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.


3 points.
Whenever you would cast a Thermal spell that would cause a target to get the Ignited wound, the level of Ignited they get is increased by one. In addition, you have a level of PRF in Thermal Spells.
Improved Immolate
3 points, Pyromancy.
You can cast the spell, Immolate for one less action point to a minimum of one.

Pyromancy II

4 points, Pyromancy, 5th level.
Thermal spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.
Wild Fire
4 points, Pyromancy II.
Whenever you would cast a spell that would cause a target to gain a level of Ignite. You can increase that level by 1. If you do, you also gain a level of Ignite.


3 points.
When you cast the spell, Atomic Charge, you can choose to cast it over the period of an hour. If you do, it costs no mana to cast it this way. You can use this ability a number of days equal to your Stamina Score before needing a long rest. In addition, you have a level of PRF in Radiant Spells.

Radimancy II

4 points, Radimancy, 5th level.
Radiant spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.


3 points.
Whenever you cast a Restoration spell that would restore hit points, you can restore an addtional number of Hit Points equal to your Intelligence Score. In addition, you have a level of PRF in Restoration Spells.
Wound Healing
3 points, Restoration.
Whenever you cast a Restoration spell that would restore hit points, if you do so during a short or long rest to a target who's recovering from a wound, for every 4 hit points you would restore you can instead choose to reduce the number of days to heal the wounds by 1. A target can only benefit from this ability once per Short or Long rest.
6 points, Restoration, Necromancy
Whenever you cast a Restoration spell that would restore hit points, you can instead choose to Unheal, if you do. You deal necrotic damage and the damage dealt is twice as many damage dice for the spell. In addition, if the spell would restore any levels of bleed, they instead gain that many levels of bleed.

Restoration II

4 points, Restoration, 5th level.
Restoration spells you cast cost 1 less mana to a minimum of 1.

General Features

Arcane Meditation
2 points.
Whenever you would use Mana Recovery while taking a Long Rest, you regain an additional 1d6 mana.
Bestial Form
3 points.
Whenever you cast the spell, Bestial Sense, your body naturally develops thick leathery skin and you gain +2 Damage Reduction. This effect ends once the spell ends.
Mana Pool
2 points.
You gain an additional +2 mana. You can take this feature again at 5th, 10th, and 15th level.
Spell Discovery
2 points.
You learn a new spell of your choice. You can take this feature again at 5th, 10th, and 15th level.
Spell Training
2 points.
You gain a level of PRF in a single spell type of your choice. You can take this feature again at 5th, 10th, and 15th level.
Woden Form
6 points.
Whenever you cast the spell, Oaken Flesh, it lasts an hour instead of a minute. In addition, you gain the following benefits while the spell is active.
  • The Damage Reduction from Oaken Flesh is increased by +1.
  • Whenever you would cast a Chemical type spell, and you succeed on the CR Roll by 10 or higher, you spend 2 less mana on the spell (to a minimum of 1)
  • You can cast the spell Fog for only 1 action point, you're able to see through the fog created this way.


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