Medieval Armors

Medieval Armors

Armor is used to protect characters from damage and wounds.

Armor Traits

Armor have several traits to detail their additional abilities and attributes.
Damage Reduction
Whenever you take damage from an attack roll, it's reduced by the number equal to your damage reduction total. Damage Reduction however has no effect from damage that's Toxic (Radiant, Necrotic, and Poison). Damage Reduction also doesn't effect damage from Wounds.
Prone Damage Reduction.
As an additional note. While your character is Prone, your Damage Reduction from your armor is reduced by half, round down.
Wound Resistance
Whenever you would be Wounded. You can choose to reduce the Wound Rolled up to a number equal to the Wound Resistance. (If your Wound resistance is 2, then the Wound Rolled is reduced by -2)
While wearing this armor, if someone attacks you using an Armor Piercing Attack, You add the Coverage Bonus to your Evasion or Parry chceck.
Armor with Encumbrance is heavier and can tire the wearer out quicker. For every point of Encumbrance the armor is, you have the following.
  • -1 Prowess.
  • -3 Mana Points.
While wearing armor, sometimes certain actions or positions might make your armor vulnerable, exposing weak points, gaps, and making it less effective. While your Armor is Vulnerable you gain the following traits.
  • Your Damage Reduction from your armor, is Halved round down.
  • Your Coverage is Halved, round down.
  • Your Wound Resistance Havled, round down.

Shield Traits

Whenever you would take a parry action with a shield, you add the Parry bonus to the roll. Shield use Brawn as their main attribute for parrying.
In addition, parrying with any shield costs one less action point than parrying with melee weapons.
Whenever you would take the parry action with the shield, if you roll 10 points higher than your opponent on their attack roll, you cause a Deflection. When you do so, they loose Prowess Points equal to your Deflection total.
Whenever you would make a parry check with a shield and add prowess dice to the roll. Keep check of how may die you rolled. After you finish the parry and attack rolls. Reroll the Prowess dice you added to the Parry Check. If any of those are 5s or higher, you regain those prowess dice.
Whenever you would take the Block Action with a shield, you add the Block score the the Parry Bonus.


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