Medieval Weapons


Swords, axes, bows, etc. Weapons are the tools of war and violence. Weapons are used by characters in combat in order to attack their enemies and parry their attacks. The weapons table shows all commonly avalilable weapons for characters to wield.

Weapon Traits

All weapons have specific traits that grant them some advantages or penalities depending on the senario they're used. These traits give a varity of uses and purposes to each and every weapon, making them specific tools in your arsenol to wield.
One vs Two Hands
Every weapon is either one or two handed. This is noted with the (1H) One Handed and (2H) Two handed.
Two handed melee weapons, specifically are much easier to wield as they use both hands. For this, whenever you reroll prowess dice after making an attack or parry with a Two Handed melee weapon, you add +1 to the Prowess Reroll.
All melee weapons have a reach number associated with them. Whenever you would make an attack roll, you can attack as far as your weapon would reach. For every 5ft your weapon reaches, this extends your reach to an additional tile.
As an additional note, whenever you make an attack roll with weapons that are shorter than 1ft, you provoke an attack of opportunity.
Weapon speed determines how many attacks are able to be made with a weapon in a single turn. Weapons with a speed of 0 cost the regular amount of action points to be used. For every point of speed a weapon has, it costs 1 less action point to make attacks with it. If a weapon has negative speed, it costs 1 more action point for each point of speed. (You cannot reduce a weapon speed to 0 this way)
Light weapons only deal half as much damage from Brawn or Awareness, round down.
Heavy weapons deal an additional half damage from Brawn or Awareness, round down.
Weapons with the bleed trait are more efficient and causes massive bleeding to targets. Whenever a target would gain the bleed condition from a weapon with bleed, they gain an additional level of bleed.
Hefty weapons are much less balanced and harder to wield. Whenever you would parry with a weapon that is Hefty, you automatically loose a single prowess die before you add any prowess dice to the roll.
Weapons with the Finesse properties can use Awareness instead of Brawn for Hit and Damage Modifiers.
Precision Rating
Some Weapons have Precision Ratings which acts as a counter to armor. Weapons with high Precision are able to slip past armor inbetween the gaps and completely ignore it.
Whenever you would take the Armor Pierce attack action. You subtract the hit penality from the ability equal to the Precision Rating of the weapon.
Weapons with Shock ignore damage that would be prevented by Damage Reduction. They can reduce a total number of damage equal to the Shock Score.
Weapon Attribute
When making any kind of action with a weapon, you use Either Brawn for Melee weapons or Awareness for Ranged Weapons.

Weapon Types

There are a total of nine Weapon Types. These Weapon Types determine what level of PRF you add to your weapon.
For example, if you have One Level of PRF in Bows, then you add +2 from your Proficiency level towards Longbows and Hunting Bows.
Melee Types
  • Swords
  • Axes
  • Maces
  • Polearms
  • Daggers
  • Unarmed
Ranged Types
  • Bows
  • Crossbows
  • Other
Special Weapons
Some weapons have unique qualities when used in combat and don't act like regular weapons. Those weapons and their special traits are listed here.
  • Lance. The Lance can be used from Horseback without any penalities to attack rolls. While not Horseback, the Lance is considered a Two handed Weapon.
  • Unarmed Strike. Unlike other weapons, any character can make an unarmed strike. However, whenever you would make an Unarmed Strike, if your opponent has a melee weapon, they can make an Opportunity Attack against you.

Custom Properties

While all weapons may have specific weapon traits attached to them, special weapons that you can find may have bonuses to their stats. These weapons will generally cost more (or less) than their normal counter part due to their bonuses. Depending on the weapon properties, it may vary where the weapon can be found since these would be rarer and their cost will be lower or higher.

Quality Level

The Quality Level is the primary Property, with the default being the Standard (+0). All weapons have a Quality Level and can only have one type of Quality. The Quality level increases (or decreases) the total Hit Bonus of the weapon equal to the Qualities Modifier. The Quality level will also increase (or decrease) the total cost of the item on the market place.
  • Improvised (-2)
  • Cost Modifer (x0.1) broken steel, or a chair leg used as a mace. This is not a proper weapon.
  • Worn (-1)
  • Cost Modifer (x0.5). item made with lower quality or has been left out to rust for too long.
  • Standard (+0)
  • The default item, this has no effect on cost and does not add any modifiers.
  • Well Made (+1)
  • Cost Modifer (x1.5) Made from a blacksmith who knows just enough tricks to properly temper steel so it will be before it breaks.
  • Castle Forged (+2)
  • Cost Modifer (x2) Made by a Lord's personal weapon smith or of someone of high renown and has access to better supplies and materials most others wouldn't have.
  • Master Craft (+3)
  • Cost Modifer (x3) Few smiths in the world can claim to have to be skilled high enough to make a weapon of such caliber. A weapon made of this level of Quality is unmatched in the world.

    Bonus Traits

    Bonus Traits are special abilities or additional perks to certain attributes of weapons that may help in unqiue ways such as improved damage, speed, etc. Some traits may only be applicable to certain types of weapons. Balanced Reactive Sturdy Strong Tapered Long Deadly Weighted Flexable Agile

Melee Weapons

Ranged Weapon Traits

Ranged Weapons have specific traits unique to them that give them additional options.
All weapons have a maximum range you can fire from. Whenever you would make an attack roll beyond this range, you have a negative bonus to hit. Making an attack roll beyond the range you have -1 to hit and for every additional 25ft you have an additional -1 to hit.
Crossbows have a loading feature, meaning you need to load the weapon before you can make an attack roll with it. You must take the Loading action a number of times equal to the Loading Score of the weapon to until you can fire it.

Ranged Weapons


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