Mock Battle

In some traditions, it is common for cultures to take apart in Mock Battles. These can range from anything to dueling, mass melees, and jousting. The goal wouldn't be to kill any opponents, rather knock them to the ground or dismount them from their horse in order to score points. While it's possible to be harmed, the intention is purely for spectacle and actual harm is discouraged. Fighters often use blunted weaponry so they wouldn't cause serious harm to their opponents.


When in a mock fight, you roll initiative as normal and carry out the regular combat rules. However, instead of dealing damage like normal, when you deal damage, you force your opponent to make a Posture Check.


Posture is one's ability to resist being knocked over in a Mock Battle. When making a posture check, the defending target must make an Endurance (Stamina) check against the opponents damage.
The DC to the check is equal to (10 + Damage Dealt)


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