Personality Traits

Personality Traits

Personality traits determine, can you guess? That's right! Your personality. These traits also determine your characters reaction to stress and social situations. For example: characters with the agressive trait, are much more at risk to become violent or reckless.

Determining Personality Traits

You roll 1d12 three times or choose individually to determine your personality traits for a total of three traits. Although you may have to reroll a few times since certain personality traits prevent you from having other ones.  
You believe in taking action and being the first one to get the job done. You often think of problems head on and ignore complex solutions for direct and simple ones.
You often avoid other people if out of shyness, distrust, or simply not feeling a need to be around other people. You're more than content to be by yourself for several hours at a time.
Close Minded
You bleieve in what you've always believe in and rarely change your opinion. No one can convince you otherwise.
You enjoy working together as a team with your friends or even your enemies if the situation might arise. You work well in social situations making strategies with many people on how to tackle a problem, taking the advice from each and everyone.
You don't see to put yourself above anyone else or rise above your station. You're happy and content where you are.
Open Minded
You believe in change and that the world is always evolving. New places and people are always something to look forward to, not to avoid.
You believe in the best of people at that the world is a naturally good place. You believe most people are honest and good hearted.
You prefer patience of action. You plan out what you want long before you make any risky moves.
You believe the world is naturally uncaring and cruel. People are vile and corrupt. You can't trust people unless they earn that trust, otherwise you might end up dead.
You believe yourself better than most people that you're gifted a greatness about you. You take great strides in knowing where you come from and what you deserve for it.
You're naturally against working with others and often resist cooperation, especially against those in positions of power. You work better on your own, not having to rely on others who can't always be trusted.
You love being able to be around other people, enjoying their converstatisons and stories they have to tell. You're more than happy to spend hours at a time with friends, playing games, getting drunk, or listening to stories.


Values are a set of morals and beliefs your character lives their life by and how they view the world. You can pick and number of values but it's recommended to take about two to four different values to live by.
You believe the world is a place to evolve and grow in and that the world must change and adapt. Living the same life over and over will only spell your doom.
You believe in selflessness and giving to those less fortunate than themselves. Whether gold or bred, if you don't need it, give it to someone who does.
You believe in prophecy, destiny, and divine right. You're fighting for some divine revelation or prophetic hero.
You believe in following the rules and laws of your faith and respecting the institution.
You believe in the blood ties of your family and respecting each other, even if you don't always agree, you're still bound by blood.
You believe in personal freedom and are willing to fight for it. corrupt kings are your natural enemy.
You believe in glory and valour. You fight not just to defeat your enemies, but to be herald as a hero of your people or nation.
You believe in the value of the coin or dollar and more money means more power for you.
You believe to never tell a lie and always be truthful, even to your enemies if you have to be.
You believe in the ideals of honor, keep to the oaths you make, protect the innocent, and respect your enemies, even in battle.
You believe in protecting the innocent from the not so innocent and to punish evil doers.
You believe in perserving and protecting knowledge and the scientific community.
You believe that your enemies should be spared and forgiven. Violence has to end at some point.
You believe that the strong must rule. Only those who are willing to fight and bleed for their people are worthy.
You believe in your country, clan, kingdom, or nation of any form. The nation protects and serves it's people and it's your right to protect the nation.
You believe in the natural world and that the ideals of civilization and indutrialization are a corrupt of the natural order of things.
You believe that only power as a whole is a value worth believing in. Whether, magical, political, or spirtual power, it's all the same.
You believe that any ill act against your or your people should be met with justice and a cost against the person or people who commited this act.
Self Preservation
You believe in yourself and no one else. Despite anything else you might believe in, you can't fight for it if you're not alive.
You believe in the old ways of your people and pass down those traditions generation to generation.

Wants & Needs

Objects of desire for your characters that motivate their actions and desicisions, these go beyond the moral codes your characters follow and act as objects of true desire. These won't always align with the principles your character might follow and often clash with one another. To be honor bound to loveless marriage, yet a deep want to for someone else, to explore the world, but be tied down to your duty as a knight. 
Your character should take about three to five different Wants & Needs, but you can take as few or many as you'd like.
You seek adventure and discovery. You want to wander and explore the great big world.
You seek the approval of someone or a group of people such as your parents or peers. 
You love the arts and crafts and have a great appreciation for them. You want to collect painting and learn new songs.
You love the beautiful things in the world, including yourself. You want perfumes, creames, and makeup.
You feel isolated from the rest of the world and you want to feel as long you belong in the world just as much as everyone else.
You need to feel challenge to be able to progress. Life is filled with harships that you seek to overcome.
You want to have close friends and family to be close to that you can share and bond with.
You need a since of control and organization in your life. The world is too chaotic and random for your liking.
You need to be able to express yourself and colorful personality and culture in ways that might not always be what's expected of.
You're more than happy just to live alone by yourself without needed to have close friends or family.
You seek to search out for knowledge and to study the unknown world. You can't help but be excited for every new thing you learn.
You want to be remembered either for great or terrible deeds. But to be forgotten is a fate worse than death to you.
You want the deep connection of love between yourself and a partner or multiple partners.
You want the pleasures of physical love, sex, and bodily pleasures. Your wants are all carnal.
You seek to hurt yourself to feel better and grow. Either through hard, painful work, flagellantion, or selfharm.
You want all the noise, confusion, and chaos of the world to end and just return to peace and order.
You enjoy the finer things in life, such as fine foods, perfumes, soft silk fabrics, etc.
You want to live in the social circles and gossip. Learning rumors about each and everyone.
You want status for you and/or your family. You want to be at the top of the food chain.
You enjoy violence and hurting other people. There's nothing that gets you going like murdering someone.

Articles under Personality Traits


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