Circle of Frost

Adapted from Yapptor
Druids within the Circle of Frost harness the powers often affiliated with Winter: the cold, ice, and dormancy. These Druids are known to harry their foes with the cold powers of nature, to help animals prepare for the Winter, and to guide those who should not otherwise be active during cold times.



Anathema of Frost

3rd-level Circle of Frost feature   The following acts are considered anathema for you, in addition to those detailed in the Druid’s Anathema feature.
  • Disregarding the lives of creatures at the mercy of freezing weather.
  • Destroying a creature’s preparations for the Winter.

Circle Spells

3rd-level Circle of Frost feature   Your connection to the frigid elements of nature grants you the ability to cast certain spells. You gain circle spells at the appropriate Druid levels listed below. See the Druid Circle class feature for how circle spells work.   3rd - Ice Knife, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
5th - Sleet Storm
7th - Ice Storm
9th - Cone of Cold    

Bonus Cantrip

3rd-level Circle of Frost feature   You gain the Frostbite, Ray of Frost, or Shape Water cantrip, and it doesn't count against the number of Druid cantrips you can know.  


3rd-level Circle of Frost feature   You can create a shield of sleet and ice between two opposing creatures. When you or an Ally is attacked by a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see, as a Reaction, you impose Disadvantage on the Attack Roll, as the attacker must contend with a burst of snow and hail. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. You can otherwise regain an expended use of this feature by expending a use of Wild Shape, no action required.  

Rime Armor

6th-level Circle of Frost feature   You gain a defensive coat of ice that provides you protection. You gain Resistance to Cold damage. Additionally, if you are not wearing armor or are Wild Shaped, your AC cannot be less than 16.  

Cold Snap

10th-level Circle of Frost feature   Your cold spells can snap a creature frozen. Any spell you cast that deals Cold damage has its Attack Roll or Saving Throw DC increased by 1.   If a creature is dealt Cold damage from one of your spells and your Attack Roll exceeded its AC by 4 or more, or the Saving Throw it made failed by 4 or more, you can attempt to freeze the creature. Roll a d6; on a 2 or higher, the creature is Slowed until the start of your next turn. On a 1, the creature is instead frozen solid and is considered Paralyzed for the duration. A creature cannot be frozen this way if it has Resistance or Immunity to Cold damage, and is instead Slowed.  

Icy Monolith

14th-level Circle of Frost feature   You become infused with the essence of ice, granting you the following benefits:
  • You have Immunity to Cold damage and Resistance to Fire damage.
  • You have Resistance to Bleed and Poison damage.
  • You are Immune to the Diseased and Poisoned conditions.
  • Your base AC from the Rime Armor feature increases to 17.