
Level 5 Transmutation

(Sorcerer, Wizard)   Casting Time: Action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute   You rend asunder the earth in a 60-foot-long, 5-foot-wide Line away from you in a direction you choose, targeting an area of ground (such as dirt, sand, or rock) at least 10 feet deep. Each creature in the Line makes a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failed save, a creature falls into the suddenly opened crevice in the ground and is crushed by it closing shut, taking 6d10 Bludgeoning damage and being buried in 10 feet of rubble.   To dig out from being buried, a creature without a Burrow Speed can spend an Action to dig up to an amount of feet equal to 5 x half their Strength modifier (minimum of 1). A creature that digs out returns to where they failed the Saving Throw, or to the closest unoccupied space. All other rules of being buried apply as normal.   While you maintain Concentration on this spell, the affected area is Difficult Terrain, and any creature that ends their turn while buried takes 1d10 Bludgeoning damage.