Forbidden Actions

Forbidden Actions are those you should avoid taking (or not take at all) in-character. Forbidden Actions should be read in detail by all players, and treated with the utmost respect. They come in three types: Lines, Veils, and Hazes.   That said, all of these subjects exist in the world just like in our own, but they are often not described nor depicted in detail for the sake of everyone's peace of mind and safety. In the unlikely event that the GM does bring up one of these topics (including Lines), it will be for the sole intent of furthering a plot (e.g. making a villain look that much more undeniably evil). If the GM feels one of these topics should be brought up but can be potentially triggering to some players, a Trigger Warning will be given to all players and potential spectators.  
  Lines are hard limits on content, that is, content that cannot and will not be crossed. These are non-negotiable. Failure to follow this can result in immediate expulsion from the adventure, and banning from all future adventures.   Veils are soft limits on content, that is, content that might come up in play, but the GM and players will fade the content to black or have it happen "behind a curtain". These are things that might be in the game, but should not be spotlighted or described in great detail.   Hazes are essentially an "Ask First". A Haze is a piece of content that can be either a Line, a Veil, or neither. The GM will utilize any or all of them, but players are expected to ask first before roleplaying any scenario using a Haze. That said, if a particular Haze is problematic for a player (e.g. they have a phobia), they should inform the GM so that it can be potentially considered a Line or Veil for the adventure.  


Child Death

You may not harm a true child, ever. Disasters, NPC enemies, sickness, and such dangers exist, but their use for the narrative is handled solely, and strictly, by the GM. A GM may describe a child that has died, but otherwise, you will not intentionally contribute to the death of a true child, and it is not classy to joke about such a thing.  

Hate Speech

You will not speak or indulge in the act of Hate Speech. This includes but is not limited to inciting hated against a person or character, based on their race, religion, skin color, sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, or national origin. This includes bigotry. This is common sense; don't do it.
Playing a Racist Character
Having a character with a general dislike for a certain ancestry(s), for one reason or another, can be acceptable but should still be avoided. Such a character will be discussed in great detail with the GM, and would have to be accepted by all players at the table before starting play. If the GM believes your character (and subsequently you) would prove to be harmful to the group, as a result of just requesting to play such a character, you can and likely will be removed. Playing a character who overcomes their racist ignorance is one thing, being a racist is another. You've been warned.

Sexual Assault

You may not attempt a sexual assault on another character, ever. It does not matter if the players involved are fine with it, they and you will not participate in it. With player permission, less egregious acts may be performed, such as a classy touch, hand grab, shoulder rub, etc. Romance and pursuing it is fine, but groping and so on is where the line is drawn. This includes doing such behavior to NPCs, and includes verbally mentioning the subject (e.g. making unwanted comments that are sexual in nature).  


Players may not kill their characters through suicide. They cannot threaten to do so, and they can not say they will do so. If your character would get to the point that they would, they instead retire. Retiring in this way is not a substitute for death, but the character instead simply walks off into the sunset, thereby leaving the group. Heroic self sacrifice does not fall under this Forbidden Action. Talks of suicide in a jokingly manner can be acceptable, but should still be avoided, and will not be spoken of frequently. You've been warned.  



If it is fully consentual, love-making is permitted between two characters, but will be done so "behind the curtains" (aka little detail). All parties involved must consent both in and out of game. This love-making should not be given more spotlight than it needs, and should not be addressed in detail at any point in the adventure. For further clarifications on what is and isn't acceptable in regards to this Veil, read the Sexual Assault Line, and speak with your GM.  

Torture + Mental Assault

You may not torture another character (player or NPC). This includes but is not limited to physical, mental, or spiritual torture. Social interrogation and general trickery of a less extreme nature are permissible. There may be a rare instance where it is permissable to do slightly more egregious forms of torture on an NPC, but it will still be frowned upon, will not be described in detail, and should be avoided.  



You may not bully another player at the table. This one is not as severe as the others above, but depending on the severity of it you will not be given a warning but will instead be told to leave. There is roleplaying characters with conflicting beliefs and so on, and then there's being a bully to another person at the table. There is no room for the latter in a place where people should feel comfortable. If you're ever in doubt, speak with your GM and/or receive explicit consent from the other player(s).  


This one is not as serious as the other Forbidden Actions, but you must still adhere to good practice when utilizing these. If you roleplay a character that contains heavy symbology, reference or intensity with a common phobia, it is best to warn the players present so that they can look away or remove themselves. As long as some form of communication is attempted and none involved are trying to control the actions of others with this rule, then it is fair play. Any attempt to metagame this rule for a mechanical or roleplay advantage, or any attempt to exploit a player, will result in your removal. If you have a phobia, it is recommended you inform your GM of it, in the event that such a phobia is present in the adventure; this way, your GM can better prepare for it. Examples of common phobias include:
  • Arachnophobia (spiders)
  • Aerophobia (flying)
  • Trypophobia (clusters of holes)
  • Ophidiophobia (snakes)
  • Cynophobia (dogs)
  • Thalassophobia (deep water)
  • Trypanophobia (needles)
  • Coulrophobia (clowns)

Self-Harm + Body Mutilation

These subjects can often come up during sessions, especially if a Blood Hunter character is present. Sometimes the subject comes up as a result of a price that must be paid by a character, and other times it can come up as a means of furthering the narrative. Whatever the case, you should handle self-harm and body mutilation with respect, and you should not romanticize it. This includes making characters who self-harm for reasons like penance.   If a player wishes to avoid this topic during an adventure, but you really want to play a Blood Hunter, speak with your GM. There are narrative alternatives to playing a Blood Hunter, outside of doing things like cutting one's self (e.g. it can instead be blood draining, etc.).