
Created by GabeGrimoire
Gnolls are feral humanoids that are known to attack settlements along the frontiers and borderlands of civilization without warning, slaughtering their victims and devouring their flesh. Though gnolls have a rather sinister reputation in the world, it is not unheard of for a gnoll to live in a settlement as a respected citizen, or as a valued member of a group of adventurers. After all, deep down, they're all just thrill seekers.  

Ruthless Origin

The origin of the gnolls trace back to a time when the god of slaughter, Ruzthos, ran amok the Material Plane. Packs of ordinary hyenas followed in his wake, scavenging the deity's kills and "laughing" through his killing spree. Amused by these creatures, Ruzthos took a liking to them. Those hyenas were transformed into the first gnolls, who paraded after Ruzthos until he was inevitably stopped by the other deities. Then looking upon the gnolls, the deities decided to leave them be, respecting the creation and wishes of Ruzthos—all things considered. The gnolls then scattered across the face of the world, multiplying and becoming a well known species to all, and a dire reminder to some.  

Thirst for Blood Thrills

Gnolls tend to struggle to have goodness or compassion towards others. Sharing many tendencies with demons and being created by the god of rage and slaughter, they have destructive tendencies and an innate thirst for violence. They are also a free race, causing them to avoid settlements unless it's to plunder it, slaughter those inside, and then scurry away with their prizes. They rarely build permanent structures or craft anything of lasting value. They don't normally make weapons or armor, but scavenge such items from the corpses of their fallen victims. Sometimes even, when they lack a common foe, they may choose to fight among themselves.   Those that were born and raised outside of a pack of feral gnolls however, can be raised to control their bloodthirst. Though their patron god is one of rage and slaughter, so too is Ruzthos the god of freedom. Their bloodthirst can very often be turned into thrill seeking, causing many to seek out fast-paced environments and dangerous lines of work. As such, they often take roles in society as guards, esteemed warriors, or most commonly, as adventurers. A few of them can even grow up to appreciate things like peace, art, and family.  

Gnoll Names

Though some gnolls who live in settlements may adopt a name that fits better, a typical gnoll's name is 2-3 syllables long, and always start with a vowel. If the gnoll is part of a war band, they often adopt the war band's name as their surname, which are always simple and descriptive. For example, Aldonk of the Dread Defilers.   Gnoll Names: Aldonk, Amduk, Arthut, Egnot, Enret, Eyot, Ignor, Imnerk, Odnam, Orthurk, Ulath, Unral, Usmakh   War Bands: Dread Defilers, Forsaken Mongrels, Hissing Bullies, Swift Devils, Thrifty Hunters, Rambling Vermin  

Gnoll Traits

Your gnoll character has the following traits.  


Ability Score Increase Str +2; Dex +1
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Alignment. Choose one of the alignments approved by your GM. Typical gnolls tend towards Evil and Chaotic alignments.   Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.   Size. You are Medium (about 6-7 feet tall), and weigh about 190-280 pounds.   Speed. Your land Speed is 30 feet.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Wicked (Abyssal).   Life Span. Gnolls mature around the age of 13, and live on average about 70 years.  

  Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.   Bite. Your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make Unarmed Strikes. If you hit with it, you deal Piercing Damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the normal damage for an Unarmed Strike.   Carrion Eater. Your exposure to sickly flesh and gross meats has fortified your body against plagues and filth. You can safely consume raw or rotten food and have Advantage on Saving Throws against Disease and ingested poisons.   Feral Instincts. You have Proficiency in one of the following Skills of your choice: Athletics, Intimidation, Stealth, or Survival.   Thrill Seeker. When you roll a 20 on a D20 Test, you have Advantage on the next D20 Test you make within the next 1 minute.   Rampage. As a Bonus Action, you move up to half your Speed. Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a Long Rest, or reduce a Hostile creature to 0 Hit Points.   Trophy Hunter. You have a +2 bonus to checks you make to harvest a creature you have slain. Starting at 10th level, this bonus increases to +3.