
Spending too much time around hags, curses and hexes can often lead someone to be hexblooded. Such is the case for many individuals living within the Dark Forest, who find themselves the victims (or vessels) of such dark magics affecting their bodies. These individuals develop hag-like qualities, like a natural attraction to curses, and some have been known to walk a path that leads into the transformation of a hag.
Proficiency — Arcana Skill or Alchemist’s Supplies.   Once per Long Rest, as a Bonus Action, you can harmlessly remove a small part of your body (e.g. lock of your hair, a nail, a tooth), and imbue it with magic until your next Long Rest, at which point your missing part regrows. While this token is imbued in this way, as an Action, you can send a telepathic message to the creature holding or carrying the token, as long as you are within 10 miles of it. The message can contain up to twenty-five words.   You have a +1 bonus to your Charisma score.   You have Disadvantage on Ability Checks and Saving Throws to avoid or end a curse on you.