
Created by KibblesTasty (slight change made)
Some wizards struggle to find a path of study that suits their needs and desires. Some struggle to find their school over years to come, and others take to the school of innovation. These wizards take matters into their own hands. If a spell doesn’t suit their needs, they’ll make one that does. What these wizards lack in specialization, they make up for in innovation.



Magically Inclined

2nd-level Innovation feature   Your deep study and understanding of the underlying mechanics of magic grants you Proficiency in the Arcana Skill. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain Proficiency in the Linguistics Skill.  

Spell Inventor

2nd-level Innovation feature   You invent a spell that marks your entry as an Innovation Wizard. You create a 1st-level spell that becomes known as, your character’s name + descriptive detail. Spend three Creation Points on the Spell Creation Table to make your spell. The Spell starts as the Template Spell before any modifiers. You learn your spell, and you always have it prepared.   Refer to the Spell Creation Details article.  

Innovator's Improvisation

6th-level Innovation feature   You can attempt to modify a spell you cast on the fly, adding any effect(s) from the Spell Creation Table. If you do, you must make an Arcana check equal to the number of Creation Points added times six to cast the spell. You cannot change the spell’s Concentration (or lack thereof), or change its Saving Throw.   If you fail the Arcana check, the spell is cast without modifiers. If you fail the Arcana check by 5 or more, the spell fails to cast entirely.   Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a Short or Long Rest.  

Second Time's the Charm

10th-level Innovation feature   You invent your second spell. The spell becomes known as, your character’s name + descriptive detail. You can create a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th level spell. Spend two + two times the spell level Creation Points on the Spell Creation Table. The spell starts as the Template Spell, adding any modifiers. You learn your spell, and you always have it prepared.  

Magical Laureate

14th-level Innovation feature   You invent your third spell. The spell becomes known as, your character’s name + descriptive detail. You can create a 6th or 7th level spell. Spend three + two times the spell level Creation Points on the Spell Creation Table. The spell starts as the Template Spell, adding any modifiers. You learn your spell, and you always have it prepared.