List of Patrons

Patrons by Warlock Subclass

Note: The Accursed Archive and The Gelatinous Convocation are not listed here, as they are the patron themselves. For example, if you choose to play as an Accursed Archive Warlock, your patron is the Accursed Archive.  


  • The Goatman
  • The Snake Queen
  • ?


  • Excalibur
  • Nova Stel
  • ?

Elder Dragon

  • Nova Stel
  • ?
  • ?


  • Davy Jones
  • ?
  • ?


  • Davy Jones
  • The Leviathan King
  • ?

Great Old One

  • The Leviathan King
  • ?
  • ?


  • Excalibur
  • ?
  • ?


  • The Goatman
  • The Hive
  • ?


  • WIP
  • WIP
  • WIP

List of Patrons - WIP

  • Davy Jones (Fiend, Fathomless)
  • Excalibur (Celestial, Hexblade)
  • Nova Stel (Celestial, Elder Dragon)
  • The Goatman (Archfey, Undying)
  • The Hive (Undying, ?)
  • The Leviathan King (Great Old One, Hexblade)
  • The Snake Queen (Archfey, Hexblade)



The Goatman
The Snake Queen


Ariel, the Redeemed
Nova Stel  

Elder Dragon

Gambler Blanc


Davy Jones
The Leviathan King


Baba Yaga
Davy Jones
Gambler Blanc  


Baba Yaga

Great Old One

The Leviathan King  


The Snake Queen


Nova Stel  


The Goatman
The Hive  


Ariel, the Redeemed
The Hive
Note: The Accursed Archive and The Gelatinous Convocation are not listed here, as they are the patron themselves. For example, if you choose to play as an Accursed Archive Warlock, your patron is the Accursed Archive.  

Ariel, the Redeemed

Celestial, Undying

Tales tell of a time when an angel was caught and imprisoned by wicked mortals—ones who dealt in the business of selling body parts. It took weeks until the last of the mortals were struck down by the caught angel, but by that point, the damage was already done. So injured was the solar Ariel, that not even the magic of the gods could help her regain the ability to see, fly, walk, or even leave the Material Plane. And so for over a century, Ariel lay broken and blinded in the Wildlands of Kerrios, moss and plants covering her body, until she gained the strength to move. She was broken, but she refused to die. She blamed herself for the events that befell her, and she disowned the gods she had pledged her prior life to. Now she wanders the lands of Agathok, seeking to make up for her weakness. She will hunt down and slay all torturers. She will free all slaves, and she will stand up to tyranny. To mortals who share her beliefs, she lends them her power.   Those that follows this patron, may be affected by the following outlooks:
  • Pointless battles are just that, pointless.
  • Cruelty and oppression are evil, and torture is a sin. Stop it.
  • Teamwork makes the dream work.
  • Strength in numbers. Gather as many allies as you can.

Baba Yaga

Fiend, Genie

The mother of all witches and hags, Baba Yaga is a fiend that is said to have been the first true practicioner of the dark arts.   Those that follows this patron, may be affected by the following outlooks:
  • Magic is a sacred art that must be kept prevalent and accepted, regardless of nature.
  • Respect your elders, for they have experience.
  • The homes of spellcasters should be treated like temples.
  • The inexperienced must listen to you.

Davy Jones

Fiend, The Fathomless

The fiend that presides over all the spirits of the deep, Davy Jones lurks in the darkest depths of the sea. He is the collector of lost souls, and the reaper of those left at sea. For the undevoted or those who defile the rules of the Baymen, may luck be on their side lest they be sent to Davy Jones’ locker. For those who are devoted, a blind eye may be turned by the fiend. And for those who show respect and homage to Davy Jones—carrying out his will, they may be offered a piece of his power as one of his "crew".   Those that follows this patron, may be affected by the following outlooks:
  • Respect the sea and your crew.
  • Judge by character not by horns.
  • Me and my crew are all that matters.
  • Disrespect me or my crew, and death awaits you.


Celestial, Hexblade

Ages ago, a blade was forged by the gods to serve as a weapon of evergrowing light and power. For every bearer the blade had, it grew stronger. It continuously evolved and eventually gained sentience. As the blade got stronger however, fewer mortals were capable of wielding it. The gods dared not touch it, either, and so the blade faded into history. Ages passed and started anew, but the blade remained in the world, abandoned. Accepting its fate, it sought a different approach. The blade used its name to spread its influence. It wishes to venture the world and partake in adventurers. To do so, the blade Excalibur promises to share bits of its power to any capable mortal.   Those that follows this patron, may be affected by the following outlooks:
  • Even the smallest of us, may have the largest destiny.
  • Loneliness is the biggest misery that one can suffer from.
  • When adventure beckons, you answer.
  • Companions are good to have, regardless of nature. Never betray them!

Gambler Blanc

Elder Dragon, Fiend

It's an easy thing to gamble, and an easier thing to get enthralled by it. Life is just one enormous gamble, and the dice can be manipulated by those that know how. Gambler Blanc, an elder dragon who has lived for countless years, grants his power to those that play to win, who play with a card up their sleeve, loaded dice and crossed fingers behind backs. The thrill of a game is exhilirating, but the thrill of cheating at one is simply intoxicating.   Those that follows this patron, may be affected by the following outlooks:
  • Rules are meant to be broken.
  • Suckers are many, true mates aren’t. Learn the difference.
  • Power is who owes you and whom you owe.
  • Struggle brings suffering, but an easy win keeps on paying.

Nova Stel

Seeker, Celestial

A starlit creature of strange origin and wide range, it flies through the Astral Plane exploring the hidden places. It chooses mortals to share these secrets with, and to promote its sense of wanderlust. It appears dragon-like, but is far more alien than dragon.   Those that follows this patron, may be affected by the following outlooks:
  • Go! Look! Learn!
  • Curiosity is a power we all share.
  • The night is sacred.
  • The stars are our guide, follow their light to dark places.

The Goatman

Archfey, Undead

A being shrouded in mystery and folklore, the Goatman is seemingly nowhere and everywhere. He watches and waits for something to pique his interest and once he finds something--or someone, he grips onto it tightly. Wishing to experience all that it has to offer.   Those that follows this patron, may be affected by the following outlooks:
  • Experience everything! Even if just once.
  • To abandon something that still has more to share, is foolish.
  • Life is a journey as well as a game to be the wisest. Do. Not. Lose.
  • Death will not be what stops my journey. Foolishness will.

The Hive

Undead, Undying

Forgotten was the magic that created the first. Now the first became the many and the many spread beyond. Now they watch over the graves, turned away from their true purpose, feasting on the corpses and the memories of those long dead.   Those that follows this patron, may be affected by the following outlooks:
  • Respect the Dead.
  • The Many outweigh the Few.
  • To be alone is to die, seek companionship.
  • Death is my weapon and my cause.

The Leviathan King

Great Old One, The Fathomless

Deep below the oceans of Agathok lives a leviathan that rules all others. It's age and size far exceeds all other creatures--be it water, land or air. It has seen oblivion and spat on it, and it shares these visions with those it ensnares. Those that do not go mad or die from shock, become forever ensnared by the Leviathan King's intrigue.   Those that follows this patron, may be affected by the following outlooks:
  • I have seen oblivion. Life is meaningless.
  • The end is coming!
  • Nothing scares me, for I have seen the worst.
  • Madness is a sign of seeing the truth. Do not ignore it.

The Snake Queen

Archfey, Hexblade

The last of her royal bloodline, the snake queen was betrayed and denied her place in the Shadowfell court. She now wanders the Shadowfell, growing in strength and animosity. She will not be denied her throne as well as her vengeance, and will do whatever it takes to get both. Including granting power to mortals.   Those that follows this patron, may be affected by the following outlooks:
  • Wrap yourself in the armor of distrust, for no knife shall find your back if it is never turned.
  • I am right, I am destined.
  • Words are just as strong as any blade. Know when to use both.
  • A ruler without servants is worthless. Earn the trust of others, though do not exchange it.


Archfey, Undying

None know whether Vesh is a witch or a demigod, but she has walked Agathok for centuries, seducing those who pry into forbidden magics and drawing them to her as possible suitors. Acolytes cultivate sects of worshippers who engage in ritualistic orgies and masochistic rites, these rituals culminating with her selecting a mate. Vesh feeds on the unchosen in a bloody massacre before laying with her selected survivor and vanishing to the feywild. Their essences intertwined, she then lends her strength to her mate, watching over them for life. And while she has many partners, she is a jealous patron who demands the true heart of her chosen. Those who stray are never heard from again.   Those that follows this patron, may be affected by the following outlooks:
  • Vesh is the most beautiful creature in existence.
  • Death is inevitable, but pain is temporary and means you’re alive.
  • Love is a beautiful thing. Do not belittle it, regardless of nature.
  • The unworthy are a waste of time to you. Dispose of them.