
Adapted from SerNurp
Love is a force that few can understand and fewer still can predict. It comes and it goes, on whim and whimsy, it sows seeds of pure joy and reaps absolute loss. You have studied it, felt it, nurtured it, and lost it. Clerics of Love seek to control these feelings within, to nurture them, and to translate them into an even greater understanding.   The gods of love typically concern themselves with matters of beauty and harmony. They may play and tug with the hearts of mortals, they may seek to maintain the sanctity of union between creatures in love, and they may offer solace to grieving widows.




Amara, Polaris  

Domain Spells

You gain domain spells at the appropriate Cleric levels listed below. See the Divine Domain class feature for how domain spells work.   1st - Animal Friendship, Charm Person
3rd - Calm Emotions, Enthrall
5th - Aura of Vitality, Mass Healing Word
7th - Aura of Purity, Charm Monster
9th - Seeming, Hallow  

Charming Qualities

1st-level Love Domain feature   You learn the Friends cantrip, and it doesn't count against the number of Cleric cantrips you can know. Additionally, you gain Proficiency in the Insight Skill, and in one Instrument or Tool of your choice. If you are a follower of Amara and have her Lip Service, you instead gain Expertise in the Insight Skill.  

Blessing of the Matchmaker

1st-level Love Domain feature   You have a gift for inspiring and supporting others in their social interactions. As an Action, you touch a willing creature (other than yourself) and imbue them with a blessing of magical confidence. When a creature blessed this way makes an Ability Check using Charisma, they can choose to either use their roll, or ignore it and have you make the same Ability Check. If you roll, they must use the result. They can decide to have you roll after they make the Ability Check, but before the GM determines the outcome. This blessing lasts for 1 hour, or until you use this feature again. A creature who has received this blessing cannot benefit from it again until they complete a Long Rest.  

Heart Sight

1st-level Love Domain feature   You gain the ability to read a creature's feeling. As an Action, you choose a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see. You learn that creature's current emotional state. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.  

Channel Divinity: Induce Infatuation

2nd-level Love Domain feature   You can use your Channel Divinity to influence and direct people's desires. As an Action, you present your holy symbol and force a creature you can see within 60 feet of you to make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failure, the target becomes infatuated with one other creature or object of your choice, their desire, that the target can either see or knows the location of; the creature is considered Charmed by their desire. The target is infatuated in this way for up to 1 hour. While infatuated, the creature cannot willingly move away from their desire. If their desire is another creature, the infatuated creature has Disadvantage on any Wisdom (Insight) checks they make against them. If the infatuated creature is dealt damage or forced to make a Saving Throw by their desire, the effect immediately ends.  

Channel Divinity: Foster Fraternity

6th-level Love Domain feature   You can use your Channel Divinity to rebuke violence in the name of love. Whenever a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see takes damage, you can use your Reaction to force the attacker to make a Wisdom Saving Throw if they can hear you. On a failure, they cannot attack that same target again for 1 minute. A creature that fails this save receives a new save to end this effect early at the end of each of its turns. Additionally, should the triggering creature attack the affected creature, this effect immediately ends.  

Potent Spellcasting

8th-level Love Domain feature   You can add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any Cleric cantrip.  

Flawless Glamour

17th-level Love Domain feature   Clemency and tenderness flows through you so strongly, it affects everyone around you. Whenever a creature hits with an attack against you or a creature within 5 feet of you, you can use your Reaction to force them to hold back, reducing the damage dealt by the attack by half.