Oath of Sanity

Resist the Cracks of Madness

Revised from KibblesTasty
The Oath of Sanity is the oath of someone that has survived exposure to the horrors that lay beyond the veil, or perhaps someone that has prepared for them through a mystical order, a forgotten tradition… or particularly vivid and overly active imagination. While most who have glimpsed into the Far Realm suffer instant and irrevocable madness, these Paladins have glimpsed beyond and sworn to remain sane, no matter what the cost. They reject shielding their fragile mind from what they’ve seen in comforting shroud of madness.   An Oath of Sanity Paladin will usually seem to others as true neutral or lawful neutral individuals following obscure codes incomprehensible to those who haven’t experienced a brush with the beyond, their morality coming in blue and orange rather than black and white. Almost universally, they are dedicated to preventing the threats beyond from consuming the material world and shattering the fragile minds within.   These Paladins share the following tenets:
  • Do not give into madness.
  • Shield the fragile minds of the innocent.
  • Delight in discipline and vigilance.



Oath of Sanity Spells

Level 3 feature   The magic of your oath ensures you always have certain spells ready; when you reach a Paladin level specified in the table below, you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.  
Paladin Level
Detect Magic, Protection from Good and Evil
See Invisibility, Nullify Effect
Dispel Magic, Remove Curse
Banishment, Dimension Door
Banishing Smite, Dispel Evil and Good

Denying Smite

Level 3 feature   Immediately after you cast Divine Smite, you can expend one use of your Channel Divinity to strip the target of its ability to speak or hide its true nature. The target must succeed on a Charisma Saving Throw or take Radiant damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) and be Muted until the end of its next turn. If the creature's true form is concealed by an illusion, shapeshifting, or other effect, that form is revealed for the duration.    

Aberrant Sense

Level 3 feature   When you use your Channel Divinity and choose the Divine Sense effect, you detect Abberations in addition to the effect's other Creature Types.  

Active Mind

Level 7 feature   Whenever a condition or effect allows you to make a Saving Throw at the end of your turn to end it on you, you can choose to instead make that Saving Throw at the start of your turn.  

Constant Vigilance

Level 15 feature   You can no longer be Surprised, and while you have at least 1 Hit Point, your Passive Perception remains the same even while you have the Unconscious condition.   Additionally, when you roll for Initiative, if the total result of your roll is less than your Passive Perception, you can replace the result with your Passive Perception score.  

Clarity of Purpose

Level 20 feature   You can fully perceive the world around you for what it is, shattering the foul magics that bind, and piercing the veils that hide. As a Bonus Action, you gain the benefits below for 10 minutes. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a Long Rest. You can also restore your use of it by expending a level 5 Spell Slot (no action required).
  • Truesight. You have Truesight with a range of 120 feet.
  • Psychic Immunity. You have Immunity to Psychic damage.
  • Dispelling Smites. Whenever you damage a creature with a Smite spell, you can immediately cast the Dispel Magic spell on the target as a Bonus Action without expending a Spell Slot, and casting it at the same level as the Spell Slot you expended for the Smite spell.