
Created by GabeGrimoire
Rellaforged—also known as "Awoken" to some, are humanoids made of part organic and part inorganic matter. Rellaforged are naturally curious beings who have just recently come into existence. Their appearance varies from one to the next, some appearing more construct-like than others, and some appearing more humanoid. Furthermore, some are capable of firing blobs of acid while others possess multiple arms. No matter the outward appearance however, all rellaforged have one defining feature: a power crystal that keeps their mental and physical state in top condition, which acts almost like a heart to them. These crystals are fueld by powerful magic and were forged by the very deity of craft and invention herself, Korella.  

Fragmented Memories

When a rellaforged "awakens" (gains conscioussness for the first time), they experience their first moments of life as a mature, sentient creature. They have no past before this, though a phenomemon exists within the memory of each rellaforged, known as a "fragmented memory". It is a memory of a past that does not exist.   Many scholars believe this "memory" is something the rellaforged subconsciously fabricated, so as to give themselves some comfort or understanding of their peculiar existence. All rellaforged however, believe their fragmented memory to not only be real, but that searching for the answers of their memory can explain their reason for existing. As a result, most rellaforged turn to a life of adventuring. Those who don't adventure, are typically those who have either given up on searching for answers, are too afraid of what the truth might be, or choose to live this new life rather than look for a potential past one.  

Constructs with Souls

Though some might believe otherwise, all rellaforged possess a soul. And though they might appear as a construct and share many features with them, rellaforged are as humanoid as can be. It is said that the first rellaforged to awaken were constructed to be more aligned with constructs, and therefore did not possess the ability or function to do things that other humanoids could do—like sleep, eat, feel, and/or reproduce. This in turn, quickly led most rellaforged to go mad. Since then, Korella has made it part of her dogma to care for all rellaforged, and to never construct a rellaforged's body to be anything less than "humanoid".  

Rellaforged Names

From the moment they awaken, a rellaforged understands concepts like language and the importance of things like names. Most rellaforged choose a name that connects to their fragmented memory, adopt a name often given to them by their comrades, or take a common name to make it easier to communicate with others.   Rellaforged Names: Anchor, Banner, Bastion, Blade, Blue, Bow, Cart, Church, Crunch, Crystal, Dagger, Dent, Eclipse, Farmer, Five, Glaive, Hammer, Iron, Lucky, Mace, Oak, Onyx, Pants, Pierce, Red, Rod, Rusty, Scout, Seven, Shield, Slash, Smith, Spike, Temple, Twilight, Vault, Wall, Worker  

Rellaforged Traits

Your character has the following traits.  


Ability Score Increase Con +2; Int +1
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Alignment. Choose one of the alignments approved by your GM. Typical Rellaforged tend towards no particular alignment.   Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.   Size. You are Medium (about 4-8 feet tall) or Small (about 2-4 feet tall), and weigh about 120-850 pounds.   Speed. Your land Speed is 30 feet.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other Language of your choice (that your GM agrees is appropriate).   Life Span. Rellaforged are mature from the moment they are born, and their maximum lifespan remains a mystery; so far, none have shown signs of deterioration due to age–that is, so long as they remain powered. That said, the first recorded Rellaforged gained consciousness in the year 1204, making the oldest of Rellaforged about 200 years old.  

  Powered. You (much like every other rellaforged) possess a power crystal that acts as a power supply to you. Your power crystal is located somewhere in your torso (typically where other humanoids would have their heart). You can remove your power crystal at will, and for all intents and purposes it is considered your heart. While your power crystal is removed from its socket, you are considered not powered, you cannot cast spells, and you lose access to all abilities and traits your ancestry gives you that does not give you a Proficiency. After 24 hours, the power lines on your body disappear. Every consecutive day after that, you gain a level of Exhaustion that cannot be removed until a power crystal is inserted back.   Constructed Resilience. Your body was created to have remarkable fortitude. You have the following benefits:
  • You have Resistance to Poison damage, and Advantage on Saving Throws to avoid or end the Poisoned condition on yourself.
  • You don’t need to breathe.
  • You are immune to disease.
  • You are immune to magical aging effects.
  Sentry’s Rest. You don’t need to sleep. When taking a Long Rest, instead of sleeping you can spend 6 hours in an inactive, motionless state, during which you appear inert but remain conscious. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 7-8 hours of sleep. You fill the other hours of the Long Rest with light activity.   Fragmented Knowledge. Perhaps due to your fragmented memory, you can sometimes perform actions or glean information on things you didn't know you knew or could do. When you make an Ability Check that uses a Skill, you can roll a d6 immediately after seeing the number on the d20 and add the number on the d6 to the result. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.   Augmentation. Your body has been altered to incorporate a certain augmentation, that not all rellaforged have. Choose one benefit to have from the list of augmentations below.  


  Arm Blade. You have two arm blades, one within each of your arms. As a Bonus Action, you extend or retract the blade attached within one of your arms. While extended, your blade is a natural weapon, which are Proficient with. If you hit with it, you deal Slashing Damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. An arm with an extended arm blade is considered free for all purposes, though you cannot attack with the arm blade while holding or wielding anything in the same hand. You can detach an arm blade and attach a new one over the course of 10 minutes (they are essentially modified longswords).   Carapace. Your skin in places is covered by a thick shell, which serves as natural armor for you. When you aren't wearing armor, your base AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.   Elemental Spit. As an Action, you unleash an elemental force from your mouth (or other body part) at a point you can see within 30 feet of you. Each creature in a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 8 + your Constitution modifier + your Proficiency Bonus), taking 1d8 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 7th level (2d8) and 14th level (3d8). You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ The Damage Type for this ability is one of the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison (choose when you select this augmentation).   Fleet Feet. Your land Speed increases by 5 feet, and you have a Climb Speed equal to your land Speed.   Glide. You have something like ray-like fins or feathers that you can use to slow your fall or allow you to glide. When you fall and aren’t incapacitated, you can subtract up to 100 feet from the fall when calculating Fall Damage, and you can move up to 2 feet horizontally for every 1 foot you descend.   Innate Talent. You have Proficiency with one Skill of your choosing, and gain one of the following:
  • You have Proficiency with one Tool of your choice.
  • You can speak, read, and write one Language of your choice (that your GM agrees is appropriate).
  Optic Camouflage. You can cast the Invisibility spell with this trait, without requiring a material component, but it has a duration of 10 minutes, and doesn’t require Concentration. Once you cast the spell with this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast the spell normally using any Spell Slots you have of the appropriate level.   Secondary Arms. You have two slightly smaller secondary arms. These can be used much like your primary arms, but with the following exceptions:
  • You can use a secondary arm to wield a weapon that has the Light property, but not any other kind of weapon.
  • You can’t wield a shield with a secondary arm.
  Superior Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 120 feet.   Tempered Skin. You have Resistance to Fire Damage.