Sand Strider

The sands of Xendar can be dreadful, certainly, but it can also be peaceful. For some individuals of Xendar, there is a sense of peacefulness that comes when one walks through the sands. With enough time and patience, these individuals come to be able to replace the need for sleep, with deep meditation. How they came to learn this technique, and how quickly, varies from person to person. Some for instance, learned it leisurely, while others learned while they were stranded.
Skill Proficiency — Perception or Insight.   Tool Proficiency — Glassblower's Tools.   You have Tremorsense with a range of 10 feet.   You don’t need to sleep. When taking a Long Rest, instead of sleeping you can meditate (or “trance”) deeply for 4 hours, remaining semiconscious (much like an elf does). After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 7-8 hours of sleep. You fill the other hours of the Long Rest with light activity. If you are an elf, instead of this trait, the time it takes for you to Trance is reduced by 2 hours and your Hit Point Maximum is increased by 2.