Seraphim (Sehr-uh-fim)

Justice, order and courage are the beacons of civilization that keep the evils of the world from scheming and testing the wills of mortal-kind. Seraphim stands as the highest guardian of these ideals. His tenets are simple and his will is unshaking, as he believes a life lead in purity, peace and happiness, is a truly glorious thing. It's a life worth fighting for, and one that all innocents deserve to have.


Order, Justice, and Courage  

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sword pointing downward with the blade over a Circle


Piety Progression

Piety is a measure of a character's devotion to their faith. It favors those that stay faithful, and curses those that break way from the faith, unless atonement is given. Some examples of how you might earn or lose Piety with this deity can be read below. Note that earning or losing Piety often requires you to have intent doing so (but not always, as per GMs discretion).  

Earning Piety

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

Losing Piety

  • ???
  • ???

Lip Service (3)

You gain Proficiency in the Athletics or Insight Skill. If you already have these Proficiencies, you instead gain Proficiency in one Skill or Tool of your choice.

??? (10)


Church Boon (25)

Your Strength score increases by 1.

??? (50)



Contacts & Relations

The Honorable

Divine Relationships

Amara - Lover
The Argonaut - Son
Ruzthos - Enemy ("savage criminal")    
Lawful Good   Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Angels
Blade of Justice   Current Residence
The Heavens   Pronouns
He/Him   Aligned Pantheon
White Pantheon (Purity)

Divine Creature(s)
???   Herald of Presence
Yellow light