
Shifters are sometimes called the weretouched, as their ancestry dates back to the first lycanthropes of Agathok, who were created through the intervention of Chimeron and Malinoth. Of these first lycanthropes, only the humans retained the lycanthropy through future generations. Some viewed it as a curse at the time but regardless, they persevered. Now in the present, these far descendents are known as Shifters, and they are humanoids with a bestial aspect. While they can't fully change shape, they can temporarily enhance their animalistic features—a state they call "shifting". Each shifter walks on the knife's edge between the wilds and the world around them. Do they embrace their primal instincts or the path of civilization?  

The Beast Within

Early in childhood, a shifter forms a bond with a beast within, a totemic force that shapes their body and mind. Some shifters believe that these spirits are independent entities, and they may speak of Bear or Wolf as ancestors or guides. Most just see the beast within as a formidable expression of their inner nature, something that emerges as the shifter's personality takes shape. The beast within is a pool of powerful instincts, and its influence is revealed by a shifter's personality: a feline shifter may be cool and distant, driven by predatory instincts, while a shifter with a lupine spirit might be drawn to find and protect a pack. When a shifter fully embraces this beast within they physically transform for a short time.   A shifter's beast within is reflected by the shifter's subrace (see Subraces below). While the beast within certainly has a physical impact on a shifter, it has a spiritual and psychological effect, as well. Two beasthide shifters share the same special ability, but if one has the aspect of the boar and the other is more like a bear, they'll be quite different in personality. With any shifter, identifying the beast within is a crucial part of understanding the character.  

Similar and Diverse

Shifters are similar to humans in height and build but are typically more lithe and flexible. Their facial features have a bestial cast, often with large eyes, flat noses, and pointed ears; most shifters also have prominent canine teeth. They grow fur-like hair on nearly every part of their bodies.   The traits of the beast within affect a shifter's appearance as well. A swiftstride shifter may have catlike eyes and delicate build, while a beasthide shifter might be a massive brute built like a bear. While a shifter's appearance might remind an onlooker of an animal, they remain clearly identifiable as shifters even when at their most feral.  

Shifter Names

Shifters have no language of their own and often live in blended communities. Their names typically overlap with the names of other cultures in their region. Many shifters prefer to keep their personal names for their friends and use "wandering names" with strangers. These are usually tied to a physical or personality trait.   Shifter Names: Badger, Bear, Cat, Fang, Grace, Grim, Moon, Rain, Red, Scar, Stripe, Swift, Talon, Wolf  

Shifter Traits

Your shifter character has the following traits.  


Ability Score Increase Any +1; and (Beasthide) Con +2, or (Longtooth) Str +2, or (Swiftstride) Dex +2, or (Wildhunt) Wis +2
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Alignment. Choose one of the alignments approved by your GM. Typical Shifters tend towards Chaotic and Neutral alignments.   Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.   Size. You are Medium (about 4-7 feet tall), and weigh about 100-230 pounds.   Speed. Your land Speed is 30 feet.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.   Life Span. Shifters mature around the age of 10, and live on average about 80 years.  

  Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.   Bestial Instincts. Channeling the beast within you, you have Proficiency with one of the following Skills of your choice: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, or Survival.   Language of Beasts. You know the Speak with Animals spell, and you may cast it at will without expending a Spell Slot.   Shifting. As a Bonus Action, you assume a more bestial appearance. This transformation lasts for 1 minute, until you die, or until you revert to your normal appearance as a Bonus Action. When you shift, you gain Temporary Hit Points equal to 2 x your Proficiency Bonus. You can shift a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Whenever you shift, you gain an additional benefit based on your Heritage, described below.  


There are four types of Shifters, each one derived from a different branch of lycanthropy: Beasthide, Longtooth, Swiftstride, and Wildhunt. Choose one for your character.    


Beasthide Shifters often have bear or boar traits, and tend to be stoic, stubborn, and thick-skinned.   Shifting Feature. Whenever you shift, you gain an additional 1d6 Temporary Hit Points. While shifted, you have a +1 bonus to your AC.    


Longtooth Shifters typically have lupine traits, and tend to prefer to run with a pack.   Shifting Feature. When you shift and as a Bonus Action on your other turns while shifted, your elongated fangs can be used to make Unarmed Strikes. If you hit with them, you can deal Piercing Damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the normal damage for an Unarmed Strike.    


Swiftstride Shiifters are often predatory and feline, but could also be a cunning rat who darts through the shadows.   Shifting Feature. While shifted, your land Speed increases by 10 feet. Additionally, you can as a Reaction to a creature ending its turn within 5 feet of you, move up to 10 feet; this reactive movement doesn’t provoke Opportunity Attacks.    


Wildhunt Shifters are born from any creature that tracks its prey.   Shifting Feature. While shifted, you have Advantage on Wisdom Ability Checks, and creatures within 30 feet of you who make an Attack Roll against you do not benefit from Advantage, unless you are Incapacitated.