
Created by Gabe Grimoire
Though slimefolk share some traits and properties from their ooze cousins, slimefolk possess sentience and a range of qualities that many humanoids possess. Slimefolk are capable creatures who are innate adventurers and explorers, preferring to learn and experience new things. They are innately curious creatures with a common belief and praise of the Gelatinous Convocation, an otherworldly union of sentient oozes. Slimefolk are relatively few, and “reproduce” differently from other creatures. As a slimefolk ages, they grow in size and when they become large enough, their instincts dictate them to “split”. A slimefolk that splits becomes two slimefolk, each sharing memories of the original, and each being considered a newly birthed slimefolk. It is extremely rare for a split slimefolk to stay with its split sibling. Every time a slimefolk splits, they are considered to have lived an iteration. Those who have lived for two iterations are more than on par with the most knowledgeable creatures wandering the world, and it is said that those who live for five or more iterations, become a leader of the Gelatinous Convocation. However, it is rare for this to happen as everytime a slimefolk splits, they become easy prey to other creatures for a number of years.  

Odd Anatomy

As a race of sentient oozes, slimefolk are often mistaken to have the same anatomy of their distant cousins (e.g. the black pudding or gray ooze). That is not the case. Though slimefolk have drastically different organs than the average person, they do have them. These organs allow them to do a number of things that other people can do, but oozes cannot. They can harden the outmost layer of their forms, allowing them to wear clothes and armor. Their require food and liquid to sustain themselves, absorbing the content into their bodies without the need for something like a mouth. They excrete waste through tiny pores (often appearing as a form of “sweating”). They breathe by taking in oxygen through special pores. They speak by forcing air out of their bodies in a particular way using special “lungs”. And though slimefolk don’t necessarily bleed “blood”, they do feel pain and do “bleed” slime.  

Slimefolk Names

Slimefolk often don’t have a name of their own for quite a number of years after splitting, and often only take one out of convenience when interacting with others. More often than not, the name a slimefolk takes is one suggested by others, or one that can be pronounced easily (usually with only one syllable). When a slimefolk splits, one or both of the splits adopt a new name.   Slimefolk Names: Abe, Bob, Dob, Fart, Geeb, Hill, Jin, Kile, Leen, Mop, Nott, Oop, Pip, Quil, Rod, Tin, Vik, Zed  

Slimefolk Traits

Your slimefolk character has the following traits.  


Ability Score Increase Con +2; Cha +1
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Alignment. Choose one of the alignments approved by your GM. Typical Slimefolk tend towards Neutral alignments, with those raised around teachings of The Gelatinous Convocation tending towards Lawful Good.   Creature Type. You are an Ooze.   Size. You are Medium (about 4-7 feet tall) or Small (about 2-4 feet tall), and weigh about 150-450 pounds.   Speed. Your land Speed is 30 feet.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Ooze. Ooze cannot be replaced with another Language, and is not so much a language than it is a way of communicating with other oozes; it is often done through the jiggling of one’s own body, and the gurgling sound of slime.   Life Span. Slimefolk do not age but instead grow slightly bigger over many years until they eventually split into two new, smaller Slimefolk. They mature (from splitting) around the age of 10, and split on average about every 300 years.  

  Darkvision. You have Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.   Amorphous. You can squeeze through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide, provided you are wearing or carrying nothing; otherwise, you leave behind all such items. Additionally, you can move through the space of any creature that is of a Size smaller or larger than yours, and when sleeping, others can’t discern whether you are or aren’t actually asleep.   Slime Resistance. You have Resistance to Acid Damage.   Engulf. When you use the Grapple option of an Unarmed Strike, you can attempt to partially engulf a creature into your body. If you do, the Grapple option uses the following rule changes:
  • You can use your Constitution in place of Strength for the DC.
  • If the target fails the save, it has both the Grappled and Restrained conditions, and while Grappled this way, has Half Cover.
  • If the target loses the Grappled condition from you, it also loses the Restrained condition from you.
  Shape Self. As an Action, you can reshape your body to give yourself a head, one or two arms, one or two legs, and makeshift hands and feet, or you can revert to a limbless blob. While you have a humanlike shape, you can wear clothing and armor made for a Humanoid of your Size.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ As a Bonus Action, you can extrude a pseudopod that is up to 6 inches wide and 10 feet long or reabsorb it into your body. You can use this pseudopod to manipulate an object, open or close a door or container, or pick up or set down a Tiny object. The pseudopod contains no sensory organs and can’t attack, activate magic items, or lift more than a number of pounds equal to your Strength score. Additionally, while the pseudopod is extruded:
  • It is considered a seperate Fine sized creature, which can be attacked as if you were occupying or standing in its space. If the pseudopod is extended 10 feet, the space between you and it is also considered to be occupied by the pseudopod (and can also be attacked).
  • If the pseudopod is damaged by an attack that deals more than 1 damage, the pseudopod is instantly reabsorbed into your body, and you take an additional 2 damage from the attack.
  • If you move and the pseudopod would be more than 10 feet away from you, it moves with and towards you, which can provoke an Opportunity Attack.
  • The spaces your pseudopod occupy are considered Difficult Terrain.
  • Your pseudopod cannot Flank an enemy.