Snipe Hunter

Some individuals of Seblin understand that the most frightening of monsters are those not regularly hunted. Not because these monsters are weak or don't cause "enough" harm, but because they're exceptional at killing their prey, and leaving little to no evidence behind. Most of these monsters use a form of petrification (like basilisks or gorgons), but some of them, like yetis, paralyze their prey and drag them into their lairs to be eaten. Some people tell these individuals they're "hunting for something that doesn't exist"; this only emboldens their hunt.
Skill Proficiencies — Investigation, and either Nature or Stealth.   Choose one of the following Damage Types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Psychic, or Thunder. The DC for spells you cast that deal the chosen Damage Type is increased by 1.   You have Advantage on Saving Throws to avoid or end the Paralyzed or Petrified conditions on yourself.