Souls & Alignments

In Agathok, every living creature possesses a soul; the thing that makes a a living creature itself, what makes John Smith the Barbarian, them. A soul is completely invisible and can only be seen in some cases in the Ethereal Plane, but not harmed while the body is alive.   A soul can take many shapes, but almost always takes the form of its host—its body, like a shadow overlapping one’s body. They come in various colours in the form of shifting patterns. These colours almost always pertain to the creature's alignments, that is, the alignment(s) they gravitate towards. For example, a creature that does mostly lawful and evil actions will likely have a soul with predominant blue and black colours.   The list of colourations for souls in regards to alignments is as follows:
  • Good: White
  • Evil: Black
  • Neutral: Grey
  • Lawful: Blue
  • Chaotic: Red
  • Unaligned/Primal: Green
  • Agathok: Rainbow
  • The Enemy: Nothingness and/or Violet
Newborns and other living creatures that lack the ability to make rational decisions have clear-coloured Souls (like water or glass).  

Newly Made Characters

Every new character in the world of Agathok will choose a starting alignment for themselves. Though it is often recommended to start as Neutral, players may want to have their characters start as a different alignment.   Despite the choice, alignments in Agathok can and likely will shift over time. A character might start with a Chaotic Neutral soul, but over the course of several adventurers and character development, end up with a Lawful Good soul. Such a soul in this example will be of predominantly blue and white colour, but still retain a small bit of red and grey to indicate the character's past.