Spellcasting Rules

Unbanned Spells

The following short list of unbanned spells are available for you to use, despite their sourcebooks being otherwise banned (see Character Creation Rules for list of banned content).
  • Air Bubble (AAG)
  • Encode Thoughts (GGR)
  • Frost Fingers (IDRotF)


Diamonds and diamond dust are rare resources in the world of Agathok. As a result, many spells can be incredibly difficult to cast, despite the individual possessing a tool like an Arcane Focus. This is understandable and intentional for spells that provide resurrection, or some other form of strong life preservation. However, for other spells, it is not. As such, some spells have had their material components altered to allow them to be easier to cast.   In these following spells, the diamond material component has simply been replaced with "any gem" worth of equal value:
  • Chromatic Orb
  • Gate
  • Mighty Fortress
  • Glyph of Warding
  • Nondetection
  • Stoneskin
  • Symbol
Furthermore, the Reincarnate spell now requires, "an amount of diamond dust worth 1,000gp, which the spell consumes", instead of its usual rare oils as a material component.  

Hard Casting

There are multiple ways to cast spells. You can use Spell Slots, ancestral traits, scrolls and items to cast spells, with many having their own unique effects when casting them through a particular way. Within Agathok, "Hard Casting" is referring to whenever you cast a spell specifically by using a Spell Slot.   Hard Cast effects do not interact with ancestral trait spells, items or other sources, only those cast using a Spell Slot from relevant class features (e.g. Spellcasting, Pact Magic).   Cantrips can be Hard Cast only when the source is the caster itself (class feature, ancestral trait, origin, etc.) and not a magic item or consumable.    

Spell Changes

Find Familiar

(1st-level spell)
Familiars summoned with the spell cannot be equipped with items and any items they possess disappear after they’re gone.  

Magic Missile

(1st-level spell)
When rolling damage for Magic Missile, the dice are rolled for each dart separately, not once and applied to each dart.  

Lesser Restoration

(2nd-level spell)
Spell can end the Intoxicated condition as part of its list of options.  

Conjure Woodland Beings

(4th-level spell)
Pixies are considered CR 2 when summoned through this spell.  


(5th-level spell)
You can only have one awakened creature or plant at a time with the Awaken spell, and it must be tracked by you. However, if this creature or plant stays awakened for 30 days without you awakening another, the awakened creature no longer needs to be tracked by you and you may awaken another creature or plant.  


(5th-level spell)
The table has been changed for the following:
Reincarnate Table
Primates (16%)
Elves (10%)
Dwarves (10%)
Gnomes (8%)
Giant-kin (6%)
Beastfolk (18%)
Beast-Turned (2%)
Greenskins (9%)
Scaledfolk (10%)
Planetouched (4%)
Fey (4%)
Other Species (3%)

Using Spell Scrolls

When holding a Spell Scroll, you can attempt to cast the spell on it without requiring material components, following the rules below. If you succeed, the spell is cast and the Spell Scroll is destroyed. If you fail, the spell is not cast and the Spell Scroll is not destroyed, though you cannot attempt to use it again until you finish a Short or Long Rest.  


If the scroll's spell is on your Class Spell List and could be normally cast by you, no check is necessary; you automatically succeed in using the Spell Scroll.   If the scroll's spell is (a) not on your Class Spell List or cannot otherwise be cast, or (b) is of a spell level higher than you could normally Hard Cast:
  • Using the Spell Scroll requires an Intelligence (Arcana) check at DC 10 + the spell's level.
  • If both conditions apply, the DC for the check increases by 5.


If you do not possess the ability to Hard Cast the scroll's spell, you can only attempt to use Spell Scrolls of a spell level less than 5, and then:
  • Using the Spell Scroll requires an Intelligence (Arcana) check at DC 12 + double the spell's level.
  • Your Spellcasting Ability Modifier for the spell cast if successful, is always Intelligence.