The Elder Dragon

Created by Gabe Grimoire
Your patron is a legendary elder dragon, a winged reptile of equal majesty and dread who has seen the rise and fall of empires. Also known as greatwyrms, each of these dragons have transcended all other hierarchies of their kind (including ancient dragons).   Whether your patron formed a pact with you in exchange for a simple service, an apprenticeship with it as your master, your eternal servitude or some other reason, can differ on the elder dragon. Regardless of the reason however, it is likely that it will expect you to help expand its hoard, one way or another. The Hoard Prefences table below can be used to discover what kind of elder dragon your patron may be, as well as what kind of treasure it most cherishes.



Expanded Spell List

The Elder Dragon lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a Warlock spell. The following spells are added to the Warlock Spell List for you.  
Spell Level
Absorb Elements, Command
Altar Self, Dragon's Breath
Fear, Wind Wall
Freedom of Movement, Locate Creature
Control Winds, Summon Draconic Spirit

Draconic Blast

1st-level Elder Dragon feature   You gain the ability to unlease blasts of primal draconic energy from your mouth or hands. When you gain this feature, choose a Damage Type that is not Bleed, and that reflects your patron's lineage. As an Action, you unleash this primal energy in either a 15-foot cone or a 5-foot wide and 30-foot long line. Creatures in the area of the effect must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, taking 1d10 damage of the chosen Damage Type on a failed save.   When you use this ability, you can expend a Warlock Spell Slot to empower the blast, dealing an additional 1d10 damage per level of the Spell Slot expended. When empowered in this way, it deals half damage to any creature that succeeds their Saving Throw against it.   This feature's damage increases as you level in Warlock, increasing by 1d10 when you reach the following levels: 5th (2d10), 11th (3d10), and 17th (4d10). Eldritch Invocations that apply to the Eldritch Blast spell also apply to this feature, except Eldritch Spear which instead makes this ability a 30-foot cone or 5-foot wide, 60-foot long line.    

Voice of the Dragon

1st-level Elder Dragon feature   You can speak, read, and write Draconic. If you already know Draconic, you specifically now know the Noble dialect of it.  

Draconic Instincts

6th-level Elder Dragon feature   When you are targeted by an Attack Roll, you can use your Reaction to cause parts of your body to quickly develop hardened scales. Doing so adds your Charisma modifier to your AC for that attack, possibly causing the attack to miss. If you use this feature and it still hits, you can reduce the damage taken by half your Warlock level (to a minimum of 1).   You cannot use this feature if you are using a Shield. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all uses after finishing a Long Rest.  

Hoard Builder

10th-level Elder Dragon feature   Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to 1 for every 100 GP in your possession, up to a maximum of your Warlock level.  

Tempered by the Elements

10th-level Elder Dragon feature   You gain Resistance to the the Damage Type you chose for your Draconic Blast feature. Additionally, you have Advantage on Saving Throws you make to avoid or end the Frightened condition.  

Dragon Form

14th-level Elder Dragon feature   Your patron grants you the ability to take a form reminiscent of them, allowing you to transform as an Action, into a dragon. You grow mighty horns, thick scales, wings, wicked claws, fangs, and a lashing tail. Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you that sees you transform must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failure, the creature becomes Frightened until the start of your next turn. While in this form, you gain the following benefits:
  • Your Creature Type becomes Dragon.
  • Your Size becomes Large. Any gear you cannot use in your new form merges with your form and cannot be used until your transformation ends.
  • Your scales provide you a base AC of 17. You do not add your Dexterity modifier to this.
  • Your Strength score becomes equal to your Charisma score.
  • Your Unarmed Strikes deal 1d8 Slashing damage.
  • Your Draconic Blast feature deals an additional 1d10 damage, and its range is doubled.
  • You have a Fly Speed of 40 feet.
  • You have Immunity to the Damage Type chosen for your Draconic Blast feature.
This transformation lasts for 1 minute, or until you are reduced to 0 Hit Points or end it early as an Action. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a Long Rest.

Hoard Preferences

The following is a list of hoard preferences for most types of dragons found in Agathok. Perhaps your patron demands the items as tribute every now and again, or simply applauds you for revering such items. Consider these things when deciding on your patron with your GM.
Hoard Preferences
Dragon Type (28)
Hoard Preference
01-04 Black
Relics of Fallen Empires
05-08 Blue
Gems, Art Depicting Water, and Textiles in Cool Colors
09-12 Green
Gems, Jewelry and Finely Crafted Items and Works of Art Depicting Nature
13-16 Red
Gold and the Wealth of its Enemies
17-20 White
Gems and Precious Metals that Mirror the Cold Sparkle of Ice
21-24 Amethyst
Crystals and Gems, Particularly Amethyst, in Any Form
25-28 Crystal
Bright, Opulent Objects, Baubles and Trinkets of Beauty
29-32 Emerald
Coinage and Cultural Artifacts
33-36 Sapphire
Items of Martial Significance
37-40 Topaz
Gold and Bright Gems Except Bronze, and Treasures with a Nautical Theme
41-44 Brass
Gems, Art Objects fashioned from Bronze, and Sentient Items
45-48 Bronze
Trophies from Fallen Foes, Payment from Grateful Petitioners, and Sunken Treasures
49-52 Copper
Burnished Metals, Gleaming Gemstones, and Fine Art Objects
53-56 Gold
Gems, Pearls, and Trophies Marking Important Events, Successes and Defeats in Their Lives
57-60 Silver
Mementos from People They Interacted With and Remnants of Humanoid History
61-64 Cave
Bones and Items with Strong Taste or Smell
65-67 Boreal
The Wealth of its Prey and Rivals
68-70 Deep
Goods from Distant Lands, and Mementos of Memorable Hunts or Expeditions
71-73 Flame
Mementos of Victories and Achievements
74-76 Imperial
Monastic and Religious Items
77-79 Light
Bright and Beautiful Items
80-82 Mithral
Mementos of Friendships and Knowledge
83-85 Moonstone
Silver, Platinum, Mithral, and Objects with Whimsical or Absurd Designs
86-88 Sea
Gems and Items that can survive the sea
89-91 Shadow
Anything of Their Original Form, Except Lustrous Objects
92-94 Wasteland
Old and Ancient Items and Artifacts
95-97 Wind
Notable Trophies of Accomplishments and Unique Historic Items
98-100 Void
Glittering Gems and Secret Knowledge