The Seeker

Created by Gabe Grimoire
Your patron is an inscrutable being who travels the Planes in search of knowledge and secrets. They are a powerful wandere, who often uses the Astral Plane and/or Void to expedite their travels. In return for your patron's gifts, you wander the world seeking lore that you can share with them.   Your patron could be any deity or other powerful entity dedicated to knowledge or forgotten lore. Nova Stel makes an excellent patron, but any of the deities associated with knowledge or the Astral Plane could work as well.



Expanded Spell List

The Seeker lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a Warlock spell. The following spells are added to the Warlock Spell List for you.  
Spell Level
Feather Fall, Magic Missile
Levitate, Locate Object
Clairvoyance, Sending
Arcane Eye, Locate Creature
Legend Lore, Passwall

Shielding Aurora

1st-level Seeker feature   You can invoke your patron's power to protect you from harm. As a Bonus Action, you create a whirling aurora of brilliant energy that swirls around you. Until the end of your next turn, you gain Resistance to all damage, and if a Hostile creature ends its turn within 10 feet of you, it takes Force damage equal to your Warlock level + your Charisma modifier. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a Short or Long Rest, unless you expend a Warlock Spell Slot to do so.  

Astral Refuge

6th-level Seeker feature   You gain the ability to step into an astral refuge. As an Action, you disappear from the world for a brief moment and enter the Astral Plane or the Void, taking advantage of its time-altering nature. While in your astral refuge, you can take up to two Actions that affect only yourself, such as drinking a potion or casting a spell with a range of self. After taking those two Actions, you return to the space you occupied and your turn ends. You return early from your astral refuge if you try to stay in it for more than 1 round. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.  

Seeker's Knowledge

6th-level Seeker feature   You gain Proficiency with one Skill or Tool of your choice.  

Far Wanderer

10th-level Seeker feature   You no longer need to breathe, and you gain Resistance to Cold and Force damage.   Additionally, your Speed increases by 5 feet.  

Astral Sequestration

14th-level Seeker feature   You gain the ability to sequester yourself and your allies on your patron's favored plane for travel. By performing a special ritual over the course of 5 minutes, you shift yourself and up to ten willing creatures you can see to the Astral Plane or the Void. You and all creatures shifted this way ignore any of the drawbacks normal for being in this plane (like no oxygen), and gain the benefits of a Short Rest. You then return to the spaces you all occupied when you used this ability.   During this Short Rest, you and the creatures you sequester can make use of any options available during a rest that affect only you and the creatures you sequester. Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a Long Rest.