Training - WIP

During moments of downtime, in addition to other options potentially available to you, you can choose to enroll yourself in downtime training. For example, you could dedicate time to learning a new language by researching and practicing by yourself, or most commonly, by getting someone to help teach you (usually through payment).   You can enroll in any one appropriate course of your choosing. You can only be enrolled in one course at a time, and should you choose to abandon your current course to pursue another, you lose all progress made prior.     If you have someone willing to teach you who has sufficient experience in the training you're looking to do, follow the description of each training course as normal.   If you do not have someone willing to teach you, and instead seek to teach yourself the course through trial and error, speak with your GM to discuss alternate details for the course. Typically however, there is no Training Fee involved, but the Difficulty for the course is doubled.    

How to Read

Difficulty. How many days it takes to complete the training. One day of training is considered an 8-hour period of uninterrupted study.   Feat Boost. If you have any of the feats listed here, the difficulty of the training for you is reduced by the listed number of days. If there is no “or” in the listing, having multiple of the feats listed stack the difficulty reduction.   Standard Training Fee. Under normal circumstances, this is the average price of such training--should you choose to pursue professional help.   Requirements. Under normal circumstances, these are the requirements you must meet to be eligible for such a training.   Limit. How many times you can complete the training.  


Skill Retraining

Difficulty: 14 - your Intelligence modifier days
Feat Boost:
Skilled or Skill Expert (5)
Standard Training Fee:
800 gp
  • Select a Skill Proficiency you have that you didn’t gain from a deity's lip service, origin, magic item, or other source your GM deems invalid, and select a Skill Proficiency you don’t have. When your training is complete, you lose Proficiency with the first selected Skill and gain Proficiency with the second.
Limit: None  

Tool Retraining

Difficulty: 13 - your Intelligence score days
Feat Boost:
Keen Mind (4)
Standard Training Fee:
600 gp
  • Select a Tool Proficiency you have that you didn’t gain from an origin, magic item, or other source your GM deems invalid, and select a Tool Proficiency you don’t have. When your training is complete, you lose Proficiency with the first selected Skill and gain Proficiency with the second.
Limit: None  

Spells Known Retraining

Difficulty: 15 - your Intelligence modifier days
Feat Boost:
Keen Mind (5)
Standard Training Fee:
600 gp
“Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher” feature
  • Select a spell of 1st level or higher that you know, and select a spell of a level that you can cast that you don’t know, which must be from the same Spell List as the first spell selected. When your training is complete, you replace the first selected spell with the second selected spell.
Limit: None  



Difficulty: 60 - your Intelligence score days
Feat Boost
: Keen Mind (5), Linguist (5)
Standard Training Fee:
600 gp
  • Select a language you do not already know. When your training is complete, you can speak, read, and write the chosen language.
  • If you have Proficiency with the Linguistic Skill, reduce the difficulty by 2 days. If you have Expertise, instead reduce the difficulty by 5 days.
Limit: Number of times equal to twice your Intelligence modifier, to a minimum of one  

Skill Proficiency

Difficulty: 60 - your Intelligence score days
Feat Boost:
Standard Training Fee:
900 gp
  • Select a Skill Proficiency that you don’t already have. When your training is complete, you gain the selected Skill Proficiency.
Limit: Number of times equal to half your Proficiency Bonus + your Prestige  

Tool Proficiency

Difficulty: 50 - your Intelligence score days
Feat Boost:
Keen Mind (4)
Standard Training Fee:
600 gp
  • Select a Tool Proficiency that you don’t already have. When your training is complete, you gain the selected Tool Proficiency.
Limit: Number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus + your Prestige  

Tool Expertise

Difficulty: 100 - your Intelligence score days
Feat Boost:
Standard Training Fee:
1100 gp
  • Select a Tool Proficiency that you don’t already have Expertise with. When your training is complete, you gain Expertise with the selected Tool Proficiency.
Limit: Number of times equal to your Prestige  


Common Armament

Difficulty: 50 - your Intelligence score days
Feat Boost:
Athlete (5)
Standard Training Fee:
600 gp
  • Select one weapon, armor, or shield you don’t already have Proficiency with. When your training is complete, you gain Proficiency with the selected item, provided that if it’s armor, it’s no more than one tier higher than what you can currently wear (e.g. unarmored is tier 0, light armor is tier 1, medium is tier 2, heavy is tier 3).
  • If you have the Trained Soldier background, reduce the difficulty by 4 days.
Limit: Number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus + your Intelligence modifier  

Exotic Armament

Difficulty: 90 - your Intelligence score days
Feat Boost:
Athlete (5)
Standard Training Fee:
1500 gp
Prestige 1 or Level 5
  • Select one exotic weapon, armor, or shield you don’t already have Proficiency with. When your training is complete, you gain Proficiency with the selected item, provided that if it’s armor, it’s no more than one tier higher than what you can currently wear (e.g. unarmored is tier 0, light armor is tier 1, medium is tier 2, heavy is tier 3).
  • If you have a region or background listed on the exotic item, reduce the difficulty by 4 days.
  • If you have Proficiency with all Martial Weapons, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, or Shields, you reduce the difficulty by 7 days for the relevant item. For example, if you have Martial Weapon Proficiency, every exotic weapon has its difficulty reduced by 7 days for you.
Limit: Number of times equal to half your Intelligence modifier + your Prestige