Weapon Arts

Created by GabeGrimoire


Your training with weapons allows you to use a number of special weapon actions called, Weapon Arts, that one might use to turn the tides of battle. You can use Weapon Arts a number of times, as shown in the Prepared Weapon Arts table below, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. You prepare a number of Weapon Arts equal to half the amount of uses you have. When you finish a Long Rest, you can practice exercises like weapon drills and change the Weapon Arts you have prepared.   You can use a Weapon Art you have prepared only while wielding one of the prerequisite weapons listed in its description, and only if you have Proficiency with that weapon. If a Weapon Art requires a Saving Throw, it is: 6 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Weapon Ability Modifier. If a Weapon Art is used as the Attack action and you’re able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, it replaces one of them.  


List of Weapon Arts

Weapon Arts Available for Each Weapon (Family)
Any - 2 Any Melee - 1 Any Improvised - 1
Boomerang - 1 Club - 2 Dagger - 2 Greatclub - 4 Handaxe - 2
Javelin - 2 Light Hammer - 2 Mace - 2 Quarterstaff - 2 Sickle - 2
Spear - 2
Crossbow, Light - 1 Dart - 1 Shortbow - 2 Sling - 1
Battleaxe - 3 Flail - 2 Glaive - 3 Greataxe - 3 Greatsword - 3
Halberd - 2 Lance - 2 Longsword - 4 Maul - 3 Morningstar - 3
Pike - 3 Rapier - 3 Scimitar - 2 Shortsword - 2 Trident - 3
War Pick - 3 Warhammer - 3 Whip - 3
Blowgun - 0 Crossbow, Hand - 2 Crossbow, Heavy - 2 Longbow - 3
Bola - 0 Cestus - 1 Chain Bola - 1 Chain Blades - 1 Chain Whip - 2
Claw Blade - 0 Giant Shears - 1 Macuahuitl - 2 Twinblade - 1 War Scythe - 1
War Fan - 2 Firearm - 1 Blackpowder Pistol - 1



Prerequisite: Firearm, Glaive, Greataxe, Heavy Crossbow, Lance, Longbow, Pike
You bolster your body and weapon, forgoing movement for more power behind your strikes. You have a bonus to all Damage Rolls this turn equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). You can use this Weapon Art only if you haven’t moved during this turn, and after you use the Weapon Art, your Speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.


Prerequisite: Battleaxe, Greataxe, Greatsword, Halberd, Longsword, Macuahuitl, Twinblade, War Scythe (Slashing only)
Using the Attack action while wielding this weapon with two hands, you strike at multiple enemies with a single swing. Make a single Weapon Attack against up to three creatures, provided each target is no more than 5 feet away from another target. On a hit, you deal half damage with the weapon, rolling seperately for each target hit. If your Attack Roll is a Critical Hit, your Damage Roll(s) instead deal full damage.

Concussive Smash

Prerequisite: Chain Whip, Club, Flail, Greatclub, Light Hammer, Mace, Maul, Morningstar, Sling, Warhammer
Using the Attack action, you swing this weapon against an enemy with all your might, possibly dazing it. Make a Weapon Attack against a creature. On a hit, the creature takes damage as normal and must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw, or be Dazed until the end of its next turn. If the creature fails the save by 5 or more, it is also Shocked for the same duration.

Crippling Strike

Prerequisite: Battleaxe, Giant Shears, Trident, War Pick
Using the Attack action, you swing at an enemy’s legs or similar vulnerability to injure and possibly cripple them. Make a Weapon Attack against a creature. On a hit, the creature takes damage as normal and must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed save, the creature’s Speed is reduced to 0 and it has Disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws until the end of its next turn. Flying creatures that failed this save instead have their Fly Speed reduced by 10 feet for the duration. Flying creatures that can Hover do not have their Speed reduced.

Finishing Blow

Prerequisite: Any melee weapon
When you make a melee attack with this weapon against a Prone or Incapacitated creature, you forgo Advantage on the Attack Roll to attempt to execute it. If your Attack Roll meets or exceeds the target’s remaining Hit Points, its Hit Points are reduced to 0. If not, but the attack still hits, the creature takes damage as normal. You cannot use this Weapon Art if you would not have Advantage on the Attack Roll.


Prerequisite: Dagger, Dart, Handaxe, Rapier, Scimitar, Shortsword, Whip
As a Bonus Action, you feint an attack to possibly throw an enemy off balance. Choose a creature within 10 feet of you that can see you. The target must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw or the next Attack Roll you make against it this turn has Advantage.


Prerequisite: Cestus, Chain Bola, Greatclub, Light Hammer, Mace, Maul, Morningstar, Sickle
When you miss an attack against a creature or object with this weapon, as a Reaction, deal damage to the target equal to the Ability Modifier you used to make the attack. This damage is the same type dealt by the weapon, and if the damage would be increased by another effect (such as by the Elemental Weapon spell), that extra damage is halved, rounded up. This Weapon Art cannot be used on a target that you missed its AC by 12 or more.

Hamstring Shot

Prerequisite: Shortbow, Longbow
Using the Attack action, you attempt to shoot an enemy in the thigh or similar vulnerability, possibly reducing their movement. Make a Weapon Attack against a creature. On a hit, the creature takes damage as normal and must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed save, the creature’s Speed is halved until the end of its next turn.


Prerequisite: Morningstar
Using the Attack action, you smash an enemy’s chest with this weapon, attempting to inflict heavy chest trauma. Make a Weapon Attack against a creature. On a hit, the creature takes damage as normal and must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw, or be Shocked until the end of its next turn. If the creature fails the save by 5 or more, it is instead Stunned.

Heavy Push

Prerequisite: Any weapon
As a Bonus Action, you push an enemy or object back using your weapon for support. Make a Weapon Attack against a target no more than one Size larger than you. On a hit, you deal no damage but instead push the target 5 feet away from you or, if you have a Strength score of 15 or higher, you push the target up to 10 feet away from you.


Prerequisite: Boomerang, Javelin
You wind back and hurl this weapon, forgoing some movement for extra distance. Your Movement this turn is reduced by 10 feet. The next Attack Roll you make with this weapon by throwing it has its normal and long ranges doubled (e.g. 60 ft. to 120 ft., 120 ft. to 240 ft.). You can use this Weapon Art only if you could move at least 10 feet before using it.


Prerequisite: Chain Whip, Claw Blade, Battleaxe, Glaive, Greataxe, Greatsword, Handaxe, Longsword, Macuahuitl, Scimitar, Sickle, War Fan, Whip
Using the Attack action, you slash at an enemy with this weapon, attempting to leave them a bleeding injury. Make a Weapon Attack against a creature. On a hit, the creature takes damage as normal and must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed save, the creature takes an additional 1d4 Bleed damage from the attack.

Mobile Shot

Prerequisite: Blackpowder Pistol, Hand Crossbow
If you took the Dash or Disengage action this turn, as a Bonus Action, make a Weapon Attack with this weapon.

Piercing Strike

Prerequisite: Dagger, Hand Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Javelin, Light Crossbow, Longbow, Pike, Rapier, Shortbow, Shortsword, Spear, Trident, War Pick
Using the Attack action, you thrust with this weapon against an enemy in such a way that it can better pierce enemy protections. Make a Weapon Attack against a creature with a bonus to the Attack Roll equal to your Proficiency Bonus.

Pommel Strike

Prerequisite: Greatsword, Longsword
As a Bonus Action, you make a non-lethal attack with the butt end of this weapon. Make a Weapon Attack against a creature. On a hit, the creature takes Bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier (minimum of 1) and must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed save, the creature is Dazed until the end of its next turn.

Rush Attack

Prerequisite: Glaive, Halberd, Lance, Longsword, Pike, Spear, Trident
Using the Attack action, you charge forward with this weapon towards an enemy. Move up to 15 feet in a straight line towards a creature, and then make a Weapon Attack against it. On a hit, the creature takes half damage.

Savage Attack

Prerequisite: Any weapon
Using the Attack action, you attack with this weapon in a savage and uncontrolled way. Make a Weapon Attack against a creature, but with a -5 penalty to the Attack Roll. On a hit, the creature takes an additional 5 damage from the attack.

Shattering Clobber

Prerequisite: Any improvised, Club, Greatclub, Quarterstaff
Using the Attack action, you swing this weapon with such force that it shatters on the brutal impact. Make a Weapon Attack against a creature. On a hit, the attack is considered a Critical Hit and the weapon loses 4 Hit Points or, if it was an Improvised weapon, it instantly becomes Broken. If you rolled a 20 on the Attack Roll, the creature takes an additional 1d6 damage from the attack. You cannot use this Weapon Art with a weapon that is a magic item.


Prerequisite: Flail, Whip
Using the Attack action, you swing this weapon wildly, thrashing about in a spot nearby. Choose a 5-foot square within 5 feet of you that is unoccupied. Until the start of your next turn or until you stop thrashing, any creature that enters the chosen space must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failed save, the creature takes damage as if you hit it with this weapon, and you stop thrashing. You stop thrashing early if you attack with this weapon, move from your current spot, gain the Incapacited condition, have your Speed reduced to 0, or choose to stop thrashing (no action required).


Prerequisite: Greatclub, Maul, Quarterstaff, Warhammer
Using the Attack action, you put extra force behind your strike, possibly knocking an enemy to the ground. Make a Weapon Attack against a creature no more than two Sizes larger than you. On a hit, the creature takes damage as normal and must make a Strength Saving Throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked Prone.

Weakening Strike

Prerequisite: Rapier, War Fan, Warhammer, War Pick
Using the Attack action, you attempt to weaken an enemy with this weapon by aiming for its hands or a similar vulnerability. Make a non-lethal Weapon Attack against a creature. On a hit, the creature takes damage as normal and must make a Strength Saving Throw. On a failed save, the creature has Disadvantage on all Attack Rolls it makes using weapons and Disadvantage on Disarm checks until the end of its next turn.

Sunder - WIP

Prerequisite: Idk
Rather than attacking a creature itself, you attack an object held or worn by it. Using the Attack action, make a Weapon Attack against the AC of the object being attacked, with a bonus to its AC equal to the defending creature’s Dexterity modifier (minimum of 0). If the Attack Roll equals or exceeds the AC, it hits, and the item loses 1 Hit Point. This has no effect on magic weapons of rare or higher rarity, and little effect on lower rarities (as per GMs discretion).   If the item has half or less of its Hit Point Maximum, it becomes Heavily Damaged and is half as effective. If the item has 0 Hit Points, it becomes Broken and is practically unusable.


Prerequisite: Idk   Idk