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Bhazzak (BAH-ZAK)

Humans use many expletives. Thunthen primarily use one...   For a culture that loves to scoff at "magic", Thunthen tend to be quite supersitious when it comes to certain things. They do not believe in a Heaven as Humans and Thangiens do but believe in a Hell for dishonored dead. They also believe it lies in the center of their world and that a evil king of antiquity lies chained within, biding his time, planning his escape, and plotting revenge. They call this Hell a particular word that has become a catch-all term in their language. It can both an expletive and an exclamation, used as a battle-cry or for berating subordinates. For Thangiens, the word "nasurin" translates into literally "every kind of stupid". For Thunthen, "bhazzak" can probably be summed up best as: "vast amounts of something hitting the fan".

Geographical Distribution

Used frequently among all Thunthen races: Nobeyl, Khamen, and Pesak.  
The Damned King
  The tale traces its origins to the ancient legend of Rax Dragoul, the First Rare, who tried to reshape the species in his own image and in retaliation was cast into the planet's core and entombed. The pit where he lies chained is referred to as "Bhazzak", or literally Hell. Even though the tale has its skeptics, as of late it has seen a resurgence in circulation with added embellishments, such as the increasing movements of the Writhing Spine being attributed to Rax Dragoul thrashing against his bonds in a desperate bid to escape. Some claim the mountain range is his spine and that he has somehow become one with the planet itself during his long imprisonment. Other additions include the proximity of Planet Runjen causing his prison to weaken, allowing him to inch closer to escape.


The "H" is silent and usually accompanied by a faint growl or a hiss when used by a Thunthen.  
“You sure you don’t want me to help?” Kento offered. Rgn waved at him.   “I’ve got it. It’s not that big,” Rgn assured and splayed his fingers around the magmite. “Okay Koi, strike now!” Rgn nodded towards the top of the magmite. Koi pulled his arm back then thrust, neatly severing the magmite from the ceiling.   Apparently heavier rock composed the magmite as it slipped right through Rgn’s grasp and impaled itself into the floor. “BHAZZAK!” Rgn swore and grimaced. Koi let out a distressed hum and shifted about on his feet. Michelle patted him on the arm comfortingly.   “Great. Now there’s great big spike in the middle of the floor,” Anubis grumbled and slapped his hands against his hips.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 24
Common Phrases
(spoken with a sigh)  
“Ita! Do you have any experience delivering babies?!” Mia demanded, bracing her hands on the door frame.   “What? No! We lay eggs!” Ita replied, making a face.   “Well you’re about to get a crash course! Shannon needs your help in the cabin! Danae just went into labor!!” Mia said and turned and ran back down the corridor.   “Bhazzaaaaaak…” Ita swore and stumbled to her feet and jogged after Mia.
— Spacequake Ch. 1
  (used as an exclamation/expletive)  
“BHAZAAAAAAAK!!” Tanya, Kayura, Mia, and Miz Paufan looked up from the Dekahedron crystals laid out on the conference table, startled upon hearing the Thunthen word meaning vast amounts of something hitting the fan. They ran outside into the main cavern where Naz Dassyr and It Tarmvun arrived to meet them along with a frantic Tar Uhnin.
— Fight Alone Ch. 11
  (Tor is Thunthen word for attack, so this would not mean "attack the hell" but rather "Send them to Hell!")  
The blood of Das Anazhar sings to me! Is this what it was like to fight on the open field? I envy the Ronin Warriors. It is a glorious thing, to fight to protect our home, for make no mistake, Earth is our home now. Tor de bhazzak! In Roth’s name! In Witheren’s Name!” Bak cheered as he trudged forward, smashing demons in the face at close range while shooting at new arrivals with his phergon rifle.
— Fight Alone Ch. 14

Cover image: Common Header by Mardrena


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