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Demonic Heritage

Born of two worlds, belonging to neither...   Myth, legend, and folklore across all continents on Earth is rife with tales of otherworldly beings preying upon hapless mortals, most of the time seducing them with spell or guile, taking them by force, or-in very rare cases-entering into a romantic relationship. Once prevalent in ancient civilizations, those that weren't run to ground by the kingdoms of Men either faded into obscurity or peacefully assimilated into society, able to suppress their natures. Some have long lives and enjoy affluent lifestyles passing themselves off as eccentric creatives. Others, the demon blood has become so diluted obvious traits are often misdiagnosed as genetic disorders such as albinism or heterochromia. Contrary to the stigma associated with such individuals, whether branded half-breed, demon spawn, or hanyo, most of such unusual birth tend to be relatively noble individuals, the rare exceptions being those that fall into to the classic stereotypes.


Regardless of the means, the demon blood becomes entwined with a newly-conceived embryo. It can result in either accelerated gestation, maturity, or reduced aging. The purer the blood and the stronger the parent demon, the more powerful the offspring.


Depending on the lineage, the demon blood can result in a radically unusual appearance or the ability to change forms at will. Some can pass as normal humans only to reveal their true natures in a time of dire need. Others simply Powerful magical foci such as the Staff of Ancients or Ronin Cross can detect demonic heritage, but those not immediately repelled by the mere presence of such artifacts are generally viewed as benign.


Supposedly there are ways for half-demons to become fully human, but these are far and few between and in some cases violently suppressed for nonsensical reasons. Lore from a fallen order stated that a demon could attain absolution through service: granting its powers to three virtuous individuals as long as they are not corrupted. In the case of a half-demon, this might be attainable through a long life of good deeds.


On top of beneficial abilities such as enhanced strength, senses, and resilience, the extended life-span of half-demons might result in them simply outliving most of their close friends and relatives. A famous half-demon might have to withdraw from public life only for his "son" to take his stead, etc. Their reduced aging also results in them retaining a fairly youthful appearance. Others might look horribly disfigured but otherwise live relatively healthy lives.

Affected Groups

In the old days demons chose their targets either out of mischief or malice. Female demons would seduce virtuous men or satisfy ravenous desires. Males would seize young maids or entice lonely girls. Stronger, more refined demons would only breed out of necessity or amicable romance. In the Modern Era, generally those without particularly strong religious attachments or possessing general ignorance of magical concepts are most prone to yielding offspring with demonic heritage.

Hosts & Carriers

Only individuals bearing the specific genetic markers tied to demonic heritage are considered proper half-demons. Beings resulting from demonic synergy are not genetically half-demons, even though they might describe themselves as such. To date only Humans on Earth seem affected by the demon blood. A cat that relishes tearing up furniture is not a spawn of hell contrary to some beliefs.   An exception to this are the beast-like denizens of Gurvangoth, who universally possess demon blood in a diluted form with the exception being Beastlord, who boasts a much purer, powerful strain. Thangiens do not seem prone to carrying even fragmented demon blood desptie their shared genetics with Humans. The dragon men scoff at demons in general, viewing them as no different than aliens such as the Redali.


The ascension of established religions and advancement of modern technology resulted in fewer and fewer half-demons being born as older pure-bloods were killed off or withdrew from the Mortal Realm.   In Europe, a powerful order now lost to history and fallen into obscurity made it their mission to root out and destroy demons of any measure of blood, regardless of alignment. This backfired catastrophically when they discovered half-demons in their ranks, and despite such members seeking to protect humanity, the organization violently turned upon itself.   In Japan, yokai and daiyokai that once walked freely were slowly diminished due to the rapidly shifting culture, their likenesses relegated to myths, pop culture, or whimsical souveniers.
“A lot of ancient cultures used demons to explain illnesses they couldn’t treat,” Rowen said.   “Actually, that’s only partially true. The reason demons aren’t as commonplace today isn’t because of the ‘miracle of modern science’,” she fluttered her hands. “It’s because demons feel medicine makes the soul taste icky.” Rowen blinked in surprise upon being corrected so.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 19


Most of the older pure-bloods simply tired of the Mortal Realm, but the demon blood yet permeates the Human gene pool, and every now and then might manifest in an unusual newborn.


Since ancient times when gods shook the heavens and demons ravaged the earth, demon blood has mingled with that of Humanity. Many powerful figures were said to be spawned of demons, either eliciting terrible respect or reverent fear. A warrior of great prowess could "fight like a demon" or a cruel king be "spawned from Hell itself". Some artists might be said to "bargain with demons" to attain their skills. Others incapable of conducting themselves properly might be described as "possessed by demons". Because even state-of-the art technology cannot distinguish demonic heritage from genetic mutations, it remains uncertain the exact amount of affected individuals.

Sehkmet, Warrior of Venom

Perhaps the most prominent such individual, his parentage is never explicitly stated, but there are many legends in Japan of snake-like yokai. He is most likely a quarter-demon rather than a half-breed, but he never speaks of immediate family and he's been mistaken as as a demigod or even an avatar by some cultures. During an invasion by a host of hostile demonic entities, an exceptionally powerful demon was able to control him with ease despite his "diluted blood". When discussing Beastlord's invasion, he could sense the Menagerie Leader's demonic heritage at a glance.   Even though he is not the oldest of the former Dark Warlords biologically, chronologically he's lived over four hundred years and aged very little, a combination of his blood and the time-dialation effect of the Nether Realm. Because he was the only survivor of Talpa's failed retaliation against the enemy targeting the Mortal Realm, he remained alone in Talpa's court until the rebirth of the other three Dark Warlords. In addition to the healing powers of his Armor, he boasts an immense immunity to toxins of any sort, synthetic or organic. He's demonstrated an ability to safely ingest snake venom and shrug off substances normally instantly fatal to Humans.
Sehkmet, Warrior of Venom (Portrait) by Mardrena
Made with Spectrum Noir Markers (AKA the red-headed stepchild of Copics...) Background done in BlackInk.

Cultural Reception

In ancient times it was terribly easy to brand someone of unusual countenance a half-demon. Such paranoia resulted in a long-established order of holy knights collapsing seemingly overnight. In the Modern Era, it is relatively easy to dismiss odd appearances and behaviors as "phases" or "fads". Because the demon blood is so thin, associated powers do not seem as out of the ordinary. Someone possessing demon blood might be a stronger athlete or a sharper academic, or any number of quirks. Being of demon heritage does not automatically make someone evil, but even in the Modern Era such individuals might find themselves stigmatized not necessarily because of their blood, but because they are just "too good".
“I hope they haven’t frightened you any,” Mia said.   “Oh not at all! They’re all quite friendly. Take Sehkmet, for example. Sure, he might come off as menacing and creepy, but he’s actually pretty sweet.” Dais and Cale had been listening in on the conversation but their eyes went wide upon hearing that last sentence.   “Creepy but sweet?” Dais and Cale exchanged glances, staring at each other for several seconds before grinning and exiting the room quickly, snickering to themselves.   “Oh dear, they’re not gonna let him hear the end of that one…” Mia muttered to herself.   “Huh?” Michelle looked concerned.   “Oh, nothing."
— Foes From Another World Ch. 7
“Again with the stereotypes. You know, back in my day, demons weren’t just ‘evil’. We were adversaries, rivals. The goody two-shoes hero can’t be a hero without something to fight. We’re just part of the natural order. Free will doesn’t exist without a choice,” the demon argued.   “Oh, so you’re giving me a choice? Well guess what, I don’t want to become a demon!”   “Well, you wouldn’t be a ‘full’ demon. Technically you’d be a half-demon. There’s a difference,”
— Fight Alone Ch. 11
Chronic, Congenital
Extremely Rare
Sehkmet stood nearby with two swords drawn and eyes glowing red. Spittle dripped from his bared teeth. Tar stared at him wide-eyed and rose to his feet slowly.   “Now…I’ve seen…enough media fiction to infer that…glowing eyes…is indicative of something bad…” Tar whispered and took a step back. Sehkmet roared and lunged.
— Fight Alone Ch. 14
The clattering of a plate on floor drew their attention as one of the servants staggered away from the wall, pointing at Sehkmet.   “T-Th-The mead was tainted! Y-Y-You should have died!”   “Oh, I got a natural immunity to poisons,” Sehkmet shrugged and braced his fist against his cheek.   “Foul demonspawn!” the servant shrieked, eyes wide, virtually frothing at the mouth with rage.   “Hey! That’s my dad you’re talking about!” Sehkmet scowled, more annoyed than anything.
— Cataclysm War Ch. 14

Cover image: Sehkmet Header by Mardrena


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