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Phergon (fur-gone)

The lifeblood of dragons...   In pursuit of technological advancement, the dragon-men of Planet Thunthen needed fuel for their hungry foundries, but the rocky landscape yielded little by way of traditional combustibles such as wood, coal, or petroleum, and the crude chemical cocktails distilled from sulfur could only go so far. Whilst mining deep in the crust, the little Pesak-or Peasants- discovered seams of glowing green crystal nestled within walls of black volcanic glass. It would take decades of study to fully explore its potential, but once properly harnessed, this seemingly innocuous-looking crystalline substance yielded incredible amounts of heat. Armed with this powerful new flame, the dragon-men took flight into the Vault of Stars.


Material Characteristics

In its inert form, phergon can be found as chunks of bright greenish hexagonal crystals varying in size from knee-high to the thickness of one's thumb. Crystal clusters rarely exceed larger proprotions as they eventually fracture from their own volitility.  
Phergon Crystals by Mardrena
Made in BlackInk

Physical & Chemical Properties

Once exposed to surface air-or environments suffused with carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, phergon starts combusting, changing into a ultra-dense mixture of gaseous fog and liquid flame.


Used in tandem with Spectra to power closed-fusion drives and generators. When used independently can power wide assortments of portable and artillery-grade weaponry.   Although Sky Platform Argonauth relies on closed-fusion drives for power, its artilery turrets are not phergon based, and their combat discharges lack the distinctive green glow of phergon.

Geology & Geography

Pockets of raw phergon can be found in the deeper layers of the planetary crust. Originally thought to be exclusive to Planet Thunthen, Planet Khilio seems to be the only other accessible world where raw phergon can be found closer to the surface. Surveys of Planets Thanged, Banguk, Feinlor, and Aguar have yielded no samples, and the inner-most worlds of Fugan and Caltin are far more inhospitable than even Khilio. To date, phergon has not been found in any other visitable star system such as Sol or Redal. Given current ongoing hostilities between opposing Redal factions, the Sons-in-Exile have yet to conduct extensive surveys of the unclaimed planets in the Redali System.
Planet Khilio by Mardrena
Made with LunarCell and

Origin & Source

Intense geological activity or high gravitational pressure, typically in the deep crust on Planet Thunthen or upper crust on Planet Khilio.  
Where Nobles Will Not Tread by Mardrena
Made with Fantasy Background Generator

Life & Expiration

Once activated and ignited, phergon can last anywhere from several months to several years depending on its useage. In the case of closed fusion generators, phergon can last nearly indefinately due to spectra's predatory nature.

History & Usage


After weathering the recent Solar Swap and the resulting Dread Winter, the dragon-men returned to the surface and resumed exploration of their planet, spending millennia advancing their civilization and refining their technology. Curious about their neighboring world, they cobbled together a crude shuttlecraft and dispatched a scouting party to the Vault of Stars. Landing outside the walls of Bainshaebo just after a rather chaotic battle, they parleyed with the Goddess of Victory, Roth, and the eccentric polymath Deres. While cordial at first, Deres' curiosity exposed a grave flaw in their primitive spacecraft and the scouting party left realizing they would need a stronger source of propulsion.   This would soon come in the form of pockets of precious phergon excavated by the little Peasants. It would take centuries of experimentation and refinement to devise the first closed-fusion drives, and two thousand years later the first Supreme High Overlord, Das Anazhar, would take his fleet to Thanged in attempt to subjugate the people there. Humbled by Queen Danaetanera III's sacrifice, he instead turned his people's attentions to beyond the reach of the Thurukian System. Phergon would help them reach the distant Redali System as well as the fringes of the shattered Traghdoashin system.   With the usurpation of the long-reigning Anazhar Clan and the rise of Sur Daggur, the dragon-men turned their minds to conquest once more, attempting to eliminate their ancient rival once and for all only to see their vaunted phergon weaponry fail first at the doorstep of Bainshaebo then meet with a Pyrrhic victory during the Battle of Banguk.   Sur Daggur's son, Mal Daggur, would take his father's fleet in search of the rumored Oldworld, following the path taken by an exiled Pegasus and Chi Chi Lina, Danae.  

Events of Foes From Another World

  Mal Daggur makes his grand debut, brazenly announcing his intentions to the self-proclaimed champions of the Oldworld. Unknown to him at the time, Bak Thraplek arrives with his crew to provide aid to the defenders. Mal Daggur brings the supercarrier Ramahatesguad into the lower atmosphere and attempts a full-scale invasion only to encounter staunch resistance not just from the defenders, but from a hostile third party.  
“Commander! Multiple signatures closing in all around!” a Common reported.   “Have you analyzed them?” Bru Ranir glanced at the screen.   “Yes…they…appear to be made of wood.” Bru Ranir arched a thick eyebrow at the Common. “…with some of them reinforced with metal plating…” Bru Ranir scowled at him icily. “…D-D-Deploying port and starboard batteries...”
— Foes From Another World Ch. 29
Phergon Batteries in Action by Mardrena
Made in Krita (Old drawing)
As witnessed decades prior in battle against the Thangiens, it seems the fire of phergon has found its match in the "mystical armors" used by the human champions...


Viewing mining as beneath their mighty stature, the powerful Nobeyls relegated the grunt work to the Pesak, who actually relish physical labor. Survey parties into the deep crust encountered seams of a glowing green substance that looked solid but proved hazardous to handle directly and reacted violently when brought to the surface. The Peasants care nothing for pomp and circumstance and the names of the survey team members are lost to history, but they remind their bigger cousins the Commons and Nobles on a daily basis that-without them-they would have no phergon.

Everyday use

Fire-Stone Academy by Mardrena
Made in Realistic Paint Studio
Thunthen use phergon to fuel both their transportation and weaponry. Closed-fusion drive clusters form the heart of larger vessels such as the twin supercarriers Ramahatesguad and Huzonthunorthplier as well as the dread Vyerrdeklagn. Portable generators are used for operating smaller equipment such as fighters, skybikes, and troopships.   The dragon-men are not the only superpower that covets this green flame. Thanged's Goddess of the Forge, Eyurodin, prizes fresh raw phergon to feed the fires of Peirolyth where dererium is smelted daily. Thangiens consider its procurement a holy duty rather than an industrial one.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Peasants haven't exactly learned to whistle while they work, but they view the harvesting of raw phergon as a honor to pursue with glee. Conversely, Thangien raiding parties to Planet Khilio are viewed as a rite-of-passage for high-ranking practitioners of Rait'chian both as a way to hone their skills and provide escort to miners by warding off voracious stalkers. Chi Chi Lina, Azuro of the House of St'lur first used a Metra Wave to protect his charges from a stalker rush.

Industrial Use

Phergon can only be paired with molten spectra under carefully monitored conditions when manufacturing closed-fusion cores, requiring multiple containment fields to keep stable. When used as munitions, pressurized canisters of inert phergon are kept on standby until necessary, at which point air is injected during the loading process to activate it.  
“We built it using the same principles behind the Pegasi, with dererium mined from Thanged and phergon from Thunthen. Phergon has more practical uses than just providing heat,” Naz explained, casting a glance at Australa, who giggled. “The Halo Forge will burn for years to come from just a single sample. With the WILDCAT, we’ve utilized our phergon-powered closed-fusion technology to equip it with enough armaments to embarrass a carrier.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 25


When used in forges and foundries either on the homeworld or in Peirolyth, phergon can be used to generate extraordinary heat in excess of 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, enough to melt even dererium. When used in weapons it requires containment sleeves coated with obsidian glaze, ejecting its fury in the form of "heat bullets" that can punch through nearly any metal. The only force capable of withstanding direct phergon blasts are energy shields such as generated by Pegasi or "unconventional" means.  
“BEGONE FROM MY REALM!! AAGH!” Talpa bellowed when a rather audacious blast struck his shoulder. Nobles joining the battle identified him as a target and poured phergon fire against him. Talpa managed to shield himself from the worst of the barrage, but the force sent him staggering back step by step.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 29

Manufacturing & Products

The Thunthen use phergon's extreme heat to produce their own space-worthy alloy, simply known as rdgu-"strong metal" in their foundry arrays. The Thangiens use it to refine dererium in the forges of Peirolyth, which they use to make not only their bladed weapons, but the fearsome Pegasi and their armaments.


There is no soothing creme in existance that can heal phergon burn, so protective gear and equipment is required at all times. Thangiens working in Peirolyth require face shields when manning the forges while Thunthen are able to withstand the heat without aid, but neither race can handle even inert phergon bare-handed.

Environmental Impact

Recent geological studies have raised suspicion that the newly-arrived Planet Runjen is not wholly to blame for increasing tectonic instability. The competing pull of the displaced planet and the Twin Suns has caused fractures within the mantle, causing spectra to start leaking towards the planetary core. When meeting phergon veins in the deeper mantle, the resulting earthquakes send even the stalwart Peasants scurrying to the surface. The increasing frequency of such episodes has given rise to the concern that the planet itself is suffering catastrophic damage.  

Spoiler Warning: Upcoming Content!

  Spacequake Ch. 15
" recent is this data?" Mal Daggur asked hoarsely.   "Within the last revol..." Myr Chedryn replied, his usually eccentric demeanor somewhat subdued.   "I never would have believed it...stress fractures in the Palaces of Das Anazhar...." Mal Daggur whispered as he took in the data readouts on the tablet he held. "I have no love for Das Anazhar or any of his detestable descendants, but those structures have stood for thousands of years!! ...How...How soon do they think we have?" he tilted his head up at the young Nobeyl.   "Years, decades perhaps? Researchers suspect our doom was sealed long before, during the last Solar Swap. Runjen's proximity simply exacerbated a pre-existing problem. It's no longer a matter of 'if', but 'when'," Myr Chedryn explained. Bru Ranir peered over Mal Daggur's shoulder, the typically composed commander blanching in shock.   "To think...our ancestors endured for millions of years...and now our own world will not see a million more..."   "Yes...this changes everything. We're running out of time...and I would sooner be eviscerated before I flee to the Redali System with my tail between my legs and beg like a pauper at the doorstep of the Sons-in-Exile!!" Mal Daggur bellowed and flung the tablet to the side.

Reusability & Recycling

Once fully exhausted of its energy yield, phergon can only be ejected as a smoking foul-smelling slick unsuitable for any industrial use. Because phergon cannot be synthesized thus far, residue is generally disposed of in the Spectra Pits.



Can either be kept inert using crystalline tombs or vacuum containment vaults.

Law & Regulation

During the Dasphat Revolution, Highlord Takshi Anazhar fled with his loyalists to the Redali System, absconding with a sizable hoard of inert phergon which they used to rebuild and establish a base of operations.   Back in Thuruk, both superpowers compete with each other to maintain supplies, with the Thunthen excavating their homeworld for the precious fire while Thanged raids Khilio to feed Peirolyth. Initially phergon was mined on a "as needed" basis, but with blood still running hot in the system and with the looming Totalitary threat, both factions have taken to stockpiling as much as possible.
Cavern pocket rife with phergon veins
Voliltile Deeps by Mardrena
Their attention turned back to the completed forge complex as Australa carefully retrieved a small box of bluish crystal. She gently removed the lid and with a set of tongs reached inside and tweaked out a glowing green chunk of a substance that shimmered and smoked.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 15
Elemental / Molecular
Smoky, ashy
neon green
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State
Ultra-condensed gaseous crystals
Related Locations
Related Species
Dynasty barges attempting to board supercarrier Ramahatesguad
Phergon Batteries in Action by Mardrena
Outside along the hull of the Ramahatesguad, plates slid open to reveal the powerful phergon cannons. Approaching Dynasty barges disintegrated under withering fire that lit the clouds up with green thunder.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 29

Cover image: Phergon Header by Mardrena


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Aug 21, 2023 07:28 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

This is a great article! I really like the story, plenty of links, and good art. Very nice work!

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