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The Mana Tap

Caters to a more eclectic clientele...   In Japan most points of interest related to gaming involves glitzy arcade machines, gachapon, or pachinko, but some citizens are connoisseurs of a different type of immersion. A relatively new addition to downtown Toyama, much the way the Harbor is for dance, the Mana Tap is geared towards table-top rpgs, collectible card games, vintage arcade, and copious amounts of snack foods. With dedicated areas for underages and adults, it presents itself as a friendly environment for entertainment enthusiasts. Unlike the clamor of a standard arcade, the establishment opts for a more subdued, rustic atmosphere, providing a hub for friends, competitors, and casual observers.

Purpose / Function

The Mana Tap offers a nice peaceful location for gamers to unwind or engage in casual matches while enjoying snacks. The ground floor is open to all patrons while the second floor contains the personal residence for the owner and a separate room for tournament-level events such as drafts and qualifiers.


Mana Tap Interior (mockup) by Mardrena
Made in RPGStories and


The bar has a main ground-level entrance facing the street and a fire-escape leading down from the second floor. It has large windows on the first floor with retractable metal shutters that are locked in early morning hours while the bar is closed.

Sensory & Appearance

There are a number of jokes to be made about the hygiene of gamers, but the bar itself has a fun atmosphere with patrons engaged in various forms of gaming, either tabletop or classic arcade. Lighting is subdued adding to the inviting interior. Music consists of vintage game soundtracks.


The establishment owner spends most of his time behind the bar chatting with patrons and keeping an eagle eye on customers. Once the clock strikes 8:00 pm, he is quick to shoo out underage patrons. Most customers are interested in some form of physical game such as tabletop war-gaming or collectible card games.

Contents & Furnishings

Unlike the lights and clamor of a standard arcade in Japan, the Mana Tap gaming bar sported a more rustic setting with patrons huddled around tables and seated in booths tailored to their preferred past time. Vintage game posters decorated the walls and a handful of antique arcade machines occupied one side of the wall, but unlike the Harbor, the Mana Tap catered to a much more eclectic clientele.   "I advance my Crimson Legion, bringing my ballista teams within range of your keep!"   "I activate my incendiary catapults, your units take two damage apiece!" Older men hunkered over their intricately-painted miniatures.   "I summon Lord Sable, the Obsidian Paladin!" a young boy laid a card down with a flourish.   "Okay, 'Yugi'. You can end your turn now," his opponent drawled and rolled his eyes. The gathered crowd guffawed merrily and the drama king chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head.   Elderly men hovered near smaller tables placing bets on outcomes. Most of them had no idea what was going on, they simply appreciated anything that looked exciting they could throw some of their pension money at-while giving the victors a small cut of the winnings as a small token of appreciation, of course. Other patrons not specifically engaged in playing either swapped strategies or traded collectibles. The bartender dispensed drinks for adults seated at the bar and the menu offered a modest variety of snack foods for players staying long hours.   The clock mounted on the wall chimed as it struck 8pm. "Okay kids! Out of the pool, all yas!" The establishment owner crowed and younger patrons had to gather up their things to head home. Older patrons remained to enjoy the late night and happy hours... Most children were retrieved by their parents or a chaperone. Others headed into the evening in groups, one in particular accompanied by a young white tigress wearing a service animal harness.
— Neo Ronin Ch. 14


The owner has had to add a number of security cameras both as a deterrent for cheating during tournaments and to dissuade patrons from letting their enthusiasm for games get out of control.  
After class she made her way to the principal's office and poked her head into the room, the clacking of her beads drawing a glance from the plump man. "Sir? I need off tomorrow. It's an emergency..."   "I think you've missed enough days of school this year, Miss Hacker," the fat man grumbled and flicked a bored glance at her before returning his attention to various documents. "You've flagrantly abused our country's generosity quite enough." Crystal narrowed her eyes and walked up to the desk, pulling back a chair and seating herself slowly.   "Sir...I'm askin' polite like. I am going to have tomorrow off from school," Crystal stated calmly and pulled FLEA out of her backpack and set it on the table, flipping it open and turning the screen to face the principal. "And I am not going to hit enter and post these rather unflatterin' pics online I took of you drunk as a skunk in a trunk at the Mana Tap..." The principal did a double take and lifted his huge head up to stare at the screen where he saw slightly-grainy stills that could have only come from the overhead security cameras of him nearly getting into a brawl over an argument over a tabletop game late at night. Crystal's finger hovered dangerously close to the enter key and she stared at him calmly, wriggling her eyebrows. The principal glanced from her stoic face to the screen, feeling slightly more sweaty under his collar. The rest of the faculty would never let him live this down if it got out...
— Neo Ronin Ch. 15


Even in Japan one can't be too careful. The metal shutters on the windows are pulled down when the bar is closed for the early morning until the establishment opens at 10 am in order to deter thieves who might want to raid it for alcohol or electronics.


Construction started some time after the city's restoration in Cataclysm War Ch. 14 "The Shattered World Pt. 2". First mentioned as being in the final stages of construction in Neo Ronin Ch. 13 "Rein of Terror", it isn't properly explored until Ch. 14 "Aces n' Eights". It's become a popular haunt for gaming connoisseurs among the Neo Ronin, namely Conan Bauer, Davie Osmond, Harry Holmes, Harlann Wallhanger, Crystal Hacker, Colby Taylor, and Edward Connolly.


Open most of the day into the late night, the establishment is available to game enthusiasts of all ages until 8 pm when under-age patrons are required to leave and alcohol is served for the later hours until about midnight. Nestled within downtown, it's within walking distance of several residential buildings and can easily be reached on foot by the kids.

Cover image: Mana Tap Header by Mardrena


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