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The Rites of Forging

Hammers beat hymns in the cathedral of crafting...   For Thangiens metalworking is more than just a mere profession or a paycheck. It is prayer and purpose with everything from a sword to a ladle being viewed as a tribute to Eyurodin, Goddess of the Forge. Thangiens do not believe in spells and sorcery as Humans on Earth understand, but view manifestations of power as applications of the Fabric of Being, the force which gives the Metraind their strength. Every metalworker wields a replica of Starforger, and thus they call upon the blessings of the Lady of Flames with each anvil stroke. As the most public of the The Four Queens, they know she wields tangible power. She is a god, and they are her priests, clerics, and monks. The practices which precede and conclude every craft-the Hymn to Deres and the Seven Sacred Strikes-are referred to as the Rites of Forging.


The Rites trace their origin back to the City Strife following the forging of Eyurodin's Covenant. In order to trigger smitings against the Vulgar Tyrants and their minions, Deres devised procedures to ensure as many metalworkers participated in the creation of weapons intended to be used as bait. Seven is a sacred number to Thangiens, so Deres ordered seven students per anvil during wartime production, constantly rotating teammembers after each piece. The Hymn itself was not added until long after Deres' death under questionable circumstances in his extreme old age.  
Events of Foes From Another World
  Ander's youngest daughter, Australa, demonstrates the Rites first when reforging Sage's broken Sword of Light in Ch. 15 "From the Forge" then later when forging the blade Talpa demands of her. Kayura credits this practice with purging the infused Nethersteel of its evil properties, rendering the metal inert but otherwise a well-honed blade.  
Events of Neo Ronin
  It is revealed that Thunthen POWs work the forges alongside Thangien metalworkers under the watchful eye of Eyurodin herself. Molecular analysis of the Neo Armors by Miz Paufan reveal they are made of dererium and not enchanted steel, indicating the hand of the Lady of Flames in their creation.  
Chi Chi Lina, Australa glanced up from where she worked on finishing a sword hilt. Her partner sitting opposite of her seemed utterly absorbed in his work. He didn’t wear protective eyewear like Australa did, since Thunthen had a high tolerance to heat. The little Common blinked, noticing her attention. Australa smiled brightly, never imagining in her lifetime she’d work side-by-side with Thunthen. The Common’s cheeks brightened as he blushed enough to stand out amid the glow of the furnaces. He ducked his head close to his shell and refocused on his etching. Australa giggled and resumed her own task energetically.   “Li-li-like the hymns of a choir, their songs fill the air as they remember their love of metal. Their sweet resonance brings relief to their souls, and all hostilities burn away in the flames of the forge.” Silver hair shimmered with an almost molten glow in the light of the High Forge. The gray sash crossing the chest fluttered slightly from updrafts from the bellows. Yellow-gloved hands brushed strands of silver hair over the high white shoulder crests. Black eyes with steel-gray pupils turned their gaze out upon the laboring artisans.
— Neo Ronin Ch. 10


A metalworker utters the Hymn before beginning work, bolstering the spirit and inspiration. Before a project is completed, seven swift hammer-strokes are applied to the weapon to purify the metal of any flaws and negative influences, starting from the tip of the blade and ending at the base.  
"Deres, Il voal memjag. Deres, Il voal rhak. Deres, Il-”   “Wait! Stop! She is trying to cast a spell!” Bautan shouted abruptly. Australa glared at him.   “Nichratho! Naditanyakina! Naditanyakina!!” she screamed and pointed her mallet at him.   “Wow she’s quite the little firecracker…” Black Hawk muttered.   “Calm yourself, Bautan. These Outworlders are surprisingly superstitious despite their advanced knowledge. By all means, let her pray to her ‘god’ if it will give her comfort,” Talpa mocked.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 15

Components and tools

Tools of the craft such as the mallet, forge, anvil, and heat-resistant gear worn by metalworkers.


Thangiens have performed these rites for thousands of years since the City Strife, but only recently with the introduction of Thunthen parolees in the Academy of Peirolyth have the Dragon-Men begun practicing themselves, reigniting their faith in the Four Queens who had visited them in eons past.


The Rites are performed anywhere a metalworker undertakes a craft, be it the halls of Peirolyth or a mobile forge out in the open.
Interior view of Peirolyth
Fire-Stone Academy by Mardrena

Cover image: Halo Forge Header by Mardrena


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