
Origin of Floating Cities, part 5

While Aren Hillside doesn't exist in its natural form anymore thanks to the Three-Colored hunt that oversaturated it almost completely, some of the people that used to live there managed to survive to modern times. And while some of them stayed behind, living in the few uncorrupted parts of Aren Hillside, just outside the oversaturated areas, most of them moved out, and so now, their descendants can be met in different parts of Urnketh. Even though they lost their strongest warriors and were so vulnerable, they decided to look for the safer future outside of what they had known and succeeded.  

Mementos of the lost land

"To never forget what we have lost so long ago."
Since Areners came from many different villages, and tribes, and can be of different species, it'd be hard to define some general commonalities between them. However, many of their ancestors, when leaving Aren behind, took some mementos to remember the glory of their old land. Pieces of rocks, preserved flowers, jars of soil or water, some in their pure form, some turned into jewelry and other heirlooms. In some cases, Areners who never received such a keepsake might decide to go on a pilgrimage towards Aren Hillside to find one of their own.
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Press here to uncover a secret
It is said that even now, so many generations later, some Areners hold deep distrust or even hatred of the witches. Most, however, are smart enough to keep it secret. It isn't so weird to see at least one of them in one of the secret organizations working against their rule.

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 30, 2024 00:12 by Marjorie Ariel

I'm glad for the secret information. Resistance is good.