Beast That Spurts

Origin of Floating Cities, part 2

"You have to know that someone killing three Witches at once isn't a common occurrence. So when the Green Noise Lance cut through the Maroon Witch, the Grape Witch, and Cream Witch, and started to kill them from inside, the resulting reaction was something that hasn't been seen before in all of Urnketh. All those Colors had to go somewhere. And as it is usual, their target was the one who just became Witchkiller. One person cannot handle one Color that spills from a Witch, and at that moment, this poor soul was filling up with three of them. What overflew, destroyed Aren Hillside, oversaturating it. But first, let me tell you about our little Witchkiller..."

Who was she

Formerly known as Arvette, she was a Rockwing of the slim kind, and a member of one of the tribes of Aren Hillside. Being only in her early twenties, she was considered an incredible marksman, her sure aim was what made others pick her for the key role during the Three-Colored hunt. In daily life, among her tribe, she served her kin as a huntress.  

Aren Hillside Witches

For the longer part, thanks to her profession, Arvette didn't have to deal with the Aren Coven. But that didn't mean she didn't mind it, she just spent most of her time in the woods away from the plunders of the three oppressors. So when their acts became more reprehensible, she was glad to be picked as the one who would use Green Noise Lance against them.  

Beast that Spurts

Beast That Spurts is a 6-meter mass of flesh walking on ten short, elephant-like legs. Compared to other Witchkiller Beasts, thanks to it being created by the death of three Witches, its pigmentation consists of Maroon, Grape, and Cream splotches covering its whole body. Its skin has a rock-like texture and is covered with glands resembling vents that constantly spill the three Colors. The biggest gland is placed on the top of its body, making the whole creature resemble a living, walking volcano. It doesn't seem to have any eyes, ears, or mouth and seems to move in random directions at random intervals, though it never leaves the oversaturated parts of Aren Hillside. Still, its random movements and constant secretion of Colors slowly increase the area of its domain.   While docile, any attempts to attack the beast trigger a reaction, where the strength of the secretion of Colors grows so much, that it starts to shoot them at high pressure, strong enough to knock down a standing person while creating a colorful rain in a wide area.
Mantis-like, blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue chitin
2.2 meters
Alive, Oversaturated

by Revyera

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 28, 2024 04:09 by Marjorie Ariel

Poor Arvette, what a terrible fate :(