Floating platforms

Origin of Floating Cities, part 7

"So now, my student, you already knew most of the circumstances that led to the creation of floating cities, the Three-Colored hunt and the reveal of the condition known as Stained lungs. That leaves us with only one, and the most obvious one at that. The technology that let the floating cities to exist in the first place..."
While people of Urnketh managed to create vehicles that could hover, those creations never could reach altitudes higher than a few meters above the ground. But with the increase of the areas and air directly above them contaminated by oversaturation there were fewer and fewer routes that could be taken to transport any kinds of goods between settlements. Many cities turned into their own city-states because of that, since any contact over longer distances became impossible. And so, the need and ingenuity of current inventors led to a completely new creation.   The floating platforms, as their name implies, are discs of various sizes, capable of flying in the air with the help of Color magic. The technology was already there, in vehicles similar to Chlorophonia, it just needed to be improved enough so that the vehicle could float almost indefinitely and at any possible altitude, no longer bound to the ground. Once again, the more and more oversaturated world started opening up to the people of Urnketh.

Power Generation

The machine uses Yellow-based pigments and pure Yellow Color acquired from soil and areas oversaturated by said Color as its power source. By using both of its properties, Stabilization and Denying, the platforms can achieve flight at high altitudes. Using Stabilization, the platform can "lock" itself at a certain height, and by Denying things in front of it, the platform pulls itself through the air.   The Stabilization serves one more purpose. By stabilizing the structure of the platform, it is possible to increase its possible carry weight. When done correctly, this process can increase the possible load exponentially.
1m - 100m
30 kmh
Press here to see a secret
The Witches in power didn't waste their time to get some platforms on their own. Many city-states ruled by them already have some platforms. While most of them are built under the pretext of being entertainment centers, attractions, or luxurious manors, some Witches didn't bother with those facades. Surveillance and control for the "safety of citizens", they call it, while the weapons in the sky point down at their subjects.

Modular structures

Floats are incredibly modular, with two or more of them available, they can connect to each other and function as a new, singular platform.   Another modularity of said platforms shows up when one decides to place things on the platforms. Buildings, weaponry, turrets, warehouses, and any kind of attachment can be ordered and prepared specifically to suit one's needs.

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 30, 2024 00:22 by Marjorie Ariel

A brilliant invention... and a dangerous one...

Aug 30, 2024 17:57

Thank you :D