Multicolored Clash

Origin of Floating Cities, part 3

When the saturation of a single Color or a mix of Colors in the area grows too much, the land starts to suffer from Oversaturation. The whole area changes its appearance and the high levels of Color start to affect the living beings, either by killing them or Oversaturating them. In nature, it is extremely rare for two oversaturated areas to exist next to each other and even if they do, the transition between them creates a soft (but still deadly) gradient. But ever since the Age of War and people's and Witches' usage of Color magic, more and more oversaturated areas started to show up, and these ones didn't have time for a soft gradient to form. So, instead, the Colors on their borders tend to "clash", creating catastrophic results.  

Possible manifestations

Multicolored Clashes can manifest in many different ways, most unique depending on the Colors present. However, some forms show up more often than others. Some of them only show up every so often while others might permanently stay in the area until either one of the Colors dominates it or until the oversaturation is cleansed.  


In the location where multiple Colors meet up, they will start to pile up on each other and twist, forming a structure resembling a spinning braid or a tornado that can reach up to a few kilometers high. While the twister lasts, it might spread Colors farther by shooting them out at extreme speeds and causing their precipitation.  

A "duel"

Two or more Colors bordering each other suddenly start to create geographic anomalies related to them that start to move toward each other and clash, destroying each other. In most cases, this "calms" this kind of manifestation for some time until it shows up again.  


Similar to a twister, multiple Colors meet up and start to twist against each other. However, this time they don't pile up into the sky. Instead, they cause the ground to rotate, creating a massive whirlpool that sucks everything around underground.
Metaphysical, Elemental

by Revyera

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 28, 2024 04:12 by Marjorie Ariel

Yikes! This is absolutely terrifying!