Summer Camp 2024 Prep

Plans for SC 2024

Once again, one of the two biggest World Anvil challenges is about to start pulling me out of my writing stupor. In the last years, I've been writing about different parts of the world of The Call of The Tree, focusing on a different one each year, this time I feel it is time to return to this world, The Age of Gray. Especially since the prompt themes seem to mesh with what I want for it.   So here are some of my plans for this year:
  • Once again, I'll be shooting for the diamond badge. I have some time to spare this July so I feel this shouldn't be too difficult.
  • Age of Gray wouldn't be full without some art, and that means at least one drawing per article.
  • I'll try something I did a few years ago - creating a story that spans multiple articles, with each one of them relating to some part of it.


Themes of 2024


More and more people of Urnketh start to think that the tyranny of the Age of Witches has been going on for far too long. At the same time, even the planet seems to support that notion, as more beings start to turn Gray as if in response to the too common Oversaturation and the Witches' neglect to combat it.   The potential for the prompts related to this theme is absolutely massive in Age of Gray, especially since its current events were always meant to be on the edge of the possible new era, the titular Age of Gray. But who will take part in making this change, will it succeed, and what will be the results of those actions, I guess my readers will have to discover that with me.


Oversaturation spreads, both thanks to the magic of the Witches and the attempts of people to kill them (Witchkiller). It's no wonder that some people try to find and create spots safe from them and finally be able to live normal lives. It is also rumored that more and more Grays start to ignore their call to hunt the Witchkiller beasts and groups of them have been spotted moving to the colorless ruins of The Kingdom of Fimra.


While the belief in Six Monochromes still is considered to be the greatest religion of Urnketh, it isn't the only one. In the last century more and more Witches, the rulers of various city-states have been forming their cults and religions. One of the growing forced belief systems considers every Witch as an angelic being sent down to this world to "rule and fix it". There's even one city-state whose ruler proclaims herself to be a goddess.  


As the change becomes more tangible, old systems start to decay. The kingdoms fall apart and the rules of the world seem to twist and shift. The plans to destroy what exists now bear their fruits. But will the thing that comes next be better or worse than what people knew until now?

Cover image: by Revyera


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Jun 29, 2024 16:25 by Marjorie Ariel

Yay! I really enjoy this world, so I'm excited to see what you create during summer camp. Good luck!

Jun 29, 2024 17:02

Thank you and good luck to you too!