Proclamation of new Tsaran Document in Age of new worlds | World Anvil
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Proclamation of new Tsaran


The purpose of the proclamation was to make public the ideals of the new Tsaranese government and enshrine them as national values as the tide of the Celestial independence war turned to favour the republic. It was to solidify the republican goal of total national reform from, forever ending the ways of the old empire.

Historical Details


For centuries Tsaran had been ruled by the Imperial feudal system. After centuries of unchanged imperial rule Tsaranese society was dominated by many Archaic factors such as its caste system which divided the populace into many different societal roles. The worse off were serfs and the enslaved who laboured for the ruling classes in near medieval conditions. Those who could call themselves citizens were free but were heavily restricted from education and were even limited on how much money they could own. This is the system that the Unionists upon separating from the republic wanted to install only with the difference of the Supremacy of the Magically high sensitive races over none magically sensitive. The republicans wanted to completely reform the nation for the benefit of the people and provide no foundation for the ideologies supporting the old ruling systems to be able to legitimately take power again. They wanted it in writing and enshrined in law.


Though the republic wanted to enact the principles of the proclamation earlier, they knew that without the support of the powerful Celestian class that had ruled in the emperor's name they would not last very long and so held off on enacting they're vision for the nation in favour of compromise. Compromise kept the peace for a short while but as more and more support came to the republicans they began to get more and more sway in parliament. They began to implement the gradual erosion of serfdom as well as the abolition of nobility and the cast system which brought tensions between the two groups to bursting point. However when the republic announced that it would begin the process of allowing Tsarans many domains and colonies to hold referendums for their independence and ratified the gradual compensated emancipation of all people enslaved in Tsaran the opposition factions had had enough. In 1472 they separated every member nation south of the songjin river from the republic and formed their own nation, The union of Celestian kingdoms. Finally six years later the republic had turned the tide in their favour. Now they had no compromises to make, no more powerful opposition from within to appease. Now was the time to do what the revolutionaries of old had sought from the beginning. With legal experts from Aurora they drafted the document that would relegate the Tsaran of old to the pages of history and imagine the nation forever. President Shin Taina himself read it to a massive crowd in Junara blossom square. One of the iconic chapters of the Celestial independence war

Public Reaction

Domestic reaction

  Throughout pro republic Tsaran the proclamation was met with jubilation. The former serf and enslaved classes especially saw it as the long awaited end to the source of they're ills as they were oficcially recognised as citizens. Republicans throughout the nation saw the culmination of decades of hard work. They finally realised the realisation of the ideals they and they're predecessors had spent decades fighting to realise. In the unionist camp however there was only outrage. They had belleived that the republic was always going to ennact this into law and saw it as the very thing they had declared independence to avoid. Immedeately they moved to attack and discredit the proclomation but they knew now that a whole new stake had came into play. They knew that the way of life they fought for could not survive in such a system and were prepared to fight even harder.  

International reaction

  Throughout the world of kings and emperors the document was received with shock. Publicised and announced in newspapers and filmspells the world over a growing hysteria seemed to grip the nobility of the world. This was not the first proclomation of its kind as the Auroran commonwelth and Anotari had similar docrines. This was however the first time a powerfull nation, one concidered to be one of the seven great empires had compleately thrown off the system of monarchy in favour of a totally democratic system.


By most in modern Tsaran the document is a source of great national pride seeing its implementation as the birthplace of modern Tsaran. It is also seen internationally as a revolutionary challenge to the old ways of monarchy and feudalism inspiring many such revolutionary and political movements throughout the world. It is however looked at by some with great distance especially among factions and nations in support of the status quo of governance. Seeing it as the document that upset the traditional balance of power throughout the world. To this day many political and revolutionary groups take its words to heart basing them as their cause for fighting or challenging authority. It is also used as a basis of laws for emerging nations with long histories of oppression seeking ideological kinship with Tsaran and a foundation for ideological modernity.


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