

Name: Merica Empire Alternate names: The Confederacy, Nord Merica,      

Brief Summary of the faction:

  A long standing nation state (at least in spirt), Merica can trace it origins to the ancient times of old Terra.   Merica was a pre-Imperial nation-state on Terra during the Age of Strife. It contained vast areas of radioactive wastelands. Merica was one of the nations defeated and conquered by the Imperium's forces during the Unification Wars. During the early Empire it was known for its high fashion and grand ballrooms. - The Outcast Dead (Novel) by Graham McNeill, Chapter 10       Leader(S): who is the ruler and or ruling group   Leader Titles: “holy Lord President”      

Territory or area of operation:

what is the home territory of the faction, where do they operate, where can they be found if outside their home territories?   Merica controls much of the Nord Merican Continent. Its core territory is along the easterm nord Atlantic ridge line.       Capital(s): ???   Important Settlements: Nova Jorvik, Neork       Founding date: ???   Dissolution Date: ca. M30      


  "Merica! A History, 1st edition"">"Merica! A History, 1st edition"   One of the first independent states after the collapes off the world government ca 27M.   Would be later “conquered” by the unspeakable king.   Centuries later the Merican rebel in the absence of the Unspeakable king and regain their independence in ca. 29M.   Merica is a land ravaged not only by the tides of war that rocked Terra after the Age of Strife but by internal problems as well.   To the north, the many northmen huddle onto what little warmth they have, forming communal hives near giant generators, running on atomantic nuclear cores dating far back into the Dark Ages of Technology. This modest collection of small hives not only struggles against the mutated hostile fauna, but also against the very cold that has always put them at death's doorsteps, clinging on with what little food they could grow in agricultural domes, whose inner workings have been lost to history.   The Central Plains are dominated by the migrating hordes of the vehicle-based Ashen, where there is little sustenance and what little there is, is gained in spectacular mobile battles for oasises, decaying biodomes or looted from their neighbors. However, their most prominent cultural heritage is their massive death races that are broadcasted far and wide across the Merican continent as entertainment for the masses. Such is their way of life, that most Ashen are not expected to live past 25, for if not through conflict, it will be the through the hellish temperatures and unforgiving desolation of their harsh environment that will certainly kill them, that will end them.   To the West, from their massive fortress cities, the Barons live in a state of semi-autonomy from their eastern cousins, nominally lorded over by the most prominent of families, the Rockfellons. Their massive cities on the mountains are home to enormous underground industrial complexes, mining facilities and subterranean hives. Contrasting the urban communities, the surrounding mountains are inhabited by well-off tribals(at least in comparison to most tribals in the wastes) that have amenable but strained relations with the city dwellers, for despite their differences and conflicts, there is much trade and cultural exchange going on between them. The exchange between the two peoples is so integral to both's survival, that the Arch-Baroness, Valkros Rockfellon, is a tribal.   To the East, in their massive hive spires, dwell the Merican aristocrats. What was once a powerful confederation of wealthy, influential and skilled families are now a rotting pile of lavish, decadent and blinded nobleman, constantly trying to maintain their lifestyle of senseless spending, grand balls and useless politicking.   During the Unification Wars, Merica is a strong military power on the world stage but do to internal instability falls to the forces of the Imperium by then end of the waring period.     Governance: oligarchy Republic       Beliefs systems: military cults, wealth cults, “Religion of the Foundering Fathers”    

Parent Organization:


Eastern Elites

  "Blinded by Grandeur"   "From their shining Hive Spires, they look out to the enormous slums of the lowborns, their subjects and their slaves. These aristocrats were now the decayed remains of once great families, which, with their wealth and influence carved out an empire in this wasteland. Of these many houses, there were 3 prominent ones.   Alkatrov is a militaristic house and is responsible for many military victories throughout the past. However, not having a war for years, their skills have waned greatly. Now they merely stay elevated due to their past glories, a dying house with a dying legacy. Their current leader is Zerravia Alkatrov, Marshal-Commander of Merica and the Atlantican Armed Forces.   The Zalpatre are industralists, architects and builders. These great hive cities were a product of their work, the many decimated roads restored by them and the derelict factories and manufactories, ran by them. The Zalpatre still maintain a great portion of their influence for the control of many of Merica's industrial might but lack the necessary manpower and weaponry to maintain dominance. Their current matriach, Pernulia Zapatrov, rules as a logical and utilatarian leader of her family.   The Werringtons are writers, scientists and inventors, known for their sometimes 'unconventional' research and experiments. Though considered the weakest, they hold a great sway over other families as they hold the secrets of many of the old technologies for without their help, they would have no idea how to fix or make them work. The Werringtons' family leader is Janikus Werrington, Arch-Technocrat of the Werringtons.  

Central Merica Nomads

  "Races, Rage and Roads"   "The roar of vehicles dot the plains of Central Merica as the bands of Ashen made war with each other for loot, resources and sometimes, for the fun of it. The first recorded contact between the Aristocratic military and Ashen tribes was about 4-5 centuries ago. It was the Ashen chieftain known as Anrga Oltrot, who led the first Ashen invasion out of the Central Plains into the Aristocratic frontier expansions. What followed were a series of conflicts known as the 'Atlantica-Ashenite Wars'.

The Ashenite mobile forces could not defeat the heavily armored Merican troops while the heavily armored Merican troops could not catch up to them. It wasn't until Olenik Alkatrov, Patriach of House Alkatrov about 3 centuries prior, decided to lead a personal strike into the Ashenite homelands. For 3 decades, he and his soldiers fought in the wastes before managing to wear down the Ashenites to the point that their culture almost entirely collapsed, choked into disparate struggling tribals through the occupation of their native oasis routes, wild-growing biodomes and farmable lands within the desert. It is estimated 70% of the Ashenites died back then, forcing them into a treaty, binding to the will of the Aristocracy. From that day, Ashenite warbands would sometimes fight as a mobile scouting or flanking force for the Merican military forces.   The Ashenites, despite their time as a semi-autonomous state of Merica, were never fully integrated into the cultural mores of the East, as the wastelands they inhabit had nothing really of interest to the aristocracy.   However, one thing did eventually catch their eyes, the enormous races they held within the plains for wealth, fame, and glory. These massive death races included up to hundreds or thousands of vehicles, either battling each other while trying to reach the finish point first, or fighting until only one vehicle puttered across the finish line. Such races awoke a sort of primal thrill within the 'civilized' nobles of the hive cities. From their Hive Spires, they decided on having the racers race for their delight. How this was achieved?"  

Calbi or Greater Alba

  "Artic Enclaves"   "To the brutal winters of the north, harbour a race as tough as the Ashen, perhaps even tougher. The Northmen brave their brutal winters, huddling around enormous ancient generators that warm entire villages to cities. For the north, survival is harsh and what little they have must be enough, lest the winter consumes them.   The first recorded contact between the Northmen and Atlantica was since time immemorial. Records states of an ancient race known as the 'Kaskadians' were the supposed ancestors of the modern Northmen. There was trade between the Kaskadians and lower Mericans even before the aristocrats took power and they have maintained a neutral relationship. However, during the reign of Olenik Alkatrov, he led his house on a brutal campaign north, leading his troops himself into the deadly winterlands of North Merica and subjugating many of the tribes. To this day the tribes are..."  

The Eastern Baronesy

  "To the mountainous western expanse are the home to the Barons of the Mountains, the most prominent being the Arch-barons of the Rockfellons. From the smoke-choked mountain fortresses teeming with industry and commerce, they rule their lands with relative autonomy.   The Barons' first recorded contact with the East within their own familial records was that of a proposed construction-material-for-construction-worker exchange with the Hive city of Atlantica that continued for multiple human lifetimes. However, about 2 centuries prior to the modern day, a brushfire skirmish between a mercenary force from the east and a security company from the west sparked off into full-blown warfare. Dubbed the 'Koltite Incident', what occured was that an Ashenite band had become convinced that it could sneak into into Baron-held territory, loot a warehouse on the ouskirts of a Hive city, and return home inundated with riches. The Barons not only crushed the incursion as it was trying to push their vehicles up the mountainous terrain, but send the severed head of the leader of that expedition back with a single survivor. Now, the Ashenites were by now under Merican control, so, this angered these prideful, ignorant and egotistical nobiles to no end. Uncareing of the hows and whys, they immediately declared war and marched their forces onto the Baron's mountainsides, supported by the Ashenites who were more than willing for some vengeance and bloodshed. It was a blood-bath, with an estimated 5-7 million Atlantican-aligned troops dying merely trying to take the single fortress city of Kolka. Though the Barons sustained much fewer losses, the Atlanticans proved to them that those pesky noblemen do not care about their dead and will willingly send wave upon wave of soldiers until the entire mountain range would be filled by corpses. Thus, Trenius III of the Rockfellons, signed the Treaty of Kolka-Atlantica with the nobles.       Allies: ???   Enemies: Albyon, Hybrazil, Ush, Pan-Pacific Empire     Notable people: Arch-Technocrat Janikus Werrington, Marshal-Commander Zerravia Alkatrov, CEO Olienus Zapatre, Arch-Baroness Valkros Rockfellon, Noum Retraiva the first Master of the Administratum
Geopolitical, Empire


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